Review: Netflix's THE SEA BEAST | First "Netflix Animation" Movie for Me | Is it Recommended to Watch?



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The Sea Beast, this movie is an animated movie produced by Netflix Animation. I watched a few days ago on Netflix on my tv. I watched with my little friends, namely my neighbors who often play at my house.

The Sea Beast, film ini adalah film animasi yang diproduksi oleh Netflix Animation. Aku menonton beberapa hari lalu di Netflix di tv-ku. Aku menonton bersama teman-teman kecilku, yaitu tetangga-tetanggaku yang sering main di rumahku.

This movie is 1 hour 59 minutes long. This movie was released some time ago. The movie is directed by Chris Williams, the story is also by him. The genre of this movie is adventure, action. At that time we watched with Indonesian audio. As far as I remember, this is the first Netflix Animation movie I've seen.

Film ini berdurasi 1 jam 59 menit. Film ini rilis beberapa waktu lalu. Film ini disutradarai oleh Chris Williams, cerita juga olehnya. Genre film ini adalah petualangan, aksi. Waktu itu kami menonton dengan audio bahasa Indonesia. Seingatku, film ini adalah film keluaran Netflix Animation pertama yang kutonton.



🎥 The Inevitable, the ship of the sea monster hunters. Led by Captain Crow. Jacob Holland, who has been considered by Captain Crow to be his own son, is the main character in this movie. The Inevitable returns to the kingdom with the horn of a sea monster and asks the kingdom to pay the hunters. However, the kingdom does not want to pay them, the kingdom already have its own fleet to eradicate sea monsters. Jacob Holland gives input to the kingdom so that the hunting competition for the Red Bluster begins, the red biggest sea monster.

The Inevitable, kapal para pemburu monster-monster laut. Dipimpin oleh Kapten Crow. Jacob Holland yang sudah dianggap oleh Kapten Crow menjadi anaknya sendiri, adalah tokoh utama di film ini. The Inevitable kembali ke kerajaan dengan membawa tanduk seekor monster laut dan meminta kerajaan untuk mengupah para pemburu. Akan tetapi, kerajaan tidak mau mengupah mereka, kerajaan sudah punya armada sendiri untuk membasmi monster laut. Jacob Holland memberi masukan kepada kerajaan sehingga dimulailah kompetisi berburu Red Bluster, sang monster laut yang paling besar yang berwarna merah.

🎥 The Inevitable set out to sea, unexpectedly a girl named Maisie Brumble, the main character too, become a stowaway on the ship. Then The Inevitable meet the Red Bluster. Do they manage to catch the Red Bluster? Know the answer yourself...

The Inevitable pun berangkat ke lautan, tanpa disangka seorang anak perempuan bernama Maisie Brumble, tokoh utama juga, menjadi penumpang gelap di kapal. Lalu The Inevitable bertemu dengan Red Bluster. Apakah mereka berhasil menangkap Red Bluster? Ketahui jawabannya sendiri...






🎥 The action of this movie is great. The graphics are good too. Characters development are also good.

Aksi dari film ini bagus sekali. Grafisnya pun bagus. Pembangunan karakter-karakter pun bagus.

🎥 Maisie Brumble's character is annoying at first in my opinion. But she has noble characters...

Karakteristik Maisie Brumble menurutku menyebalkan pada awalnya. Tapi punya sifat mulia ternyata...

🎥 The essence of this movie is the lies of history. The history of humans and sea monsters. This is a plot twist. I'm not surprised about this movie gets praise, because the plot is good.

Inti dari film ini adalah kebohongan sejarah. Sejarah manusia dan monster laut. Ini adalah sebuah plot twist. Aku tak heran bahwa film ini mendapat pujian, karena alurnya bagus.



As a result, this movie is recommended for you to watch. The story is adult, don't think it's because it's an animation so this is a cute film that is special for children.

Walhasil, film ini recommended untuk kalian tonton. Ceritanya dewasa, jangan kira karena ini animasi maka ini film imut-imut yang khusus untuk anak-anak.

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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In arguably one of the best movies of 2022 so far, I loved the fact that the right as you not go in the direction everybody predicted, monsters hunting humans and human hunting monsters. It just goes to show you that one person can change the world if only they believe. Thanks for an awesome friend

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much, my friend... it's great

0.000 PAL

With this is the second publication that I have seen of this film, it looks pretty good, I do not wait for the day to have the opportunity, I really like the films of this genre, greetings.

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Thank you very much... 👍🏻👍🏻 Greetings

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