Review: EJEN ALI (Season 1) | Containing 13 Episodes | Spy-fi Malaysian Animated Series
Ejen Ali is an animated series from Malaysia with the action, spy-fi genre. Malaysia is so great because can make various good animations such as Upin & Ipin, BoBoiBoy, Pada Zaman Dahulu, Ejen Ali. Upin & Ipin is the most popular. In my country, Indonesia, Malaysian animations are loved by many people, including me.
Ejen Ali adalah serial animasi asal Malaysia bergenre aksi, spy-fi. Malaysia begitu hebat karena bisa membuat berbagai animasi bagus seperti Upin & Ipin, BoBoiBoy, Pada Zaman Dahulu, Ejen Ali. Upin & Ipin adalah yang paling populer. Di negaraku, Indonesia, animasi-animasi Malaysia digemari banyak orang, termasuk aku.
Ejen Ali has now reached season 3. What I'm reviewing in this post is Ejen Ali season 1. There are 13 episodes. I watched on Disney+ Hotstar on my television.
Ejen Ali saat ini sudah sampai season 3. Yang kureview di postingan ini adalah Ejen Ali season 1. Ada 13 episode. Aku menonton di Disney+ Hotstar di televisiku.
Title: Ejen Ali (Season 1)
Director: Usamah Zaid Yasin
Story by: Usamah Zaid Yasin, Ahmad Izham Omar, Mohd Faiz Hanafiah, Nazmi Yatim, Fuad Md Din, Shafiq Isa, Andi Abdul Ghani, Ghazali Omar, Fikri Zainal
Voiced by: Ida Rahayu (as Ejen Ali), Mohd Shafiq (as Ejen Bakar), Noorhayati Maslini (as Ejen Alicia), Nurul Radhiah (as Dos), Megat Zahrin (as Trez), Nor Meirysha (as Ejen Jenny), Azman (as General Rama)
Judul: Ejen Ali (Season 1)
Sutradara: Usamah Zaid Yasin
Cerita oleh: Usamah Zaid Yasin, Ahmad Izham Omar, Mohd Faiz Hanafiah, Nazmi Yatim, Fuad Md Din, Shafiq Isa, Andi Abdul Ghani, Ghazali Omar, Fikri Zainal
Pengisi Suara: Ida Rahayu (sebagai Ejen Ali), Mohd Shafiq (sebagai Ejen Bakar), Noorhayati Maslini (sebagai Ejen Alicia), Nurul Radhiah (sebagai Dos), Megat Zahrin (sebagai Trez), Nor Meirysha (sebagai Ejen Jenny), Azman (sebagai General Rama)
Tells the story of Ali, an elementary school student who is weak in lessons, gets a tool that is stolen by criminals by accident. The tool is called I.R.I.S. (Infinity Retinal Intelligent System), it is a technology created by M.A.T.A, a secret agency. The tool is capable of analyzing all received information, providing extraordinary visibility, and making the wearer a super agent. I.R.I.S has synced with Ali.
Bercerita tentang Ali, seorang siswa sekolah dasar yang lemah dalam pelajaran, mendapat suatu alat yang dicuri oleh penjahat secara tidak sengaja. Alat tersebut bernama I.R.I.S. (Infinity Retinal Intelligent System), itu adalah teknologi ciptaan M.A.T.A, sebuah badan agen yang rahasia. Alat itu mampu menganalisis semua maklumat yang diterima, memberikan daya penglihatan luar biasa, dan menjadikan pemakainya agen super. I.R.I.S telah disinkronkan dengan Ali.
Ali lives his life as a secret agent protecting Cyberaya, a high-tech city.
Ali pun menjalani kehidupannya sebagai agen rahasia pelindung Cyberaya, sebuah kota berteknologi tinggi.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Some characters:
Beberapa karakter:
🎥 I know this animated series has existed for a long time, but I was not interested in watching it. It turned out that when I watched, I felt this animated series was good. The story is good, although there are already many shows with story pattern "the main character accidentally becomes a hero".
Aku tau keberadaan serial animasi ini sudah lama, tapi aku tidak tertarik untuk menonton. Ternyata saat aku menonton, aku merasa serial animasi ini enak. Ceritanya bagus, walau memang sudah banyak tayangan dengan pola cerita "pemeran utama tak sengaja menjadi hero".
🎥 The character designs are good. Ali, the main character, I think is a cute boy, anyway the design is good, whether he is wearing an agent costume or not.
Desain karakter-karakternya bagus. Ali, pemeran utama, menurutku anak lelaki yang imut, pokoknya desainnya bagus, baik saat berkostum ejen ataupun tidak.
🎥 I applaud the slick tech graphics, because the story of this animated series is full of technology. Cool 👍🏻👍🏻
Aku salut dengan grafis teknologi yang apik, karena cerita serial animasi ini penuh teknologi. Keren deh 👍🏻👍🏻
🎥 Characteristics of the characters are interesting. A smart and pretentious student, a lively and angry old teacher, a silly adult, an angry boss.
Karakteristik tokoh-tokohnya menarik. Murid yang pintar dan sok, ibu guru tua yang lincah dan tukang marah, orang dewasa yang konyol, bos tukang marah.
🎥 Ali's voice is good. The original dubbing (Malaysia) is good and fun to listen to. Indeed, Malaysian animated series, the dubbings are good. Using non-formal language, just fun to hear.
Pengisi suara Ali bagus. Dubbing asli (Malaysia)nya bagus dan asyik didengar. Memang serial-serial animasi Malaysia, dubbingnya bagus-bagus. Menggunakan bahasa yang non-formal, pokoknya asyik mendengarnya.
🎥 The plot twist of who is the defector agent is very good. At first I was made to think "A" is a defector agent, then I was made to think that "B" is the defector, the main character think so too, there are several things that made sense to me that he is the real defector, uh... he isn't, the defector is "C".
Plot twist siapa agen pembelot sangat bagus. Awalnya aku dibuat mengira "A" adalah agen pembelot, lalu aku dibuat mengira bahwa "B" lah pembelotnya, pemeran utama pun mengira begitu, ada beberapa hal yang masuk akal bagiku kalau dia pembelot sebenarnya, eh... ternyata bukan, pembelotnya adalah "C".
As a result, this animated series is highly recommended 👍🏻👍🏻. I must say, that Malaysia is great at making interesting animated series, both from stories and graphics.
Walhasil, serial animasi ini sangat recommended 👍🏻👍🏻. Harus kukatakan, bahwa Malaysia jago membuat serial-serial animasi yang menarik, baik dari cerita maupun grafis.
Thank you for seeing this post!
Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!
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Animated series from Malaysia? It sounds interesting to say the least, I'll be honest the plot sounds worn out but it makes me curious about the simple fact of seeing how the Malaysians develop an animated series. Good review, I send you a greeting and a hug from a distance. n.n
Thank you very much @jrjaime ... Malaysian animated series is good, in my opinion visually it is not inferior to western countries or Japan, I hope Malaysian animations can be known internationally... Greetings 🙏🏻
Hi, I like the animations, I'm going to watch this series.
thanks for the recommendation
Thank you very much... hope you like it
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