RE: "AI content is too easy"
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I think you're not considering the value of human existence at all, I imagine you being a person who spends most of his day looking at data, information, and numbers on a screen you can't even fathom to look outside at what other humans are experiencing. If an 8 year kid plays a Metallica song it has a lot more meaning to an audience because it's rare that a kid would have the perseverance and discipline to develop such skills. That is the real value, because the song already exists and has been covered a thousand times.
If a person produces their food, then the value is the patience and dedication, not the product that is something that's already produced massively by machines and very easy to acquire at a store. That's not even considering the environmental impacts of leaving everything in the hands of machines, which home-growers are doing their part to reduce.
Sorry, AI is very cool, yet it is already receiving a TON of the Earth's resources which could be distributed among humans instead. I'd rather Hive not be a place that feeds the AI indiscriminately and keeps preferring the efforts of people before that of machines.
You imagine me as someone who lacks perspective?
This is something I am not accused of very often.
In fact I'd say a big part of the whole brand I have going is the ability to come at a situation from many angles at once. Perhaps you disagree.
I believe I already stated in the original post that growing your own food is inefficient, decentralized, and higher quality. Not relying on a centralized agent has value in itself.
If resources could be fairly distributed to humans within the system we've built then the system we built wouldn't be on the brink of collapse. You can just say idealistic things and magic them into the world like it's a trivial process.
I personally don't even believe that AI has much to offer at the moment. I think it won't be long before a lot of us get wise to it and can stiff it out instinctually with ease. The content is extremely patterned and predictable. But also sometimes patterned and predictable content is exactly what we need in certain situations... so there is that.
You have a lot of perspective, I commented once that I didn't have enough money to even care about your post but I enjoyed it nonetheless because of how it was written.
I don't even read financial posts but I have you on my favorites in Ecency, picture that. And it's because your thought process is clear and easy to follow. Also because you have a red mage in your avatar.
But I do think your perspective has a bias in that it's a cold perspective. It's mainly based on information that tends to reduce society to a financial conglomerate, where the hand of the market governs everything.
If that was the case, why do you think porn hasn't proliferated here in Hive? Porn is one of the biggest and most lucrative businesses, yet despite it's attempts to come in here it hasn't found any acceptance. Hive could be taking in major cash through porn, but it's not, because of the humans value that constitutes this community.
Of course, money is implicit in almost everything we do, with the exception of those who understand this as a spiritual journey, and yet they will have to deal with cash at some point. Yet those people will know glorious days and meditation sessions where money is finally put away from their minds and they can join into the complex abundant fabric of the cosmos where nothing is amiss, therefore money has no place. I have been there but now I'm a lost and corrupted soul, blinded by the lights of modern life.
Getting back to the original discussion, I don't have a problem with people using AI, but I support those Hive accounts who've decided to make a stand for using the pool to support people, even if they don't add "value", but rather because they exist and share their experience.
Take the Venezuela community on Hive for example. It has grown a ton because their salaries are quite low and here that can make a very helpful amount. So maybe they upload things that add value or not. But as long as they are sharing who they are, it's worth supporting over some AI generated image by some guy living at his mother's house in a first world country imho.
Anyway, this is so classical. We're basically doing the old debate of value as money vs value as culture. And it was exhausting writing this comment so let life decide what fuck will happen. Sorry if I made you feel insulted, you're a great analyst and it's obvious you like what you do, which is the most important thing of all.
Yes, patterns over patterns...
Nah I'm not insulted.
Just surprised I got the reactions that I got on this one.
I could say the craziest conspiracy theory or any other topic but this one seems to catalyze quickly.
@edicted "I personally don't even believe that AI has much to offer at the moment."
Why not?
Good comment :)
Buyers will decide how much they value, whether it’s human or AI behind it, whether it is an 8 year old or AI.
Free market, free will.
I still pay premium for good handmade products, over cheap mass produced good products, for that uniqueness and quality.
It is not mutually exclusive. No point to get into protectionism.
True, we can't stop what people like and consume, but Hive is a community that has proven to have certain values and I think it's awesome that there's accounts wanting to defend those values, whatever the result.
But yes, perfectionism is a bitch