One long month to go!

If you have been reading my blog from time to time, you will know that I did resign from my current job and will start with a new employer on the 1st of October. 4 weeks to go and by the looks of it, it will be a long month!

I do have to admit that my motivation is dropping like the capture rate of splinterlands. Only here it will be by 5% a day and no recharge possibilities. The strange thing is that I did inform my current client about my resignation that he better could stop my contract on the first of September. At the moment there isn't a lot of work in my team, we are finishing a big project. Which does mean that he will be paying way too much for what he is getting in return. They did try to find a small project for me where I could help out, but most of the analysts there are on a holiday until tomorrow. sigh.

So between the work things I have to do, which at the moment doesn't take me more than 2 hours a day. I am cleaning out my mailbox. I do believe that I did delete over 40K emails in the past week. I still have around 1300 mails in my inbox. But believe me these days do last long. While an hour is still an hour, it doesn't feel like this.
Time flies when you are having fun or working towards a deadline, but time stalls when this isn't the case.
During the clean up, I did find an old(er) photo of myself, creating to share on linked and stuff like that!

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I can't blame myself, I couldn't have been more honest towards my client than I was. So I will sit out the next 4 weeks, but it will feel like a punishment.

The great thing is that my first assignment for the new company firm is in the pocket. I will start there the 4th of October. On the 3th I am expected on the headquarters to get a new laptop and so on.
It is still unclear what will happen with my current company car! I did request the new employer if they could take over my current lease contract. They aren't very fond on that because it is a car which their employees can't order. But due to the fact that I do want an EV car and they do have to pay the fine for handing in the current company car too soon (was negotiated during the contract negotiations). I did send out an email to them today for a status update.
Also will have to start planning to hand in the goods from the current employer.

So, one long month to go and than I can start fresh!



No chances of taking holidays instead?


No, I did take a week holiday in August. 1 still have one more day left. Will have to plan this strategically :)
