60 Seconds! ReAtomized Day 33 : That Cat Came Back..the very next few days later



That cat came back to the bunker. He can't have our soup. He can eat Timmy's ants.

Mary Jane seems good and rested. Good, she can get good and scavanging soon.





Still no playing cards to mark our position for the military. We have a flashlight, we have all this trash. We could write a giant SOS with nearby branches, but no...


60 Seconds! ReAtomized is a fun survival stragedy game from Robot Gentleman. Grab all you can within the 60 seconds, including you spouse and two kids, and survive until you get rescued or die.

Available on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1012880/60_Seconds_Reatomized/

There is a great selection of affordable survival video games available on Amazon as well. I like to browse for the games I want and add them to a shopping list. Amazon will then send my app alerts when they go on sale. https://amzn.to/3jtPUYj

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0.034 PAL


What did you do?
Why you getting downvoted?
Did you step on a big tail?

0.000 PAL

I thought it was just some downvote spammers. But after reading some other posts and hearing from a couple friends I am guessing it's because I self upvote. No one has actually said a peep just passive aggressive downvotes. I was mostly upvoting my own posts and comments for a while now due to downvote spam from that one bit account "somethingcunts". But I saw theres an, freezepeach I think, account/dapp that can counter act that. I wont self upvote and see what happens.

If it doesnt stop then I'm out. I'll repost here and treat it like i do Steem. I can invest my time and money elsewhere. I'm seeing these same thoughts from others as well. Theres many other blockchain social media project out there and I dont need to focus on Hive as my social media account to play Splinterlands or other games.

0.000 PAL

Well I hope it works out for you, there is always that nagging feeling of loss when people leave and we are left with fuckers like me LOL

0.000 PAL

Lol. Well you can always join the exodus if one happens.

0.000 PAL

No exodus for me. I will go down swinging like a chinaman on a bull shop.

0.000 PAL

Make sure to break every damn plate!! LOL.

0.000 PAL

Does my comment say "Reveal comment" to you? Like how the hell does a dust worth of downvote do that ? Why would it hide my own comment from me?

Also, I might just move my investment from HIVE itself and focus on the community level more. The downvote spam doesnt seem to make me loose my other tokens from my posts. I do hope the good communities here also bridge out to other chains inthe future. I feel like one or two do already... I know there are dapps that do. Like those that sell NFTs and game assets on Wax.

0.000 PAL

Yes, it unfortunately says reveal comments.

0.000 PAL

Yeah but if I fix that myself its apparently "abuse"...lol.

0.000 PAL

What do you mean, I don't follow.

if I fix that myself its apparently "abuse"

0.000 PAL

upvoting yourself is apparenlty abuse of hive power and from what I am reading and hearing thats why me and a lot of other people have been getting spammed with downvotes.

0.000 PAL

yeah, I don't upvote myself and don't support upvoters but in saying that I wouldn't downvote unless of course its a whale upvoting themselves then...

0.000 PAL

Yeah, I could see that being an issue with whales. But I am pretty sure I am still a minnow. I also dont see any rules about it in some white paper, and if its such a big deal than remove the value of self upvotes or remove the option all together. I guess Hive is less decentralized than I thought.


There is only real guarantee in anything and everything that one does. If you want to make things go your way, you must be in control. The only way to control is to have power.

Not sure about bitches, because all they do is suck the life out of you. Figuratively and literally.


Being able to upvote yourself due to spam downvotes is a huge reason anyone should be able to do so at the very least. But nah....


Each to their own man. The blockchain benevolent dictatorship


I was being each to my own...wait did that make sense LOL


It was clear as mud for non discerning eyes


Just got downvote attacked again just for comment on someone's post. They're just passive aggressive bullies dude. I literally have done nothing to these people. Not one of them has ever said said to me. Just started attacking. I'm browing other posts and it not just me. These people would be fine if I started calling for death but if I just exist or dare I say upvote myself, which I stopped since that's the only thing I can make sense from researching these attacks, theyll freak out. Less issues with youtube lol. $5 says I could actually spam people and they wouldnt blink.

0.000 PAL

Well here's the thing, who ever is thinking of doing shit like this and driving people out, hope they realize that the reason there is value in this block are the number of people utilizing it. So hope they have a grand scheme for future growth.

Alternatively it could be a drive to downvote you in the hopes of you buying more to fight back then driving the price for them to dump their hold.

0.000 PAL

Splinterlands and dapps like that will do fine. People signing up for those are often not doing a thing on Hive as a social media platform. If these people want Hive to be more than at best a Myspace level, then they need to rethink things. People leave for way less than this too. Theres dozens of platforms that allow easy monetization. And no matter what people think I still own the content elsewhere, even if they get to make more than me off it or delete it, and with NFTs I can blockchain any of it just as easy. All the good projects on here dont need Hive to sky rally either.

0.000 PAL

Watch out talking to me. You might get put on a blacklist lol

0.000 PAL

It's ok, even on a normal day I piss people off and I don't even mean to. It's the nature of the beast in all of us.

0.000 PAL

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

0.000 PAL