A scary summer experience


Summer is here again when I take my leave from the office to rest from my busy schedule and hard work. I had a beautiful plan to visit another city after which visit my family and friends and also see beautiful places and eat my favourite food - White soup and pounded yam.
My best friend who takes her leave at the end of the year requested I visit her before I start my holiday tour, the things we do for friendship.
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I packed my suitcase in a way that it could serve me for a stay of Three weeks and above. I could feel freedom from work bandage and so much excitement to enjoy myself.
On my way to see my best friend, I took the time to read a Novel I have always wanted to read whenever I had the time and now was the time to enjoy one of RUTH HARRIS Books titled MODERN WOMAN. The story talks about Today's Women where three extraordinary women, one explosive man, He was Handsome, magnetic and thoroughly selfish, he will change all their lives forever, He will betray one, marry another, and make one of them very, very rich. It was a book that got me engross with so much emotions for three hours before I got to my friend's city.

Helen welcomed me with my best food which had lots of protein in it. After eating we catch up with old gist that made us laugh so hard which made me relax. We also watched the movie FINAL DESTINATION, A teenage story of how a teenager had a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash, he prevents the accident only to have Death hunt them down, one by one. The movie made me so scared that I could hardly sleep, for fear of the unknown.

Into the night still trying to sleep, I decided to listen to some gospel songs if that could help me sleep then I remembered I left
my earpiece outside the house. I quickly stood up rush outside to get it. immediately I held the earpiece, the power supply was interrupted and I suddenly got a flash of the scary movie I watched earlier, how the things that kill the teenagers happened when the light goes out.

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I pulsed for a minute, looked around, and carefully take steps back to the house when I noticed a black image, a small round ghosty shape moving towards the door of the house, I came to a sudden halt, frozen like an ice cube waiting to see where the scary dark image would enter.

My breathing grew erratic and I made up my mind to run towards the door as soon as it moves away. As the gentle breeze came towards me I could see the scary object move away from the door. I ran as fast as I could toward the door and suddenly I could see it coming back towards me. Immediately power supply was restored. Behold a black Nylon bag made me so scared to death. I quickly entered the house and lay on the bed. "Fear is an emotion which we all feel at a time in our lives".

This experience taught me that the unknown doesn't always have to be something to be afraid of. Sometimes, we need to face our fears to conquer them. What a scary summer experience.
Thank you all for reading

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The scary movie, going outside in the dark, the lights going out, the creepy dark object moving - all perfect ingredients to scare anyone. However the lights went on - the realisation that the unknown is what cause the fear and not something strange happening is often a realief. Oftentimes we drive ourselves crazy because of our own thoughts and beliefs.

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Exactly, oftentimes we drive our selves crazy because of our own thoughts and beliefs. Although a lot of creepy things happy at night, animals take advantage of the night time to move around and if there are no lights in such dark places anything can hide there and this might scare anyone that comes around there. Also image watching a scary movie at night, one would be scared to go out in the dark, our though would be filled with lots of imagination but its something we can control and manage as adults. Thanks for reading my story

0.000 PAL

Oh my goodness, I laughed out loud knowing that it was a mere black nylon that got you scared to that point 😂. Indeed the unknown is not something to be scared of always but as a human, we do experience such emotion (fear). I guess you wouldn't want to watch a scary movie at night next time..lol
What a summer experience you had.. 😂

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 Am so glad you enjoyed my story, I don't like scary movies but you know watching a movie with a friend can be cool, but you thoughts can mess with you at night and in the dark. Its indeed a scary summer for me. Thanks for reading my story

0.000 PAL

Haha.. that was indeed a scary summer event. Most especially the movie part, after Watching a scary movie at night and then light suddenly goes out you just appear in the movie scenes automatically. Great write ✍️

0.000 PAL

Am telling you, 🤣🤣🤣 When the lights goes out, you just appear in the movie scenes automatically
The fear of the unknown can kill, such movies, can cause a heart attack if you are not strong willed.
Am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading

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