π‘πžπ―π’πžπ°: 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀 | From Disney & Pixar



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π‘πžπ―π’πžπ°: 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀

The movie is produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The movie was released last year (2021) on Disney+, not in theaters because of the pandemic, of course. Pixar is a very popular movie production company. Its movies are of such high quality. However, is Luca also brilliant like other Pixar movies?

Film ini adalah keluaran Walt Disney Pictures dan Pixar Animation Studios. Film ini rilis tahun lalu (2021) di Disney+, bukan di bioskop karena pandemi, tentu saja. Pixar adalah perusahaan pemproduksi film yang sangat populer. Film-film keluarannya begitu berkualitas. Namun, apakah Luca juga brilian seperti film-film Pixar lainnya?





I watched the movie Luca on Disney+, the legal platform for watching movies. I watched on television with a tv box containing Disney+, Netflix, Youtube, iQIYI, and others. I watched with the original dubbing plus Indonesian subtitles where the language translator is Nazaret Setiabudi. Judging from the Rotten Tomatoes website, this movie received a Tomatometer of 91% from 293 reviews and an Audience Score of 85% from 2,500+ ratings.

Aku menonton film Luca di Disney+, platform legal untuk menonton film-film. Aku menonton di televisi dengan tv box yang memuat Disney+, Netflix, Youtube, iQIYI, dan lain-lain. Aku menonton dengan dubbing asli ditambah subtitle bahasa Indonesia yang mana pengalih bahasanya adalah Nazaret Setiabudi. Kalau dilihat dari website Rotten Tomatoes, film ini mendapat Tomatometer sebesar 91% dari 293 review dan Audience Score sebesar 85% dari 2.500+ rating.




Director: Enrico Casarosa
Genre: Family
Release Year: 2021
Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes
Synopsis: Set in a beautiful seaside town on the Italian Riviera (Liguria), Disney and Pixar's original feature film Luca is a coming-of-age story about one young boy experiencing an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta, and endless scooter rides. Luca shares these adventures with his newfound best friend, but all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: they are sea monsters from another world just below the water's surface. Source of synopsis

Sutradara: Enrico Casarosa
Genre: Keluarga
Tahun Rilis: 2021
Durasi: 1 jam 35 menit
Sinopsis: Bertempat di kota tepi pantai yang indah di Riviera Italia (Liguria), film fitur asli Disney dan Pixar, Luca, adalah kisah dewasa tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang mengalami musim panas tak terlupakan yang dipenuhi gelato, pasta, dan naik skuter tanpa akhir. Luca berbagi petualangan ini dengan sahabatnya yang baru ditemukan, tetapi semua kesenangan terancam oleh rahasia yang dipegang teguh: mereka adalah monster laut dari dunia lain tepat di bawah permukaan air. Sumber sinopsis





Luca is a human-like creature that lives in the sea, the humans who live on land call Luca and his kind (fish-men) "sea monsters", while fish-men call humans "land monsters". They consider humans dangerous, Luca is forbidden to approach the surface.

Luca adalah makhluk seperti manusia yang hidup di laut, para manusia yang tinggal di daratan menyebut Luca dan yang sejenis dengannya (manusia ikan) dengan "monster laut", sedangkan manusia ikan menyebut para manusia dengan "monster darat". Mereka menganggap manusia berbahaya, Luca dilarang mendekati permukaan.

One time, Luca came to land for the first time because he was pulled by a fish-man he didn't know at first. They become humans when they are on land.

Suatu ketika, Luca ke daratan untuk pertama kalinya karena ditarik oleh seorang pria manusia ikan yang awalnya tak dikenalnya. Mereka menjadi manusia ketika berada di daratan.

When Luca was on land, he was not good at standing let alone walking, it was the fish-man (Alberto) who taught him. Long story short, they became close. They have a dream together, what is their dream?? Please find out for yourself...

Ketika Luca di daratan, dia tak pandai berdiri apalagi berjalan, pria manusia ikan tersebut (Alberto) yang mengajarinya. Singkat cerita, mereka jadi dekat. Mereka punya impian bersama, apa impian mereka?? Silahkan cari tahu sendiri...

Luca's parents don't allow him to surface, but Luca escapes to a town called Porto Rosso by the sea with Alberto. There they meet Giulia, a human girl.

Orangtua Luca tidak mengizinkan ia ke permukaan, tapi Luca kabur ke sebuah kota bernama Porto Rosso di tepi pantai bersama Alberto. Di sana mereka bertemu Giulia, seorang gadis manusia.

The three of them (Luca, Alberto, and Giulia) took part in the competition as a team. While Luca and Alberto hiding their identities, the three of them continued to practice for competition. Is Luca's dream still the same as Alberto's dream??? Please find out for yourself...

Mereka bertiga (Luca, Alberto, dan Giulia) mengikuti lomba sebagai satu tim. Sambil Luca dan Alberto menyembunyikan identitas mereka, mereka latihan lomba terus bertiga. Apakah impian Luca masih sama dengan impian Alberto??? Silahkan cari tahu sendiri...

My points about this movie:

Poin-poinku tentang film ini:

βœ… There are similarities to Turning Red (a movie I reviewed before this movie), where the main character wants to be free, the main character runs away from a place of residence which is not to be imitated.
βœ… This movie focuses on friendship, those of you who like movies about friendship may be suitable for this movie.
βœ… The moral messages of this movie include: β€’ be faithful to your friend/s, β€’ parents, trust your child/ren, β€’ don't do racist acts.
βœ… This movie has some funny scenes, but not as funny as Turning Red.
βœ… I like Luca's voice, the voice cast is just right, I think.
βœ… I don't understand why fish-men can speak like humans, did they ever live together?
βœ… In my opinion, the ending of this movie is very ordinary, it can't be called good. Conflict resolution is boring. Not stunning. Even though the beginning of the movie is built well. Pixar's other movies are excellent. What do you think of those who have seen this movie?

βœ… Ada miripnya dengan Turning Red (film yang kureview sebelum film ini), yang mana pemeran utama ingin kebebasan, pemeran utama kabur dari tempat tinggal yang mana ini tidak untuk ditiru.
βœ… Film ini menonjolkan tentang persahabatan, kalian yang suka film tentang persahabatan mungkin cocok dengan film ini.
βœ… Pesan moral dari film ini di antaranya: β€’ setialah kepada sahabatmu, β€’ orangtua percayalah kepada anak, β€’ jangan melakukan tindakan rasis.
βœ… Film ini ada beberapa scene yang lucu, tapi tidak selucu Turning Red.
βœ… Aku suka suara Luca, pengisi suaranya pas, kurasa.
βœ… Aku tidak mengerti kenapa manusia ikan bisa berbahasa seperti manusia, apa dulunya mereka hidup bersama?
βœ… Menurutku ending film ini biasa sekali, tidak bisa disebut bagus. Penyelesaian konfliknya boring. Tidak memukau. Padahal awal-awal film dibangun dengan bagus. Film-film Pixar yang lain bagus-bagus sekali. Bagaimana menurut kalian yang sudah menonton film ini?



As a result, if I may rate it, I give it a 6 out of 10. This is my personal assessment.

Walhasil, kalau aku boleh memberi nilai, aku memberi nilai 6 dari 10. Ini adalah penilaian pribadiku.

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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