Disaster: sandwich to the rescue



Virtually every Saturday evening, The Husband lights a fire and we braai (barbecue) and I have an almost night off. I usually slope down the road for a catch-up with the girls (or whomever...) and head home in time to do the salad and mandatory potato for him. Yesterday was no different.

Except when I got home, The Husband said -

I'd like you to look at smell the meat.

I didn't need to smell. It smelt and didn't look right, either. It was pork, so there was no question where that was destined and it was definitely not the braai or our dinner plates.

Plan B

It's a thing that in South Africa one doesn't braai without boerewors (spiced, farm sausage), so there was at least a small coil of that. But definitely not sufficient to satisfy the carnivore who lives for his weekly braai.

Fortunately there was a Plan B and although he had to feed the fire, we wouldn't go hungry. You might remember about a month ago, we did boerewors rolls one Saturday and that we'd totally over catered?

In the freezer, more boerwors - cut to size - and hot dog rolls.


So it was: boerewors rolls to the rescue. With onion marmalade left over from burger night.

A side salad makes it a meal, not a snack. Call me, I don't know, but a hot dog, even a loaded one, is not a "proper" meal.


And, finally, lashings of the best tomato ketchup: All Gold Tomato Sauce.


I didn't think I'd be back here so soon, but here I am with yet another sandwich offering!

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma
Post script

If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:

  • re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I am adding them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
  • and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts.
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Original artwork: @artywink
  • lastly, graphics are created using partly my own photographs, images available freely available on @hive.blog and Canva.

0.088 PAL


Oh wow. It both looks great and appetizing. It smell would satisfy the tummy for sure.

0.000 PAL

You are funny! But especially funny because I can so relate....having the almost night off. I love a braai. Not because I have time off but that I have less to do. Less dishes. Less food preparation. We also don't do braai without boerewors, but we make our own. Home pasture raised beef which I make my own organic spice blend for - wors or biltong. Yum. I agree with you on the salad. Have to have!

0.000 PAL

If you need anyone to help mix and make your boerie mix, I am sure The Husband is available!

0.000 PAL

Yay! You saved the day! I keep rolls in the freezer just for things like that. Not that it ever happens to me... LOL

I have to agree with ou on the sausage not being a proper meal. My mother is in my head telling me to do up a salad. I swear I make a salad with cereal. I feel like it rounds out the meal quite nicely.

I hope you had a nice sit down with the girls! :)


For next time you get stuck!

0.000 PAL

I have to say that The Husband took full responsibility. He hadn't paid attention to the meat when he bought it. I also have to add that this rarely happens to me, too. But then, as they say, life happens!

Thanks for the !PIZZA

0.000 PAL

You can never go wrong with sausages, lol. Even though they are not a proper meal, they definitely do a great job when you are hungry and not sure what you should eat in a short time!

0.000 PAL

Nice!! And funky smelling meat? Thanks but no thanks.

Fijn dat de boerenwors zo lekker was. Eet smakelijk!

0.000 PAL

Good old Boerewors rolls to the rescue, and I agree it has to be All Gold Tomato Sauce!
I'm sure you enjoyed a good natter with the gals after a hectic week.
Wishing you good tidings for the week ahead Fiona💞

0.000 PAL