Review: A STUDY IN SCARLET - The First Book in the Sherlock Holmes Series
QUOTE: People who read just for fun must only gain knowledge to a minimum, in contrast to Holmes who wants to burden his mind down to small things.
KUTIPAN: Orang yang membaca hanya untuk iseng pasti hanya memperoleh pengetahuan sekadarnya, berbeda dengan Holmes yang mau membebani benaknya sampai ke hal-hal kecil.
Sherlock Holmes is arguably the most popular fictional detective character in the world. The creator of this character, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is one of the most popular mystery fiction writers. He wrote Sherlock Holmes in 4 novels + 56 short stories contained in 5 books. The 4 novels are A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and The Valley of Vear. 5 books containing 56 short stories are The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, His Last Bow, and The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes bisa dibilang sebagai karakter detektif fiksi paling populer di dunia. Pembuat karakter ini, yaitu Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, adalah salah satu penulis fiksi misteri paling populer. Beliau menulis Sherlock Holmes dalam 4 novel + 56 cerita pendek yang termuat dalam 5 buku. 4 novel tersebut adalah A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, dan The Valley of Vear. 5 buku yang memuat 56 cerita pendek adalah The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Return of Sherlock Holmes, His Last Bow, dan The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes.
A few days ago, I just finished reading the first book in the Sherlock Holmes series, namely "A Study in Scarlet", or in Indonesian: "Penelusuran Benang Merah". This book is what I'm reviewing in this post. Of course the book I read is the Indonesian edition. Published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, one of the most popular publishers in Indonesia.
Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku baru selesai membaca buku pertama dalam seri Sherlock Holmes, yaitu "A Study in Scarlet", atau dalam bahasa Indonesia: "Penelusuran Benang Merah". Buku inilah yang kureview di postingan ini. Tentu saja buku yang kubaca adalah edisi Indonesia. Diterbitan oleh PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, salah satu penerbit paling populer di Indonesia.
A Study in Scarlet is the first book in the Sherlock Holmes series and tells the story of the introduction of dr. Watson with the detective. The doctor, who at that time did not know Holmes' profession, was at first confused by the man's eccentricity and unique abilities. Holmes was very good at deduction and was able to guess the state of a person with just one glance. Guests who visit their rented house on Baker Street also come from various social classes, from royalty to porters. Holmes is also adept at playing the violin, but more often than not strumming it carelessly. He can appear very excited, but at other times he looks brooding with a blank stare like a drug addict.
Dr. Watson only understood his new friend when he learned about Holmes' profession and got the opportunity to watch the detective at work, studying in scarlet of a series of murders that occurred in the heart of London.
Penelusuran Benang Merah merupakan buku pertama dalam seri Sherlock Holmes dan mengisahkan perkenalan dr. Watson dengan sang detektif. Sang dokter yang ketika itu belum mengetahui profesi Holmes, pada awalnya dibuat bingung dengan keeksentrikan pria itu serta kemampuannya yang unik. Holmes sangat pandai dalam ilmu deduksi dan mampu menebak keadaan seseorang hanya dalam sekali pandang. Para tamu yang mengunjungi rumah sewaan mereka di Baker Street pun berasal dari berbagai kelas sosial, mulai dari bangsawan sampai portir. Holmes juga mahir bermain biola, tetapi lebih sering menggeseknya sembarang. Dia bisa tampak sangat bersemangat, namun di lain waktu tampak merenung dengan tatapan kosong seperti orang kecanduan narkotika.
Dr. Watson baru memahami teman barunya itu ketika ia mengetahui profesi Holmes dan mendapat kesempatan untuk menyaksikan sang detektif bekerja, menelusuri benang merah rangkaian pembunuhan yang terjadi di jantung kota London.
This book consists of two parts, Part I is called "Salinan Catatan Harian DOKTER JOHN H. WATSON, Pensiunan Departemen Medis Angkatan Darat" ("Copies of the Diary of DOCTOR JOHN H. WATSON, Retired Army Medical Department" in English), the point of view here is the first person point of view, the point of view of Dr. Watson, as the title of Part I. This part consists of 7 chapters:
📎 Chapter 1: Mr. Sherlock Holmes
📎 Chapter 2: Ilmu Deduksi (The Science of Deduction in English)
📎 Chapter 3: Misteri di Lauriston Gardens (Mystery in Lauriston Gardens in English)
📎 Chapter 4: Cerita John Rance (John Rance's Story in English)
📎 Chapter 5: Iklan Jebakan (Trap Ads in English)
📎 Chapter 6: Keberhasilan Tobias Gregson (Tobias Gregson's Success in English)
📎 Chapter 7: Cahaya dalam Kegelapan (Light in Darkness in English)
Buku ini terdiri dari dua bagian, Bagian I dinamakan "Salinan Catatan Harian DOKTER JOHN H. WATSON, Pensiunan Departemen Medis Angkatan Darat", sudut pandang di sini adalah sudut pandang orang pertama, sudut pandang Dr. Watson, sesuai dengan judul dari Bagian I. Bagian ini terdiri dari 7 bab:
📎 Bab 1: Mr. Sherlock Holmes
📎 Bab 2: Ilmu Deduksi
📎 Bab 3: Misteri di Lauriston Gardens
📎 Bab 4: Cerita John Rance
📎 Bab 5: Iklan Jebakan
📎 Bab 6: Keberhasilan Tobias Gregson
📎 Bab 7: Cahaya dalam Kegelapan
Part II is called "Tanah Orang Suci" ("Land of the Saints" in English), this time not from point of view of Dr. Watson, but the point of view here is third person, although in the last 2 chapters of this part we return to diary of Dr. Watson, of cource with point of view of Dr. Watson. This part consists of 7 chapters:
📎 Chapter 1: Di Padang Garam (In the Salt Field in English)
📎 Chapter 2: Bunga Utah (Flower of Utah in English)
📎 Chapter 3: Titah Sang Nabi (The Prophet's Edict in English)
📎 Chapter 4: Pelarian (Runaway in English)
📎 Chapter 5: Malaikat Pembalas (Avenging Angel in English)
📎 Chapter 6: Lanjutan Catatan Harian Dr. John Watson (Continued Diary of Dr. John Watson in English)
📎 Chapter 7: Kesimpulan (Conclusion in English)
Bagian II dinamakan "Tanah Orang Suci", kali ini bukan dari sudut pandang Dr. Watson, melainkan sudut pandang di sini adalah sudut pandang orang ketiga, walaupun di 2 bab terakhir dari bagian ini kembali ke catatan harian Dr. Watson, tentu dengan sudut pandang Dr. Watson. Bagian ini terdiri dari 7 bab:
📎 Bab 1: Di Padang Garam
📎 Bab 2: Bunga Utah
📎 Bab 3: Titah Sang Nabi
📎 Bab 4: Pelarian
📎 Bab 5: Malaikat Pembalas
📎 Bab 6: Lanjutan Catatan Harian Dr. John Watson
📎 Bab 7: Kesimpulan
In a way, this is one of the best detective stories I've ever read. The characters made me feel like I've never felt before. The eccentric Sherlock Holmes, his arrogance does not make me hate him, in fact I really like his manners. The characters in Part II (Land of the Saints) are pretty good.
Bisa dibilang, ini adalah salah satu kisah detektif terbaik yang pernah kubaca. Karakter-karakternya membuatku merasakan yang belum pernah dirasakan. Sherlock Holmes yang nyentrik, kesombongannya tidak membuatku benci kepadanya, malah aku sangat suka dengan sikap-sikapnya. Karakter-karakter di Bagian II (Tanah Orang Suci) bagus-bagus.
How intelligent Sherlock Holmes is, he can know things at a glance, which other people don't think of. Sherlock Holmes' intelligence does not mean knowing everything, but knowing very very very deeply what he needs.
Betapa cerdasnya Sherlock Holmes, dia bisa mengetahui banyak hal dalam sekali lihat, yang mana hal-hal tersebut tidak terpikirkan oleh orang lain. Kecerdasan Sherlock Holmes bukan berarti mengetahui segalanya, melainkan mengetahui dengan sangat sangat sangat mendalam apa-apa yang diperlukannya.
In part I, we are surprised by Sherlock Holmes who can find out who the criminal is, whereas popular detectives don't. In this book, we learn that popularity does not always represent quality.
Di bagian I, kita dibuat terkejut oleh Sherlock Holmes yang bisa mengetahui siapa kriminalnya, padahal detektif-detektif populer tidak tahu. Di buku ini kita belajar kepopuleran tidak berarti selalu merepresentasikan kualitas.
In part II, it was boring at first, but reading further, it turned out to be amazing, made me feel tense. A tense situation in the style of a story of taking refuge from murder is shown. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle recounts at length the origins of why the murders took place, and it's an incredibly cool story.
Di bagian II, awalnya membosankan, tapi dibaca lebih lanjut, ternyata betapa luar biasa, membuatku merasa tegang. Kondisi mencekam ala ala cerita berlindung dari pembunuhan ditampilkan. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle menceritakan dengan panjang asal-usul kenapa terjadi pembunuhan, dan cerita itu luar biasa keren.
As a result, this book made my enthusiasm for mystery genre books increase, I will buy and read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's other works about Sherlock Holmes. I also have a goal to buy and read the works of Agatha Christie. If Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the King of Mystery Books, then Agatha Christie is the Queen of Mystery Books, oh no, she is the Queen of fiction, because she is the woman with the most sales of fiction in history, more than any female fiction author of any genre...
Walhasil, buku ini membuat keantusiasanku terhadap buku genre misteri semakin naik, aku akan membeli dan membaca karya-karya Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lainnya tentang Sherlock Holmes. Aku juga telah menarget akan membeli dan membaca karya-karya Agatha Christie. Jika Sir Arthur Conan Doyle adalah Raja Buku Misteri, maka Agatha Christie adalah Ratu Buku Misteri, oh tidak, dialah Ratu fiksi, karena dia wanita dengan penjualan fiksi terbanyak sepanjang sejarah, lebih banyak dari wanita pengarang fiksi dari genre manapun...
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Thank youu so muchh
You're welcome @faisalhanafih, you deserve it well! Thanks for being so active here 😊👍
It's always so good to see classics picked up and enjoyed! Heartens me to see how literature can transcend time and place! I'll be honest, I love this genre, and I think Sherlock/Watson are so fantastic, the way the complexity of the cases are solved, but gee it's hard to read, the density of the words on the page - I find it nearly impossible. Good on you for getting through it!
The story the characters and all are perfect... maybe I was able to finish this book: partly because the translation of this book was great and the translator did a great job (I read the Indonesian version), very nice to read, thank you for stopping by!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
You have a wonderful reading habit my friend.
This is a classic.
I can't bare to read Sherlock Holmes on ebook, I have been trying to find a library that has the collection maybe I can start.
!discovery 25
You must start it, my friend... the story the characters will amaze you, i love Sherlock... thank you for stopping by 🙏🙏🙏
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Thank you very muchhh
Nice, buku yang perlu di baca, ceritanya bagus dan mengalir, enak di baca. Thank you. Greetings
Thank you so much
Thanks again.