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I admire the depth to your thinking, and willingness to share your research with others.
When presented with the data, if one can comprehend the data, to deny the validity and influence is willing compliance in the mechanism of their own demise.
It amazes me the excuses people make to justify their willing compliance.
I've tried to justify my own use of SMART devices for years now, whilst reading declassified documents with acronyms such as Surveillance Monitoring Analytics Reporting Technology. With stating that I only use it for calls and photos, knowing full well the implications, on various levels which many/most will outright deny could be possible.
I'm happy to say that the powers that should not be, really influenced me today to finally destroy it.
I'm going to make a post in about 2 weeks, showing how to properly decimate a smart phone without blowing oneself up, by extraction of the lithium ion battery. It's not a good idea to take a hammer to one of these with the battery inside, which I've little doubt you already know.
This is a documentary which is still somehow on YouTube. I've never seen it anywhere else.
I show it to people all the time, and they act as if it's crazy, even though it was broadcasted by the mainstream outlets, which you would think would give it more validity to people who claim we are wearing tin foil hats.
I hope you don't mind the link share, it's rather relevant, and you probably already know all of the information that's in the documentary, but it's a nice documentary to show to others who are just learning this information.
Have a nice day.
CIA's secret brainwashing experiment: Former patients sue U.S. government (1984) - The Fifth Estate
I hope your new security measures fully succeed and meet your goals completely. I just never carry cell phones with me, nor have sensitive conversations in ear shot of them. I also keep the cameras covered at most times. Sometimes, I even take pictures or make phone calls.
I deeply appreciate the information you have provided above. It is representative of the value of free speech to me, and all of us. We only know what others share with us.