Did the United states plan a communist coup in Brazil and carried it out?


Before the 2020 Election, the newspapers and social media were, likely under instructions from the intelligence agencies, preparing us for election night showing Trump was winning and then the mail in ballots would be counted giving Biden a win, and that Trump would refuse the election results.

The Cyber Ninjas later performed an Audit of the Arizona elections, and found that the signature verification in Maricopa county was not being performed. Some 2 years Later in the Lake v Hobbs case, we learn that Runbeck [who prints off ballots] counts the votes for Maricopa county for decades, and for 2022 at least there was no chain of custody documentation for sending the ballots over to Runbeck. In Lake, the defenses attorney asserted to a Ms Honey that harvested ballots injected into the stream of ballots at runbeck are not unlawful ballots.

Jump to about 2 hours, 39 minutes in the video.

The defense went on some more about the 50 ballots that were allegedly injected into the stream at Runbeck, in that the signature verification would screen out those with mismatching signatures.

Supposing in 2020 there was an attack vector of harvested or outright illegal ballots dumped into the ballot stream at Runbeck, the cyberninjas established there was no signature verification taking place. So in Arizona, it might not have been the machines. I can't speak for other states, but it is possible that scapegoating the machines might have been controlled opposition to serve as a distraction for the actual attack vector. But it doesn't take knowing the exact control vector to know that Joe Biden didn't get 81 million votes in 2020. Jair Bolsonario, the Donald Trump of the Tropics, also recognized the 2020 elections in the United states a fraud. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8998459/Brazils-Bolsonaro-alleges-fraud-US-presidential-election.html . And we know the democrats love nothing more than to purge the world of Trumpism; just ask the peaceful protectors on j6 about their 2 years behind bars without a bond nor trial, whiles the same democrats endorsing these prosecutions also organized to pay the bond for BLM and antifa thugs who burned down cities and murdered people and had their Soros linked D.A.s drop their charges.

In any event, the communists are in control in the United states through an illegal election. And these same communists also pulled off a similar attack in Brazil, with Polls Claiming Lula was ahead (like they claimed Hillary was ahead in 2016), and claims that Jair Bolsonaro wouldn't accept election results, and that, unlike Trump, Jair would use the military to interfere.

So the October elections came, Jair was wildly ahead, aside from this one cartel owned providence who could validate the Vote. The Brazillian supreme court is controlled by the same communist who let Lula out on coruption charges, and like just about every federal court, wouldn't let Trump/Jair have a fair chance. There was much chatter about how Jair would use article 92 of the Brazilian constitution statingthat the president is the supreme authority, and there there was much hope that Jair would use the military to put their supreme court aside, investigate the 2022 election, and if necessary block lula.

The Brazilian supreme court froze the assets of anti-lula protestors, Lula us having many of Jair's supporters arrested and they petitioned the communist controlled Organization of American states for help (and yes, I petitioned them myself on an unrelated matter, and personally experience knowing they are communist). And Jair is coming to America, likely for political asylum, since he doesn't have the support of the military despite having the will of the people. Already they are wanting to charge Jair for incitement for linking the covid vaccine to [v]AIDS, https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/covid-19/brazilian-federal-police-concludes-that-bolsonaro-committed-incitement-to-crime-by-associating-vaccination-to-hiv-virus/ . I am not sure why Jair thinks he is safe here, he's not some petty MS-13 member; he's a Brazilian Donald Trump, and the democrats and the Biden administration have been hunting Trump down for some 6 years. One can expect that Biden will have Jair deported back to Brazil to face prosecution on whatever made up charge Lula desires.

So how did Jair lose support of the Military which was vehemently against Lula? It is because the Brazilian Military wasn't really his. Although I am not able to find an exact amount in a quick search, the United states has been paying for at least a part of it. Enough to hold sway that if the Brazilian military does involve itself in the 2022 elections, that the soldiers feared not having financial stability. So the support that Jair had in the military quickly vaporized because of an immigrant Polish Communist that served in our federal congress.


Now this isn't the 1.7 trillion dollar omnibus package that was just signed into law. This amendment, https://amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/116%20Brazil%20Elections220705122242586.pdf , came out back on July 5th 2022, well ahead of the October election. Introducing the amendment also required a member of the deep state to expose himself effectively ending his tenure as a useful idiot, and the congressmen, Tom Malinowski , born under Polish Communism lost his seat in 2022. He tried to claim that he escape communism as the age of 6, but at the age of six it was his mom who made the decision to leave; He himself still embrace communism. Jake Sullivan was sending threats to jair since at least 2021, https://thehill.com/policy/international/americas/566894-biden-envoy-told-brazils-bolsonaro-not-to-undermine-elections/ .

I doubt that any world leaders would read this, but if any ordinary folks outside the US are reading, if you find that the United states is funding your military then please ask your representatives to abolish this funding. Short of a citizen uprising, the military is the last domestic effort to stop the communist from taking over your country through voter fraud. And supposing their is a citizen uprising, would you rather the military be sympathetic to your cause, or would you rather they be on the payroll of the global communists. When Brazil runs out of other peoples money to spend, and the peoples bellies are running on empty and children are dying of malnutrition, when they are liquidating their valuable assets to the Chinese to add value and resell to Americans, just remember who will be funding the military, either directly or indirectly, to keep them and their families fed as they crush the people. Who votes for this?

Perhaps we can start to understand why Bush and the military wanted to democratize the middle east some 20 years ago; it was so that the United states could control their leadership through the state department under the guise that new leadership was elected with the consent of the governed by the agents the US picked and financed to lead successful campaigns, that quickly fell to ruins. But the state department, like the democratic party, isn't interested in bringing life, liberty, and estate back to these countries; Their interest is in spreading global communism to take away everyone's life, liberty, estate across the globe.

Can't say the Romneyites are any better, they are in bed with the democrats and pretty much decide who gets funding in the primaries and elections. Far before this whole Ukraine/Russia thing, it was Romney who said, much to the mockery of everyone, that Russia was the nations's biggest geopolitical threat. They never were, but the communist conservative and progressive wings that Georgia Guidestone's "Robert Christian" praised as the ideal form of government in his, "common sense renewed", kept poking the bear to the point we risk a nuclear holocaust.

You'll see the "repeal and replace obamacare" bumper, but what Romney wanted was "Romneycare". https://obamacarefacts.com/romneycare-romneyhealthcare/ . And Romney in this clip admitted to enjoying watching a movie about kids killing kids.

It's pretty bad when Obama schools you, and of course Obama kept poking the bear too.

Unless this country really goes America first, it is really hard to escape the globalist tentacles. Glad I didn't vote in 2012.

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