

In this post I review a novel that I just finished reading (two nights ago), namely Harry Potter dan Orde Phoenix (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix). It is the fifth book in the Harry Potter book series, by J.K. Rowling. The previous four books are Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah (Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone), Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), Harry Potter dan Tawanan Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), and Harry Potter dan Piala Api (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire). The Harry Potter book series is one of the most successful book series of all time.

Di postingan ini aku mereview sebuah novel yang baru kutamatkan membacanya (2 malam yang lalu), yaitu Harry Potter dan Orde Phoenix (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix). Itu adalah buku kelima dari buku serial Harry Potter, karangan J.K. Rowling. Keempat buku sebelumnya adalah Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah (Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone), Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), Harry Potter dan Tawanan Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), dan Harry Potter dan Piala Api (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire). Buku serial Harry Potter adalah salah satu buku serial paling sukses sepanjang masa.

This book is the thickest novel I have ever finished, which is about 1200 pages. Did it burden me? No, it was really fun, but of course it took a long time.

Buku ini adalah novel tertebal yang pernah kutamatkan, yaitu sekitar 1200 halaman. Apakah memberatkanku? Tidak dong, seru sekali, tapi tentu saja menghabiskan waktu yang lama.

What I read is the Indonesian edition (translation) published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Translated by Listiana Srisanti, edited by Mala Suhendra & Dini Pandia, cover designed by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata.

Yang kubaca adalah edisi Indonesia (terjemahan) terbitan PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Dialihbahasakan oleh Listiana Srisanti, diedit oleh Mala Suhendra & Dini Pandia, sampul didesain oleh Nicholas F. Chandrawienata.





Darkness shrouds Hogwarts. After the Dementors attack his cousin Dudley, Harry Potter knows Voldemort will do whatever it takes to find him. Many don't believe that the Dark Lord is back, but Harry is not alone: ​​on Grimmauld Place a secret order gathers to fight the dark forces. Harry has to allow Professor Snape to teach him how to protect himself from Voldemort's barrage of brutal attacks on his mind. However, the attacks grow fiercer and Harry runs out of time...

Masa kegelapan menyelubungi Hogwarts. Setelah Dementor menyerang sepupunya, Dudley, Harry Potter tahu Voldemort akan melakukan segala cara untuk menemukannya. Banyak yang tidak percaya bahwa sang Pangeran Kegelapan telah kembali, tapi Harry tidak sendirian: di Grimmauld Place berkumpul orde rahasia untuk melawan kekuatan gelap. Harry harus mengizinkan Profesor Snape mengajarinya cara melindungi diri dari rentetan serangan brutal Voldemort terhadap benaknya. Namun, serangan-serangan itu makin ganas dan Harry kehabisan waktu...

📖 This book chronicles Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. Of course, as before, the initial setting is the Dursleys' home on Privet Drive.

Buku ini menceritakan tahun kelima Harry di Hogwarts. Tentu saja seperti sebelum-sebelumnya, latar tempat awal adalah rumah keluarga Dursley di Privet Drive.

📖 Continuing the previous book which ended with the return of "He Who Must Not Be Named", Harry and Dumbledore in this book are considered no-no by almost all the wizards of the world for informing of "his" return. That said, only a handful of people believed in them.

Melanjutkan buku sebelumnya yang diakhiri dengan kembalinya "Dia yang Namanya Tak Boleh Disebut", Harry dan Dumbledore di buku ini dianggap tidak-tidak oleh hampir semua penyihir dunia karena memberitahu kembalinya "ia". Bisa dikatakan, hanya segelintir orang yang percaya kepada mereka.

📖 The title of this book (The Order of the Phoenix) refers to the order of Dumbledore's followers against the Dark Lord. This order contains the wizards known from the previous books and the wizards who have just debuted in this book.

Judul buku ini (Orde Phoenix) maksudnya adalah orde pengikut Dumbledore dalam melawan Pangeran Kegelapan. Orde ini berisikan penyihir-penyihir yang diketahui dari buku-buku sebelumnya dan penyihir-penyihir yang baru debut di buku ini.

📖 This book is about 1200 pages, but made into a movie in only 2 hours more. You know what I mean, there's a lot of parts that weren't included in the movie, right.

Buku ini sekitar 1200 halaman, tapi dibuat menjadi film hanya 2 jam lebih. Kau tahu maksudku, banyak sekali bagian yang tidak dimasukkan ke film, kan.

📖 Discussing the cover of this book. The cover is good. What I have are Indonesian edition books with special covers by Nicholas F. Chandrawienata. So, the covers for books 1 to 7 of this edition only belong to Indonesia. The spines between volumes continue, forming illustration of Harry and the animals. Each book cover (not including spine) has a different color and illustration, the cover of this book is blue with illustration of various characters (Harry, Lord Voldemort, Dolores Umbridge, Luna Lovegood, Moody, and others) with large image of around the head of the Thestral.

Membahas sampul buku ini. Sampulnya bagus. Yang kupunya adalah buku-buku edisi Indonesia dengan sampul khusus buatan Nicholas F. Chandrawienata. Jadi, sampul-sampul buku 1 sampai 7 edisi ini hanya punya Indonesia. Punggung buku antar jilid bersambung, membentuk ilustrasi Harry dan hewan-hewan. Masing-masing sampul buku (tidak termasuk punggung) memiliki warna dan ilustrasi berbeda, sampul buku ini berwarna biru dengan ilustrasi berbagai tokoh (Harry, Lord Voldemort, Dolores Umbridge, Luna Lovegood, Moody, dan lain-lain) dengan gambar besar dari sekitar bagian kepala Thestral.

📖 This book is the one where the most hated character of all time in the Harry Potter series debuted, which is who else but Dolores Umbridge. If you've seen the movie, well you know how annoying she is, the cast (Imelda Staunton) played Umbridge really well.

Buku ini adalah buku yang mana karakter paling dibenci sepanjang masa di serial Harry Potter debut, yaitu siapa lagi kalau bukan Dolores Umbridge. Kalau kau sudah menonton filmnya, yah kau tahu sendiri betapa menyebalkannya dia, castnya (Imelda Staunton) memerankan Umbridge dengan luar biasa bagus.

📖 The characteristics of Luna Lovegood (a new character in this book) are interesting. Annoying for the other characters, but she didn't bother me. The character recognition (on the Hogwarts train) is excellent.

Karakteristik Luna Lovegood (karakter baru di buku ini) menarik. Menyebalkan bagi karakter-karakter lain, padahal dia tidak mengganggu bagiku. Pengenalan karakternya (di kereta api Hogwarts) begitu baik.

📖 This book contains 38 chapters. So much happened in this book. Funny, sad, mystery, there are many lessons.

Buku ini berisi 38 bab. Banyak sekali yang terjadi dalam buku ini. Lucu, sedih, misteri, ada banyak pelajaran.





My Rating: 9.5

Penilaianku: 9,5

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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