Tempeh Sticks | From Tempeh, Typical Indonesian Food Ingredient



Hello friends...
I made Tempeh Sticks. Tempeh is a typical Indonesian food ingredient that is rich in nutrients. Contains protein. Made from fermented soybeans. This food ingredient is cheap. In my country, tempeh is considered the food of the lower middle class, but surely not a few rich people eat tempeh. In developed countries like America, tempeh is a food ingredient that is sold at high prices. Tempeh is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Halo teman-teman...
Aku membuat Stik Tempe. Tempe adalah bahan masakan khas Indonesia yang kaya gizi. Mengandung protein. Terbuat dari fermentasi kedelai. Bahan masakan ini murah. Di negaraku, tempe ini dianggap makanan masyarakat menengah ke bawah, tapi pasti tidak sedikit orang kaya makan tempe. Di negeri-negeri maju seperti Amerika, tempe adalah bahan masakan yang dijual dengan harga tinggi. Tempe cocok untuk vegetarian dan vegan.

Back to Tempeh Sticks. The recipe below has different amount of some ingredients from what I made at that time, at that time I used about 50 grams of cornstarch, about ½ teaspoon of soda powder, about ½ teaspoon of pepper powder, about ½ teaspoon of salt, and about 5 tablespoons of water as liquid coating, I think not enough, so in the recipe below I multiply by 1½-2, although I was successful at that time not multiplying 1½-2.

Kembali ke Stik Tempe. Resep di bawah ini berbeda kadar banyak dari beberapa bahannya dari yang kubuat waktu itu, waktu itu aku menggunakan sekitar 50 gram tepung maizena, sekitar ½ sendok teh soda powder, sekitar ½ sendok teh lada bubuk, sekitar ½ sendok teh garam, dan sekitar 5 sendok makan air sebagai pelapis cair, menurutku kurang, makanya di resep di bawah aku kalikan dengan 1½-2, walaupun aku waktu itu berhasil dengan tidak dikalikan 1½-2.


• About 240 grams of tempeh
• About 75-100 grams of cornstarch
• About ¾-1 teaspoon of soda powder
• About ¾-1 teaspoon of pepper powder
• About ¾-1 teaspoon of salt
• About 7½-10 tablespoons of water
• Breadcrumbs
• Sekitar 240 gram tempe
• Sekitar 75-100 gram tepung maizena
• Sekitar ¾-1 sendok teh soda powder
• Sekitar ¾-1 sendok teh lada bubuk
• Sekitar ¾-1 sendok teh garam
• Sekitar 7½-10 sendok makan air
• Tepung panir



● Cut the tempeh into sticks.

Potong-potong tempe membentuk stik.


● Make liquid coating by mixing cornstarch, soda powder, pepper powder, salt, and water and then stir.

Buat pelapis cair dengan mencampurkan maizena, soda powder, lada bubuk, garam, dan air lalu aduk.


● Coat tempeh with liquid coating.

Baluri tempe dengan pelapis cair.


● Coat tempeh with breadcrumbs.

Baluri tempe dengan tepung panir.


● Coat tempeh with liquid coating again.

Baluri tempe dengan pelapis cair lagi.


● Coat tempeh with breadcrumbs again.

Baluri tempe dengan tepung panir lagi.


● Fry in cooking oil.

Goreng dengan minyak goreng.


● Add chili sauce if you want.

Tambahkan saus sambal kalau mau.




Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

0.038 PAL


Wow, fried tempeh sticks are delicious, the taste is full of nutrients and carbohydrates

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