Popcorn Chicken in Padang Sauce
A few days ago I made a dish, namely Popcorn Chicken in Padang Sauce. Popcorn chicken is chicken (boneless) in small, crunchy (because using flour). Saus Padang (Padang sauce) is a sauce made with ketchup, chili sauce, oyster sauce, and others. It's called Padang sauce because of its red color like typical Padang dishes.
Beberapa hari yang lalu aku membuat sebuah hidangan, yaitu Ayam Popcorn Saus Padang. Ayam popcorn adalah ayam (tanpa tulang) kecil-kecil yang kriuk (karena menggunakan tepung). Saus Padang adalah sebuah saus yang dibuat dengan saus tomat, saus sambal, saus tiram, dan lainnya. Dinamakan saus Padang karena warnanya yang merah seperti masakan khas Padang.
Ingredients: |
● Chicken pieces (small), about 350 grams (I used the ones that had been ungkep (cooked), may not be cooked) |
● 8 cloves of shallot |
● 4 cloves of garlic |
● 8 or 9 curly red chilies |
● 4 pieces of cayenne pepper |
● About 2 tablespoons of chili sauce |
● About 4 tablespoons of ketchup |
● About 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce |
● Ginger |
● Pepper powder |
● Salt |
● 1 egg |
● About 200 grams of a mixture of wheat flour and seasoning flour |
● Cooking oil |
● Enough water |
● Sugar to taste |
● Scallion slices |
● 2 lime leaves (optional) (I didn't use at that time) |
Bahan-bahan: |
● Potongan daging ayam (kecil-kecil), sekitar 350 gram (aku menggunakan yang sudah diungkep, boleh tidak diungkep) |
● 8 siung bawang merah |
● 4 siung bawang putih |
● 8 atau 9 buah cabai merah keriting |
● 4 buah cabai rawit |
● Sekitar 2 sendok makan saus sambal |
● Sekitar 4 sendok makan saus tomat |
● Sekitar 2 sendok makan saus tiram |
● Jahe |
● Lada bubuk |
● Garam |
● 1 butir telur |
● Sekitar 200 gram campuran tepung terigu dan tepung bumbu |
● Minyak goreng |
● Secukupnya air |
● Secukupnya gula |
● Potongan daun bawang |
● 2 lembar daun jeruk (opsional) (waktu itu aku tidak menggunakan) |
How to make:
Cara membuat:
● Add pepper powder and salt to the chicken pieces. Stir.
Tambahkan lada bubuk dan garam ke potongan daging ayam. Aduk.
● Add 1 egg. Stir.
Tambahkan 1 butir telur. Aduk.
● Put in a container containing about 200 grams of a mixture of wheat flour and seasoning flour. Close the container. Shake it.
Masukkan ke wadah berisi sekitar 200 gram campuran tepung terigu dan tepung bumbu. Tutup wadah. Goncangkan.
● Fry in cooking oil (at that time I fried some and then fried the rest).
Goreng dengan minyak goreng (waktu itu aku menggoreng sebagian lalu menggoreng sebagian sisanya).
● While frying, put 8 cloves of shallot, 4 cloves of garlic, 8 or 9 curly red chilies, enough ginger, enough cooking oil into a blender. Blend.
Selagi menggoreng, masukkan 8 siung bawang merah, 4 siung bawang putih, 8 atau 9 buah cabai merah keriting, secukupnya jahe, secukupnya minyak goreng ke blender. Blender.
● Saute the blended result, enough ginger, 4 pieces of cayenne pepper (and 2 lime leaves (optional)) with cooking oil.
Tumis hasil blenderan, secukupnya jahe, 4 buah cabai rawit (dan 2 lembar daun jeruk (opsional)) dengan minyak goreng.
● Add about 2 tablespoons of chili sauce, about 4 tablespoons of ketchup, about 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce. Stir.
Tambahkan sekitar 2 sendok makan saus sambal, sekitar 4 sendok makan saus tomat, sekitar 2 sendok makan saus tiram. Aduk.
● Add enough water.
Tambahkan secukupnya air.
● Add pepper powder, salt, sugar (all to taste). Stir.
Tambahkan lada bubuk, garam, gula (semuanya secukupnya saja). Aduk.
● Add scallion slices. Stir. Cook until the consistency is right.
Tambahkan potongan daun bawang. Aduk. masak sampai kekentalannya pas.
● Add the prepared sauce to the popcorn chicken that have been placed on the plate.
Tambahkan saus yang sudah siap ke ayam popcorn yang sudah diletakkan di piring.
Thank you for seeing this post!
Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!
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This looks so delicious, it must be crunchy, spicy and sweet
Thank youvery much 👍🏻👍🏻
Looks very delicious, spicy and sweet, just to my taste. Thanks for the recipe 🙏
Thank u veey much 👍🏻👍🏻
Oh, this looks like KFC's chicken hotshot. Your recipe looks tasty. With that being said, I am going to try it out.
Thank you very much 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
You're welcome (^_^)