Naruto Shippuden - Mi anime favorito || Naruto Shippuden - My favorite anime.
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La comunidad The Anime Realm esta haciendo una iniciativa en la cual debemos hablar de nuestro anime favorito. Así les invito a todos a participar, si quieres saber más detalles de la iniciativa aquí les dejo el enlace de las bases del mismo. Hace un tiempo realice un top 5 de mis animes favoritos y la verdad es que tal vez obvie muchos ya que es difícil seleccionar algunos cuando hemos visto mucho series animadas de mangas, pero la realidad es que es que algunos nos marcan más que otros, sin importar si la historia es buena o no, si tiene sus errores, lo importante es disfrutar al máximo y pasarla bien.
A pesar de que ya tenía mi lista publicada ya en Hive, pues decidí analizar nuevamente para ver cuál era mi anime favorito de todos. Sí decidir cinco fue complicado, imagínese solo tener que decir uno. Voy a mantener mi posición y viéndolo bien, Naruto Shippuden fue mi anime favorito, claro me gustó Naruto la original, pero esta segunda entrega fue la que más me cautivó, a pesar de que la del inicio fue donde empezó todo. No recuerdo cuando empezó a ver Naruto por primera vez, sé que vi el primer episodio por Televen, un canal venezolano de TV abierta, pero por mala suerte tan solo pasaron algunos capítulos, así que tuve que buscar la forma de continuar viendo esta producción japonesa. Busqué el medio, una hermana compraba los discos con los episodios y me los prestaba, hasta que obtuve los medios y lo pude ver por Internet. Tal fue mi pasión por este anime que nunca leo mangas, pero de Naruto Shippuden sí, porque me entrega ver como terminaba esta gran historia.
Para los que no saben el anime de Naruto nos cuenta la historia de un niño y luego un chico que tenía el sueño de convertirse en Hokage, un título que tiene el líder de la aldea de la hoja en el universo de este serie animada. La principal razón de querer llegar a ser el ninja más importante de su aldea, es el hecho de que era rechazado por tener en su interior un demonio llamado el zorro de las nueves colas. Al principio pensé que este sería la única criatura, pero más adelante me di cuenta que habían más, así que la historia me empezó a encantar más, sobre todo el Shippuden porque fue donde describí más detalles. Otro razón de ver este anime como el mejor es por el protagonista, un personaje que ha logrado sobrepasar muchas adversidades y aun así no se rinde en lo que piensa, no se dejó cambiar al pasar por malos momentos, por perder a sus seres queridos, así que tomó esto como una motivación más para continuar con lo que se propuso.
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The The Anime Realm community is doing an initiative in which we should talk about our favorite anime. So I invite you all to participate, if you want to know more details about the initiative here I leave you the link of its bases. A while ago I made a top 5 of my favorite animes and the truth is that I may have missed many since it is difficult to select some when we have seen a lot of animated manga series, but the reality is that some mark us more than others, without It doesn't matter if the story is good or not, if it has its mistakes, the important thing is to enjoy it as much as possible and have a good time.
Even though I already had my list published on Hive, I decided to analyze it again to see which was my favorite anime of all. If deciding five was complicated, imagine only having to say one. I am going to keep my position and looking at it well, Naruto Shippuden was my favorite anime, of course I liked the original Naruto, but this second installment was the one that captivated me the most, even though the first one was where it all started. I don't remember when I started watching Naruto for the first time, I know I saw the first episode on Televen, a Venezuelan open TV channel, but by bad luck they only showed a few episodes, so I had to find a way to continue watching this Japanese production. I looked for the means, a sister bought the discs with the episodes and lent them to me, until I got the means and I was able to watch it on the Internet. Such was my passion for this anime that I never read manga, but I do read Naruto Shippuden, because I wanted to see how this great story ended.
For those who do not know the Naruto anime tells the story of a boy and then a boy who had the dream of becoming Hokage, a title that has the leader of the village of the leaf in the universe of this animated series. The main reason for wanting to become the most important ninja in his village is the fact that he was rejected for having a demon called the nine-tailed fox inside him. At first I thought this would be the only creature, but later on I realized that there were more, so I started to love the story more, especially the Shippuden because it was where I described more details. Another reason to see this anime as the best is because of the protagonist, a character who has managed to overcome many adversities and still does not give up on what he thinks, he did not let himself change when going through bad times, losing his loved ones, so he took this as one more motivation to continue with what he set out to do.
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Naruto Shuppeden también salen nuevos personajes que son geniales, conocemos las historias de cada uno, pero no solo personajes buenos, sino también de aquellos que son malvados pero son tan impresionantes que no los podemos odiar. Para ser sincero de todo el anime Sasuke fue el único que odie XD. Algo que también es cierto que en esta historia no nos podemos encariñar con ningún personaje, porque muchos a veces hemos sufrido muchas sorpresas. Para saber mucho de estas cosas de la historia de Naruto es importante que se vean el anime. La trama de este anime fue genial, aunque las últimos episodios luego de la cuarta guerra ninja, no me gustó mucho, en general este anime es una gran obra, pero su final y con como concluyeron la historia, dejó mucho que desear, pero por algunos capítulos no puedo borrar las horas de entretenimiento. Otro detalle negativo es el relleno, creo que muy innecesario, aunque algunas cosas eran interesante y daban gustó de ver. Ningún anime es perfecto en su historia, así que aún de todo lo negativo mencionado es mi anime favorito.
La animación de Naruto algunas son de cal y otras de arena. Pero, a pesar de esto no arruinó la experiencia con el anime. Sí hubieron batallas épicas que se esperaba una mejor animación, como el caso de la pela de Naruto en Pain, la pelea más épica del anime que sin lugar dudas la saga de Pain fue la mejor del todo el anime, con muchos momentos épicos que aun no puedo olvidar, que me podían los pelos de punta y la adrenalina a mil. Los personajes estaban bien dibujados más allá de que algunas animaciones no eran las correctas, sobre todo en peleas importantes. La paleta de colores es muy amplia, los personajes y la ambientación son bastante coloridos, en general el aspecto visual atrapa mucho y más cuando aparecen por primera vez algunas transformaciones y efectos especiales que a la vistan atraen mucho.
La banda sonora es de las mejores cosas de Naruto Shippuden, tanto de los opening, ending y temas musicales que acompañan los momentos que estamos viendo. En cuanto a animes, Naruto Shippeden tiene la mejor banda sonora desde mi humilde opinión y es una de las cosas que más me gustó del anime, incluso es la primera vez que por encima de la historia y la razón principal es que me creía lo que estaba viendo. Habían momentos de tristeza donde sonaba una música que no sé cómo se llama, y no me quiero central en eso, pero lo cierto es que esa música de fondo, me daba mucha nostalgia, incluso soltaba algunas lágrimas ya que soy una persona muy sentimental. Músicas tristes que te llegan al corazón. También tenemos excelente músicas durante las batallas y en los momentos felices, de euforia por haber logrado algo importante. La banda sonora es un 10/10, no le encuentro desperdicio y fue uno de los mejores trabajos de este anime, por ello es mi favorito, el mejor anime que he visto en la historia.
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Naruto Shuppeden also brings out new characters that are great, we get to know the stories of each one, but not only good characters, but also those that are evil but are so awesome that we can't hate them. To be honest of all the anime Sasuke was the only one I hated XD. Something that is also true that in this story we can't get attached to any character, because many of us sometimes suffered a lot of surprises. To know a lot of these things of Naruto's story it is important to watch the anime. The plot of this anime was great, although the last episodes after the fourth ninja war, I did not like it very much, in general this anime is a great work, but its ending and how they concluded the story, left much to be desired, but for some chapters I can not erase the hours of entertainment. Another negative detail is the filler, I think it was very unnecessary, although some things were interesting and were nice to see. No anime is perfect in its story, so even with all the negative things mentioned it is my favorite anime.
The animation of Naruto some are lime and some are sand. But, despite this it did not ruin the experience with the anime. There were epic battles that were expected a better animation, as in the case of Naruto's fight in Pain, the most epic fight of the anime that undoubtedly the Pain saga was the best of the whole anime, with many epic moments that I still can't forget, that made my hair stand on end and my adrenaline pumping. The characters were well drawn even though some animations were not correct, especially in important fights. The color palette is very wide, the characters and the environment are quite colorful, in general the visual aspect catches a lot and even more when some transformations and special effects appear for the first time, which attracts a lot.
The soundtrack is one of the best things of Naruto Shippuden, both the opening, ending and musical themes that accompany the moments we are watching. As far as anime goes, Naruto Shippeden has the best soundtrack in my humble opinion and it is one of the things I liked the most about the anime, it is even the first time that over the story and the main reason is that I believed what I was watching. There were moments of sadness where it sounded a music that I do not know what it is called, and I do not want to focus on that, but the truth is that this background music, gave me a lot of nostalgia, even let out some tears as I am a very sentimental person. Sad music that touches your heart. We also have excellent music during the battles and in the happy moments, of euphoria for having achieved something important. The soundtrack is a 10/10, I don't find it wasted and it was one of the best works of this anime, that's why it's my favorite, the best anime I've ever seen.
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Opinión Final
El anime Naruto en general me gustó, pero la secuela Shippuden fue sin lugar a dudas mi favorito, no solo de la obra en general, sino que de todo el mundo de los animes. La principal razón es que mi personaje favorito es el protagonista Naruto, me gusta el desarrollo y evolución del pre personajes que hay, muchos son fuertes y con grandes habilidades que los convierten en los mejores ninjas de sus aldeas. El anime también posee la mejor organización de villanos que podemos ver en una serie animada japonesa, claro es desde mi opinión personal.
Siempre suelo ser sincero, el anime tiene excesivo relleno pero aun así disfrute mucho de la historia, de los momentos alegres, tristes, heroicos, lleno de mucha acción, sorpresas al perder a algunos de los personajes principales que muchos le suelen agarrar cariño, en otras cosas más. De lo visual me encanta el diseño de los personajes, lo colorido que es el anime en general y pesar de la fallas en las animaciones, también han habido momentos épicos que han quedado registrado en la historia. Lo mejor de Naruto Shippenden es la banda sonora, eso sin lugar a dudas. 100% convencido que este es anime favorito de todos, no es perfecto, porque le hecho un balance general de lo que me parece el anime, pero a pesar de ello les puedo decir que la serie animada por tan solo las horas de entretenimiento que pase, que fueron muchos, cualquier fallo puede pasar desapercibido. En resumen la historia de Naruto de como persigue su sueño con el apoyo de sus amigos, como supero todas la adversidades y nunca se rindió en lo que quería. Algo que también me encantó fue las muchos mensajes que nos deja, incluso nos hace alusión de las guerras, el mundo tal vez nunca logre estar en paz de un todo, ya que el ser humano y los países siempre van a velar por su propio interés. Pero a pesar de ello siempre los sueños se pueden cumplir.
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I liked the Naruto anime in general, but the sequel Shippuden was undoubtedly my favorite, not only of the work in general, but of the whole world of anime. The main reason is that my favorite character is the protagonist Naruto, I like the development and evolution of the pre characters there, many are strong and with great skills that make them the best ninjas in their villages. The anime also has the best organization of villains that we can see in a Japanese animated series, of course it is from my personal opinion.
I always tend to be honest, the anime has too much filler but I still enjoyed the story, the happy moments, sad, heroic, full of action, surprises when losing some of the main characters that many tend to get attached to, and many other things. From the visual I love the design of the characters, how colorful the anime is in general and despite the flaws in the animations, there have also been epic moments that have been recorded in history. The best thing about Naruto Shippenden is the soundtrack, that's for sure. 100% convinced that this is everyone's favorite anime, it is not perfect, because I made a general balance of what I think of the anime, but despite this I can tell you that the animated series for just the hours of entertainment that I spent, which were many, any failure can go unnoticed. In summary Naruto's story of how he pursues his dream with the support of his friends, how he overcame all adversity and never gave up on what he wanted. Something that I also loved was the many messages it leaves us, it even alludes to the wars, the world may never be at peace as a whole, since human beings and countries will always look out for their own interests. But in spite of this, dreams can always be fulfilled.
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Gracias por su visita. Espero que les haya gustado.
Hasta una próxima oportunidad.
Sin más que decir, se despide de ustedes, su cordial servidor @franz54.
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Thank you for your visit. I hope you liked it.
Till a next chance.
Without further ado, he bids farewell to you, his cordial server @franz54.
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It's true that Naruto in general is not perfect, the excessive filler was one of the things I disliked the most, that's why I decided to read the manga and just follow the story by that means, but I understand perfectly why you like it, believe me it was also in my internal discussion of which one was my favorite.
The soundtracks of both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden are also a great success, I think I can recognize them all, but not so much the endings.
Excellent contest entry dear Frank. Cheers!
Si bro, no solo quise comentar las cosas positivas de porque era mi favorito este anime, sino que también las cosas que no me agradaron del todo pero aún así valoro Naruto Shippuden en general.
Siento que la diferencia entre Naruto original y el Shippuden es la bonda sonora, la secuela me da mucho más nostalgia en los momentos tristes, me llega mucho más, al igual que en los momentos felices y llenos de mucha acción.
Muchas gracias por tu apreciación amigo, un placer participar en el concurso de la comunidad.
Un abrazo fraterno.
Thank you for sharing!
Naruto is loved by many, so it's not a surprise you make it your favorite anime.
By the way, in the contest rules it was mentioned in #5
While this is okay because there's an English version, next time when you join, can you make sure the English content is visible first? It's okay if you keep doing this in your normal posts, but for contest entry posts it would be very helpful if you could show the english text and not make it as a "spoiler text". It would surely help readers out there who doesn't know spanish too.
Also, there's a missing section for english translation. I couldn't find the translation on 3 paragraphs after the image of Naruto smiling.
But anyway, thanks for the participation and it's a good one! Keep it up!
It is a pleasure for me to participate in contests and community initiatives, I love anime very much.
I read the rules carefully and I saw that I could use my native idea and a section in English, if I hesitated to make English my first language and finally decided to use Spanish which is my language. Even so I have no problem using English as visible in the next opportunity, I will certainly take it into account for future contests.
By the way, I have already edited and added the English section that was missing. I will be more attentive to these details.
Thank you very much for your appreciation and recommendations, they are always welcome.
Best regards. ☺️
Thank you so much!
Ohhh I knew Naruto would be a favorite! I was just waiting for someone to make a post about it. And that's you!
Thanks for participating in the contest.
I think many people like Naruto, and have the same sentiments as you. I haven't watched it but I know some characters, and yeah usually big animes like Naruto will tend to use a lot of fillers. But I'm sure those fillers are also fun to watch.
Yes Naruto is an anime that I had a lot of success and I have still seen a lot many fans of my anime. It has a great variety of characters and what I like the most is that it touches the history of each one, we know a lot about them, but there are also others that we do not have so much detail and it would be good to know more.
Yes the fillers can be tedious because of the excessive but they can also be used to show the history of more people. The truth is that Naruto is a very large universe, that despite the main character being Naruto, as I said before we also know about the other characters, who are great, have great abilities and play an important role in the story.
If there are fillers that are interesting and fun to watch and others not so much. I feel that the reason you dislike the fillers the most is that when the best parts come, they put these fillers to give much more expectation to what is coming and give a bigger impression to the viewers.
It is a pleasure to be part of the community and to participate in these contests.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Best regards!
naruto es un gran anime a pesar de los rellenos, tiene buen tema y los personajes son geniales, solo que en naruto shippuden bueno cambio algo a como uno esperaba jeje pero es genial!
naruto is a great anime despite the fillers, it has a good theme and the characters are great, only in naruto shippuden well change something to how one expected hehe but it's great!
Yes Naruto in general despite filler is a great story, but what I like most about Shippuden is the soundtrack.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Gracias por pasar y comentar.
HAHAHAHA I also watched Naruto on Televen and in my case I kept watching it because of my brother, I confirm that the Pain arc is the best of Shippuden and if you ask me, for me the anime ended there and the rest was the genjutsu of Kurenai hahahaha
I also like Naruto a lot and it's special to me because it was part of my childhood and teenage years, although I couldn't say it's my favorite.
Thank you very much for sharing.
Yes I agree with you, the Pain saga is the best of the anime, but I must say that I even liked the continuation of certain chapters, part of the ninja war, but there came a time where the plot became strange, many weird things but still I enjoyed the anime and it is my favorite I've seen until the member.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Gracias por pasar y comentar.
Naruto is one of the best anime among anime lovers year after year. Except for an extended story, It will give a classical vibe in terms of animation. Even though the first season of this anime series is more than 20 years old, the fighting scenes are still worth watching. Thank you for sharing your review with us.
Well the truth is that I really liked the anime, the general version and more the Shippuden, mostly because of the soundtrack and the arc of Pain, I also liked the war but in the end I disliked it a little, although it was not so bad. I ask to be better, but it's still my favorite anime and more than 20 years of pure entertainment.