MY IDOL Mike Shohida



Maybe now I'm dreaming, but one thing that should not be forgotten is Sometimes dreams can also come true, and if it really happened then it was the coolest moment of my life, yeah.. I really want to meet Mike Shohida, musician which I really idolize, I have followed Mike's journey from 2008, when I was a child, but my brother almost every day plays Linkin Park DVDs at home, since then my view has focused more on Mike, I really like his style.

For those of you who don't know about Mike Shohida, below I will tell briefly about him.

Mike shinoda is one of the personnel of the Linkin Park band, Mike is a versatile musician, in Linkin Park Mike can play as a guitarist, and can also be a keyboardist, even what I like most about Mike is when he is in a vocal position, Mike also can be called a Raper, even in some Linkin Park hits Mike shows his rapping prowess, for me Mike Shohida is more than a musician, just look, outside of Linkin Park, Mike has also made his solo album, and Mike is also a Music Producer.

if you follow Mike you will know a little of his personality, I really admire him, mike is a person who is patient and strong in dealing with every problem, when the vocalist of Linkin Park died a few years ago Mike could barely play music anymore, but slowly mike was able to rise from adversity, and now mike has done something even more extraordinary than before, always healthy Mike, hopefully time will bring us together.

0.000 PAL


Hey @fery.

For future reference you could share about musicians in the Music Community.

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posts that do not fit in any of the other communities.

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Thank you ~

0.000 PAL

Yeah, oke, thank you so much, I will come soon😊

0.000 PAL