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Those male Karen's possess a special skill of being able to amass great amounts of drama from thin air and will put ones patience to the test within seconds.
Glad you didn't end up with a criminal charge.. from slapping the shit out of him or something..
This place is rather strange with an eerie vibe to me, through the photographs anyway. It doesn't feel welcoming despite being pretty cool looking.
A lot of stories come together as you've pointed out. I kind of doubt workers/slaves were very happy there.
Number 25... hmmm haven't a clue, but that is very interesting too.
It's amazing seeing the aerial view, and how symbolism has been laden into so many structures. Anyone with even a minimal amount of experience with architecture will know this is not something that would ever happen accidently!
Great post as always @slobberchops, thank you for sharing! :)
Not accidental at all! I had no idea at the time about the shape. As usual.. I felt nothing at all while inside. I have been to much creepier places TBH.