When am with you all I get it wild thoughts.

My very close friend, Daniel, was like my wingman. He always goes everywhere with me, and I love him so much because our minds work like one body. We mostly love playing games together, combat, and attending the same school.
Our school wasn't the best, our gateman was guiding a gate without a fence and our classroom had no doors. It was the perfect village school. Our school was located in the northern side of Nigeria where education was seen as a waste of them.

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That sunny afternoon, I and my friends were in the classroom making a noise like usual when we heard our gateman, Mr. Usman, running from the gate towards the school compound screaming "Run, run, everyone run"

Before we could react, we heard the "pow" sound thrice then panic set in. Everyone started running in different directions, and it was then we saw different vans in white and black driving right into our school. I was looking for Daniel when I saw these men in a mask and huge turbans pulling Daniel into one of the classes. I followed the man behind and found out that some of our teachers were inside the class, including a lot of students.

A man came down from the only car that came into the compound. He was holding a pistol while some mean-looking men were walking behind him.

He walked towards the class and pointed his gun at the teachers asking who the head of the school was. The teachers became so scared they couldn't talk. Mr. Jay was shaking ask the man pointed the gun at him and asked again. No one could answer.

The man walked towards where the students were and then said, "If you won't tell me who the head teacher is, I will start plucking these children of the Tree of Life one by one." I wasn't too scared because when it comes to picking people out for either something good or bad, I wouldn't be picked but my friend Daniel always stood out because of his horse face"

The first person that was picked was my friend Daniel. In my mind, I said "I knew it" he was dragged to the front of the class as he held my leg pulling me alone with himself, but I was released as the man who was pulling him released me from his grip.

The gun was pointed to him and the man threatened to shoot him if the teacher refused to talk. I watched my shed the last tears he would cry in this world as the man was about to pull the trigger. It was then something awakened in me. I remembered I was from Mars and I had superpowers. Immediately I used my heat Lesar from my eyes to melt his gun. The other men started shooting at me out of fear, but I stopped the bullet with my mind like the man in the movie Matrix.

They all started running away and never returned. From that day on, I became the superhero who saved the school and a legend in my country.

As I was lost in thought, Daniel tapped me to get my attention so we could go eat our lunch since it was break time. Thanks for reading. Let your wild mind do the rest of the story.

This is my entry for the Hive Naija weekly prompt.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Horses face? My goodness!!! 😂😂😂 nothing I never read this week


Ahhhh this was not the wild thoughts I was expecting o

You won’t let this your mars rest🤣🤣🤣
And you remembered you had superpowers indeed 🤣🤣


😌😌😌😌 everyone must here the story of me coming from Mars 😄😄😄


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Did you actually say your friend has a face shaped like a horse!?
You're not nice🤣

Mr Superman.
Imagination want to funish you😂


It was the only way to describe his face

Let our imagination do the story telling 😁😁


It's me trying to picture your friend's horse face.
I'm right here buried in the pool of laughter. This man from Mars won't burst my belly. 😂 😂
What an imaginative imagination


Thanks for reading
I’m glad I could put a smile on your face
