What is the best water to drink?
Before when you come to the forest, you need to drink but what is the best form to get water when you need to drink, well your body feels tired for that reason you should drink water, what do you think? what about if you need to drink water in this case, I explain you why I think the best water to drink is raw water, right now what is your looking for, to carry the water when you need to carry water, you only go to the supermarket and simple buy some bottles and easily you get water to carry with you, but when you are inside of the forest or in the mountains sometimes you don't have water okay, where you could pickup some fresh water, well here today go back to the mountains, and try to found an fount with water and I. This kind of places you can get this life source.
But what is the difference between a raw and a bottle water that you get from supermarkets, well daddy always said that water are a lived creature that lived with us and for this reason, if you have the possibility to select you always should select raw water directly from the forest, because this has a lot of minerals or substances that your body need for get a better life quality, difference with the bottle water, which you can simple bought in the supermarket, this does not have mineral or substances this are extract, to preserve the water during a lot of time more than the raw water.
Well I hope you understand me and the next time you see a fountain of water in the forest take it and drink without think.
Best regard, remember own material, photos too.
Agua , el líquido vital que escasea en algunos países y que algunas personas no valoran , dan por hecho que siempre la tendremos , hombre manito , yo doy gracias a DIOS por abrir el grifo y tenerla , no importa si es cruda o no , tener agua es algo que valoro siempre