Diy of my scarves update
Hello hive
Its a beautiful afternoon, How's your day going?
As a muslimah wearing scarves/hijab is part of our dressing. It can be worn in different ways and with different techniques (can be wrapped, tied to the head or just drape it on the head and neck).
So, today I decided to "update" my scarves collection/wardrobe😘. Before I started learning fashion design I always buy my scarves from vendors buh now I can proudly say I make my scarves myself (I see fabrics that I like as scarves then buy, I now see that buying from vendors is expensive to me now (which is not always the case😁😃)
I decided to add the colours fuchsia Pink and lilac(light purple).
Materials needed
The fabric (depends on the scarf's length preference)
Trimmings or stones(optional)
I prefer to use half a trouser of fabric or if I want it longer and wider I'd get a trouser.
I only need to fold and sew the edges (tiny) to make it look neat.
like this
I don't yet have any trimmings or stones to add to its beauty for now, planning on buying that on my next trip to the Market.
Ironing is crucial in sewing, so don't forget to iron the seam lines
And finally, my collection is upgraded 😜💃