Review: π˜Ώπ™„π™Žπ™‰π™€π™” π˜Όπ™‰π˜Ώ π™‹π™„π™“π˜Όπ™'π™Ž π˜Ύπ™Šπ˜Ύπ™Š...



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The movie I'm reviewing in this post is an incredibly good animated movie, this movie was released about 5 years ago. The name of the movie is COCO. This movie won 2 Oscar awards. COCO is a product of Disney and Pixar. As is known, Pixar is one of the best animated movie production companies.

Film yang kureview di postingan ini adalah film animasi yang luar biasa bagus, film ini dirilis sekitar 5 tahun lalu. Nama filmnya adalah COCO. Film ini menyabet 2 penghargaan Oscar. COCO adalah keluaran dari Disney dan Pixar. Sebagaimana yang diketahui, Pixar adalah salah satu perusahaan pemproduksi film animasi terbaik.

I watched the movie COCO on Disney+, the legal platform for watching movies. I watched on television with a tv box containing Disney+, Netflix, Youtube, iQIYI, and others. I watched with the Indonesian dubbing. Judging from the Rotten Tomatoes website, this movie received a Tomatometer of 97% from 356 reviews and an Audience Score of 94% from 25,000+ ratings. Incredible numbers.

Aku menonton film COCO di Disney+, platform legal untuk menonton film-film. Aku menonton di televisi dengan tv box yang memuat Disney+, Netflix, Youtube, iQIYI, dan lain-lain. Aku menonton dengan dubbing Indonesia. Kalau dilihat dari website Rotten Tomatoes, film ini mendapat Tomatometer sebesar 97% dari 356 review dan Audience Score sebesar 94% dari 25.000+ rating. Angka yang luar biasa.


Director: Lee Unkrich
Genre: Adventure, Music, Comedy
Release Year: 2017
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Synopsis and Plot: Despite his family’s baffling generations-old ban on music, Miguel dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead following a mysterious chain of events. Along the way, he meets charming trickster Hector, and together, they set off on an extraordinary journey to unlock the real story behind Miguel's family history. Source of Synopsis and Plot

Sutradara: Lee Unkrich
Genre: Petualangan, Musik, Komedi
Tahun Rilis: 2017
Durasi: 1 jam 45 menit
Sinopsis dan Plot: Terlepas dari larangan musik dari generasi ke generasi yang membingungkan, Miguel bermimpi menjadi musisi berprestasi seperti idolanya, Ernesto de la Cruz. Putus asa untuk membuktikan bakatnya, Miguel menemukan dirinya di Tanah Orang Mati yang menakjubkan dan penuh warna mengikuti rangkaian peristiwa yang misterius. Sepanjang jalan, ia bertemu penipu menawan Hector, dan bersama-sama, mereka memulai perjalanan yang luar biasa untuk membuka kisah nyata di balik sejarah keluarga Miguel. Sumber Sinopsis dan Plot





The Rivera family is a family of music-hating shoemakers. Miguel, the main character, is a young man who keeps something from his family, namely he loves music, he idolizes the greatest singer of all time, Ernesto de la Cruz. The ban on music in his family was originally because Mama Imelda, grandmother of Miguel's grandmother, hated her musician husband.

Keluarga Rivera adalah keluarga pembuat sepatu pembenci musik. Miguel, si tokoh utama, seorang laki-laki muda yang merahasiakan sesuatu dari keluarganya, yaitu ia suka musik, ia mengidolakan penyanyi terhebat sepanjang masa, Ernesto de la Cruz. Larangan musik di keluarganya itu awal mulanya adalah karena Mama Imelda, nenek dari neneknya Miguel, membenci suaminya yang seorang musisi.

One day, Miguel realizes that Ernesto de la Cruz is the man (Mama Imelda's husband). One night, Miguel go to de la Cruz's grave, he takes his guitar, strums it, and turns out he is out of sight of the living. He can be seen by people who are already dead. He meet his dead family, they go to the Land of the Dead, where the dead are if they are still remembered, the dead people can go to the living human world on Day of the Dead if someone puts their picture on the altar.

Suatu ketika, Miguel menyadari bahwa Ernesto de la Cruz adalah pria tersebut (suami Mama Imelda). Pada suatu malam, Miguel pergi ke makam de la Cruz, ia mengambil gitarnya, memetiknya, lalu ternyata dia sudah tak bisa dilihat oleh orang-orang hidup. Dia bisa dilihat oleh orang-orang yang sudah mati. Dia bertemu keluarganya yang sudah mati, mereka pun pergi ke Tanah Orang Mati, tempat orang-orang mati berada kalau mereka masih diingat, orang-orang mati tersebut bisa ke dunia manusia hidup pada Day of the Dead kalau ada yang memajang foto mereka di altar.

Miguel there meets Hector, a spirit who can't go to living human world because no one has his picture displayed on the altar. Please see for yourself how Miguel's journey in the Land of the Dead.

Miguel di sana bertemu dengan Hector, arwah yang tak bisa ke dunia manusia hidup karena tak ada yang memajang fotonya di altar. Silahkan saksikan sendiri bagaimana perjalanan Miguel di Tanah Orang Mati.



A few notes from me about this movie:

Beberapa catatan dariku tentang film ini:

πŸŸͺ This movie is a Pixar animated movie that focuses on the theme of music other than "Soul". While other Pixar movies don't focus on the theme of music, "Turning Red" is rather focused on the theme of music.
πŸŸͺ This movie is set in Mexico. As far as I know there is no Pixar movie other than this that is set in Mexico. If there is, tell me.
πŸŸͺ Graphics quality is as good as other Pixar movies.
πŸŸͺ The title of this movie is taken from the name Coco, Miguel's gramdmother's mother. So, Coco is not the name of the main character. But Coco has important links in this movie. Unique, usually if the title of the movie is taken from the character's name, then the main character's name is taken, such as "Luca", "Finding Nemo", "Iron Man", and others, but not for this movie.
πŸŸͺ The plot twist in this movie is really good.
πŸŸͺ The ending of this movie is good. It ends sadly and then happily.
πŸŸͺ The song "Remember Me/Ingat Aku" from this movie is good. I like it.
πŸŸͺ Moral messages that can be learned from this movie: β€’ Love your family because family is the main thing, β€’ Don't judge someone out of place, maybe the person we think is bad is good, β€’ Seize the moment not by putting other people down.

πŸŸͺ Film ini adalah film animasi Pixar yang berfokus pada tema musik selain "Soul". Film Pixar lainnya tidak berfokus pada tema musik, "Turning Red" lumayan berfokus pada tema musik.
πŸŸͺ Film ini berlatar tempat Mexico. Setauku tak ada film Pixar selain ini yang berlatar tempat Mexico. Kalau ada, beritahu aku.
πŸŸͺ Untuk kualitas grafis, bagus seperti film-film Pixar lainnya.
πŸŸͺ Judul film ini diambil dari nama Coco, ibu dari neneknya Miguel. Jadi, Coco bukanlah nama pemeran utama. Tapi Coco punya kaitan yang penting di film ini. Unik juga ya, biasanya judul film kalau diambil dari nama karakter, maka yang diambil adalah nama karakter utama, seperti "Luca", "Finding Nemo", "Iron Man", dan lain-lain, tapi tidak untuk film ini.
πŸŸͺ Plot twist di film ini bagus sekali.
πŸŸͺ Ending dari film ini bagus. Diakhiri dengan sedih lalu bahagia.
πŸŸͺ Lagu "Remember Me/Ingat Aku" dari film ini bagus. Aku suka.
πŸŸͺ Pesan moral yang bisa dipetik dari film ini: β€’ Sayangi keluarga karena keluarga adalah yang utama, β€’ Jangan menilai seseorang tidak pada tempatnya, bisa jadi orang yang kita anggap buruk adalah baik, β€’ Raihlah momen bukan dengan cara menjatuhkan orang lain.

As a result, if I may give a rating, I give it a 9 out of 10.

Walhasil, kalau aku boleh memberi penilaian, aku memberi nilai 9 dari 10.

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

0.088 PAL


Great review my friend. Although it's an old movie its one of the finest of its time.

I enjoyed watching it. It really touched a deep life question of following ones dread till the end against all odds

Great review

0.000 PAL

Thank you very much... yass it's great... I've watched it 3 times πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» thank you sm friend πŸ™πŸ»

0.000 PAL

Hello @faisalhanafih, Coco is an extraordinary movie that does an impeccable review of the Day of the Dead in Mexico (November 2). In Latin America, this day is to remember or honor those who are gone; that is, those who have died.

The film also shows the Alebrijes, which I thought were lovely.

You made some good points at the end. Best regards!

0.000 PAL