Movie with Story Similar to Aladdin | WISH DRAGON | Is It Worth Watching? | A Review
I watched an animated movie on Netflix a few days ago, the title is WISH DRAGON. This movie is a movie that was released last year (2021). The movie is produced by Sony Pictures Animation and Tencent Pictures. The movie is written and directed by Chris Appelhans. Aron Warner, Chris Bremble, Jackie Chan (the famous actor) produced this movie.
Aku menonton sebuah film animasi di Netflix beberapa hari yang lalu, judulnya adalah WISH DRAGON. Film ini adalah film yang rilis tahun lalu (2021). Film ini diproduksi oleh Sony Pictures Animation dan Tencent Pictures. Film ini ditulis dan disutradarai oleh Chris Appelhans. Aron Warner, Chris Bremble, Jackie Chan (aktor terkenal itu) memproduksi film ini.
This movie is 1 hour 38 minutes long. At that time I watched with Indonesian audio. I watched this animated movie during the day. The genre of this movie is fantasy, comedy.
Film ini berdurasi 1 jam 38 menit. Waktu itu aku menonton dengan audio bahasa Indonesia. Aku menonton film animasi ini di siang hari. Genre film ini adalah fantasi, komedi.
🎦 Din and Li Na are childhood friends, very close. Their house is close. But one day Li Na goes to move with her father to a new life.
Din dan Li Na adalah sahabat masa kecil, sangat akrab. Rumah mereka dekat. Tapi suatu ketika Li Na pergi pindah bersama ayahnya ke kehidupan yang baru.
🎦 When they have grown up, Li Na is a famous artist. Din is a student. He raises money by working as a courier to buy suit. One of the recipients, is an old man who says he is a god, but his appearance is so shabby. He give Din a teapot.
Ketika mereka sudah besar, Li Na adalah seorang artis terkenal. Din adalah mahasiswa. Dia mengumpulkan uang dengan cara kerja menjadi kurir untuk bisa membeli setelan. Salah satu penerima, adalah seorang pria tua yang berkata dia adalah dewa, tetapi penampilannya begitu lusuh. Dia memberi Din sebuah teko.
🎦 Long story short, Din find out it is a magic teapot. The teapot take out a dragon from within. The dragon is named Long, Din is its tenth and final master. The dragon can grant Din's 3 wishes. If Long has granted Din's 3 wishes, then Long can go to the Spirit world. Din really wants to meet Li Na, his childhood friend.
Singkat cerita, Din mengetahui itu teko ajaib. Teko itu mengeluarkan naga dari dalamnya. Naga tersebut bernama Long, Din merupakan tuannya yang kesepuluh dan terakhir. Naga tersebut bisa mengabulkan 3 permintaan Din. Jika Long sudah mengabulkan 3 permintaan Din, maka Long bisa ke dunia Roh. Din ingin sekali bertemu lagi dengan Li Na, sahabat masa kecilnya itu.
🎦 Well, this story is similar to Aladdin's story. Aladdin has a magic lamp that can bring out a genie. The genie can grant Aladdin's 3 wishes.
Well, cerita ini mirip dengan cerita Aladdin. Aladdin punya lampu ajaib yang bisa mengeluarkan seorang jin. Jin tersebut bisa mengabulkan 3 permintaan Aladdin.
🎦 The dragon doesn't look scary. The color of the dragon is cute, which is pink, also purple.
Naganya tidak berpenampilan seram. Warna naganya imut, yaitu pink, juga ungu.
🎦 The graphics are good. The comedy hits, the action too.
Grafisnya bagus. Komedinya dapat, actionnya juga.
🎦 The message of this movie is that worldly possessions and pleasures are nothing compared to friendship.
Pesan dari film ini adalah bahwa harta dan kenikmatan duniawi bukan apa-apa dibanding persahabatan.
🎦 Although the story of this movie is similar to the story of Aladdin, the story of this movie is executed differently. Is it worth watching? I think it's worth it, because the story is good. But if you don't like stories that are similar to stories you've already enjoyed even though they are good, well, I can't recommend this movie to you.
Walaupun cerita film ini mirip dengan cerita Aladdin, cerita film ini dieksekusi dengan berbeda. Apakah layak untuk ditonton? Layak kok menurutku, karena ceritanya bagus. Tapi kalau kamu tidak suka cerita yang mirip dengan cerita yang sudah pernah kamu nikmati walaupun bagus, yah aku tidak bisa merekomendasikan film ini untukmu.
🎦 This movie is about friendships, Din and Li Na's friendship, Din and Long's friendship.
Film ini menonjolkan tentang persahabatan, persahabatan Din dan Li Na, persahabatan Din dan Long.
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I like this kind of movies that they make in other countries, I have also seen the arabian and indian avengers and they are good movies.
Porcierot when I have internet again I will watch it, thank you very much for the reocmendation :D
Thank you very much... 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 btw I didn't think there were Indian and Arab Avengers 🤣 👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you very much... 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 btw I didn't think there were Indian and Arab Avengers 🤣 I'm curious what the movies look like👍🏻👍🏻