Halo teman teman !
Bagaimana kabar hari ini guys? Saya harap kalian semua tetap sehat dan penuh semangat. Oh iya, apakah kalian suka 'bergosip' atau teman kalian suka membicarakan keburukan orang lain?. Perilaku seperti itu tidak boleh ditiru ya guys. Karena perbuatan seperti itu bisa berakibat fatal bagi orang yang dibicarakan tersebut. Dan hari ini saya akan membagikan kisah inspiratif untuk kalian semua. Cerita ini tentang "Bagaiman kerbau bisa mati hanya karena gosip. Simak kisah ini hingga selesai agar kita semua bisa mengambil pelajaran yang sangat berharga.

~Kisah bagaimana kerbau mati karena gosip~
Sepulang dari sawah, KERBAU rebahan di kandang dengan wajah lelah dan nafas yg berat. Lalu datanglah seekor ANJING, dan kerbau berkata: "Ah..., temanku, aku sangat lelah, kalau boleh besok aku mau istirahat sehari saja".
ANJING pergi dan di tengah jalan dia berjumpa dengan KUCING, lalu anjing berkata: "Tadi saya ketemu kerbau, katanya dia besok mau istirahat dulu. Sudah sepantasnya sebab 'BOS' kasih kerjaan terlalu berat".
KUCING lalu cerita pada KAMBING: "Kerbau komplain 'BOS' kasih pekerjaan terlalu banyak dan berat, besok dia tidak mau kerja lagi".
KAMBING pun bertemu dengan AYAM dan dia bilang:
"Kerbau tidak senang kerja dengan 'BOS' lagi, mungkin dia sudah ada kerjaan yang lebih baik".

AYAM pun berjumpa dengan MONYET dan dia bercerita pula: "Kerbau tidak akan kerja lagi untuk 'BOS' dan mau kerja di tempat lain".
Saat malam, MONYET bertemu dengan si 'BOS' dan berkata:
"Boss, si kerbau akhir-akhir ini sudah berubah sifatnya dan mau meninggalkan mu untuk kerja di 'BOS' yang lain".

Mendengar ucapan si monyet, sang 'BOS' MARAH BESAR dan tanpa konfirmasi lagi, dia langsung menyembelih si kerbau karena dinilai telah berkhianat kepadanya.
Padahal ucapan asli kerbau adalah:
Lewat beberapa "TEMAN" ucapan ini telah berubah dan sampai kepada sang 'BOS' menjadi:
"Si kerbau akhir-akhir ini telah berubah sifatnya dan mau tinggalin Bosnya dan bekerja pada 'BOS' yang lain".

Jadi apa maknanya?
Kadang SATU PEMBICARAAN BERHENTI cukup sampai di telinga kita saja dan TIDAK USAH sampai ke telinga org lain.
JANGAN TELAN "BULAT-BULAT" atau percaya begitu saja SETIAP BERITA atau perkataan orang lain meski itu keluar dari mulut oran terdekat kita. Kita perlu CHECK & RECHECK kebenaranya sebelum bertindak atau memutuskan sesuatu, konfirmasi langsung ke sumbernya.
KEBIASAAN MENERUSKAN PERKATAAN/BERITA dari orang lain dengan menambah atau menguranginya atau menggantinya dengan persepsi & asumsi kita sendiri BISA BERAKIBAT FATAL.
Jika RAGU dengan ucapan/berita dari seseorang atau siapa pun, sebaiknya kita tanya langsung kepada yang bersangkutan untuk KONFIRMASI KEBENARANNYA.

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Oke teman teman ini adalah postingan saya untuk hari ini. Tetap sehat,penuh semangat dan hindarilah gosip karena gosip bisa merubah nasib seseorang menjadi buruk. Terima kasih sudah membaca postingan ini dan berkunjung di postingan ku. Sampai jumpa lagi di postingan saya selanjutnya. Have a nice day. God bless you!


Hello friends !
How are you guys today? I hope you all stay healthy and full of energy. Oh yeah, do you like 'gossip' or do your friends like to talk bad about other people?. Such behavior should not be imitated, guys. Because actions like that can be fatal for the person being talked about. And today I will share an inspiring story for all of you. This story is about "How a buffalo can die just because of gossip. Please read this story to the end so that we can all learn a very valuable lesson.

~The story of how the buffalo died because of gossip~
After returning from the rice fields, the Buffalo was lying in the cage with a tired face and heavy breathing. Then a DOG came, and the buffalo said: "Ah..., my friend, I am very tired, if I may tomorrow I will just take a day's rest".
The DOG went and on the way he met a CAT, then the dog said: "I met a buffalo, he said he wants to rest first tomorrow. It's appropriate because the 'BOSS' gives too much work weight".
The CAT then told the GOAT: "The buffalo complained that 'BOSS' gave him too much and too much work, tomorrow he won't work anymore".
The GOAT met the CHICKEN and he said:
"Buffalo doesn't like working with 'BOSS' anymore, maybe he already has a better job".

CHICKEN met a MONKEY and he told the same story: "Buffalo will no longer work for the 'BOSS' and want to work elsewhere".
At night, MONKEY met the 'BOSS' and said:
"Boss, the buffalo recently has changed its character and wants to leave you to work at another BOSS".

Hearing the monkey's words, the 'BOSS' was ANGRY and without further confirmation, he immediately slaughtered the buffalo because he was deemed to have betrayed him.
Even though the buffalo's original words were:
Through several "FRIENDS" this saying has changed and reached the 'BOSS' to become:
"The buffalo has recently changed his character and wants to leave his boss and work for another BOSS".

So what does that mean?
Sometimes ONE TALK STOPS enough to reach our ears and DON'T reach other people's ears.
DO NOT Swallow "WELL" or just believe EVERY NEWS or other people's words even though they come from the mouths of those closest to us. We need to CHECK & RECHECK the truth before acting or deciding something, confirm directly to the source.
HABIT OF FORWARDING WORDS/NEWS from other people by adding or subtracting or replacing them with our own perceptions & assumptions CAN BE FATAL RESULTS.
If DOUBT with the words / news from someone or anyone, we should ask directly to the person concerned for CONFIRM TRUTH.

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Okay friends this is my post for today. Stay healthy, energetic and avoid gossip because gossip can change a person's fate for the worse. Thank you for reading this post and visiting my post. See you again in my next post. Have a nice day. God bless you!

Welcome to Galih's small corner in HIVE. I am a guitar player, musician, self-taught guitarist, playing music instrumentally. Outside of my profession as a guitarist, i also like playing games, photography and of course eating, hehe 😁
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