The Hive 10K Challenge: aftermath

Normally when I do set up a challenge or a goal for myself, lot's of math is involved to see if the challenge is feasible on one side and not too easy on the other side.
When I did set up the plan yesterday about reaching 10K Hive before the year is over, this wasn't the case.

This morning I did take some time, sat down and did some calculations. And to my shocking horror, this 10K Hive challenge is more challenging then I did for see! OOPS!

Now I am not the type of person which does just stop at that point, but will try to push myself to the limit and sometimes beyond.

Needed per day/week

To not overcomplicate things, I decided to track the progress on a weekly basis.
With 38 weeks left in the year, I do need to top up my account with 16,92 HP per day or 118,43 per week, which is a lot.
If I follow that plan, I will have 10000,34 HP on Saturday the 31th of December.


Well I didn't post frequently in the past time, there once was a period in which I did post on a daily basis. I don't think that these times will come again, but I will have to try my best to post at least 5 posts per week.

Peakd did give me some insight in my earnings per post and these aren't brilliant!

Schermafbeelding 2022-04-17 om 10.46.19.png

That an average around 2 HP per post. Still missing around 15 HP per day needed. If I do increase my engagement this average could increase a little bit.
Most of my HBD income is placed into my savings account. I will probably going to change this to 50% to the saving while converting the other 50% into HP.


Of course this is also a source of income. With a vote value of 0.23 per day, you can imagine that this isn't really a firm push in the back.
The good news is that if my HP increase, also my voting power will increase and as a great side effect my curation income will rise.

But I will have to make sure that I do cast at least 10 to 15 votes a day.

Schermafbeelding 2022-04-17 om 10.50.44.png

I do think that on average this is an income of 1 HP per day. Still not close to reaching my goal.


Like written yesterday I don't stake all my earned SPS. Only 25% is staked while the rest is converted into HP. This is around 4 to 5 Hive per day, which is more than the posting and curating income per day. It all adds up.

The DEC I do earn just stays at the Splinterlands game. There used to be times that the DEC earned massively did boost my account, but those days are over and will probably never come back.

So help is needed from the outside

I don't have plans to invest anymore fiat into crypto, so the profit I do make on other crypto earning should be partly or better completely invested into Hive.
I will try to invest more in the beginning, so that as a result the curation rewards will increase faster which will result into a snowball effect.
I will also try to write a weekly report on each Saturday, to check if I am still running according to plan.



Here's your help. Go comment on other people's posts more. People love getting comments and will reward you with a upvote if you take your time to give them a well thought out response..


I know, there was a time that I did earn more with writing genuine comments than with my own posts.
