Share Your Battle Challenge : MAGI NECROSI | The Secret Magi Of The Death.

Hello, my dear Splinterlanders and Hivers,
How are you today? I wish you a great week ahead.

The Splinterlands team bought another 'Share Your Battle Challenge' and this week's featured monster is the MAGI NECROSI.

Share Battle Magi Necrosi.png

Like the previous challenges, I'll share the best battle I won this week using the Magi Necrosi in my team.
I'll also share my strategy, team combination, and thoughts about the Magi Necrosi.

So, read on...

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Four hundred years before the first rift opened, the first whispers of chaos brought dark beasts under a blood moon to the Tower of Azdurj. Creatures of nightmare began hunting by night, lurking the valleys and crawling on the wind.

In desperation, the acolytes of Azdurj sought forbidden tomes, long sealed beneath their tower. By the candlelight of hidden recesses within their tower's crypt, the first Necrosi were born. Forged to battle the spawn of Chaos, these bounty hunters are eager to take up the fight.


“By the light of the full moon, I first walked upon the sundered lands as a faceless brother of the Black Sign, my life as an uncloaked all but forgotten.

With glittering siphilum coursing through my veins, I saw the first shadows cast by new eyes, and my heart was full.

I had survived the transmutation and was eager to don my cloak and gauntlets, symbols of the trials I faced to take this form...and the perils of the coming Doom.”

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Before I share my strategy and the battle, let's talk about the stats and abilities of this card.

Magi Necrosi Stats.png

The Magi Necrosi is an Epic Death unit card from the Chaos Legion edition.
This magic attack card costs 6 mana to use in the battle which makes this card a mid-mana-cost card.
Talking about the abilities, this monster has two absolutely useful abilities activated from level 1, the 'snipe' ability and the 'camouflage' ability. Using the 'snipe' ability, this monster targets enemy monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position.
The 'camouflage' ability help this monster to intact from any type of attack until it reaches the first position.
From level 4 the 'oppress' ability is activated. With this ability, this monster deals double damage when attacking an enemy that has no attacks.
At level 6, the 'stun' ability gets activated. With this ability, when a Monster with Stun hits a target, it has a chance to stun the target causing it to skip its next turn.

The card's stats also increase through levels, from 2 magic attacks, 4 speeds, and, 4 health in level 1, to 3 magic attacks, 4 speeds, and 5 health in level 4.
At the highest level 6, the stats of this card are 3 magic attacks, 4 speeds, and, 6 health.

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Mana Cap: 28
Target Practice: All Ranged and Magic attack Monsters have the Snipe ability.
Noxious Fumes: All Monsters start the battle Poisoned.
Active Splinters: Death.

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My Strategy and Team Setup


Zintar Mortalis

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As the only playable splinter was death, I was certain that my enemy will use Harklaw as one of the rulesets was the 'poison'.
That's why I used the Zintar Mortalis as the summoner and he played the most vital role to win this battle. It was impossible to win if I use any other summoner.


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Team Submission

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Round 01

Round 01.gif

Round 02

Round 02.gif

Round 03 / 04

Round 03 04.gif

Round 05-15

Round 05-15.gif

Watch the full battle in realtime -

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And that's all for today, guys.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article. So, don't forget to keep me encouraged with your upvotes and comments.

Every week I share with you the strategy, and team combination as well as the gameplay of the good battles I fought.
So, if you guys like my writing, please follow me for the latest update.

If you want to try this fun play2earn game Splinterlands, feel free to join here -

Until next time,
Akash Kumar.

#vyb #proofofbrain #cent #pimp

thank you for reading.gif


Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Nice battle you were in, wild monsters with modern monsters are cool on the battlefield.


Yeah mate, I prefer it that way, combining wild with the modern.

Thank you for stopping by and the generous upvote @yonilkar bro. I always appreciate it.
