Understanding postpartum depression


Postpartum depression is a form of depression that is common but surprisingly many people are not even aware of it , some are suffering from it and they do not even know that..

Postpartum depression can be classified as a form of depression which tends to occur after child-birth , it is a serious medical condition that should not be underrated..

Some medical researches confirmed that up to 1 out of seven new mothers tend to experience the postpartum depression after childbirth...This shows that it is a serious case that must be dealt with..

The Postpartum depression can make the new mother to become so empty , it makes her become so emotionless and even make her become sad , it often causes various changes in mood , she gets exhausted easily , all this happen after the childbirth..

The good news is that a person can overcome postpartum depression when they get the right guidance and treatment, so it is not a death sentence..

Most postpartum depression cases tend to show symptoms 1-3 weeks after childbirth, and the symptoms of the postpartum depression tend to vary from person to person so different people might experience different symptoms.

Some symptoms of the postpartum depression is that

1...Feeling of sadness or when you suddenly cry alot for no reason..

2..When you are feeling overwhelmed..

3.When you are having negative thoughts which includes hurting the baby or hurting yourself.

4..When you lose interest in your baby

5..when you experience loss of energy or have lack of motivation.

6..When you start feeling so worthless or you feel guilty or that you are not good enough to be a great mother..

7...When you begin sleeping extremely too much or extremely too little..

8...When you feel too anxious frequently

9..Having chronic aches , experiencing chronic headaches , pains or stomach upsets could also be symptoms too..

The Treatment for the postpartum depression

If you have noticed one or two of these symptoms ,then you should urgently contact any health-care professional so that they can confirm if you are suffering from the postpartum depression and so that they can begin treatment if the result is positive..

Common treatments for the postpartum depression includes medication , various types of therapy , various help from support groups , and much more..

Commonly the combination of therapy and medication tend to be an effective treatment of the postpartum depression..

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