Lime Leaves Rice | Hive Top Chef - Seasoned Rice Competition
Rice is the staple food of my country, Indonesia. In my country, rice is most often cooked normally, but it can also be cooked into various kinds, such as Nasi Kuning (Indonesian Yellow Fragrant Rice), Nasi Uduk (Savory Coconut Rice), Nasi Liwet (West Java Fragrant Rice), and others.
Nasi/Beras adalah makanan pokok negaraku, Indonesia. Di negaraku, beras paling sering dimasak secara biasa, tapi juga bisa dimasak menjadi berbagai macam, seperti Nasi Kuning, Nasi Uduk, Nasi Liwet, dan lain-lain.
In this post, I share the recipe for Lime Leaves Rice as my entry for the Hive Top Chef - Seasoned Rice competition by @qurator.
Di postingan ini, aku berbagi resep Nasi Daun Jeruk sebagai entryku untuk kompetisi Hive Top Chef - Seasoned Rice oleh @qurator.
Ingredients: |
• About 500 grams of rice, wash |
• 17 lime leaves |
• Water, as much as enough (about 900 ml of water) |
• 5 cloves of garlic |
• 5 cloves of shallot |
• About 1 teaspoon of salt |
• Cayenne pepper, 3 pieces or to taste |
• Powdered broth |
• 2 sticks of lemongrass |
• Galangal, just a little |
• 2 bay leaves |
• Cooking oil |
Bahan-bahan: |
• Sekitar 500 gram beras, cuci |
• 17 lembar daun jeruk |
• Air, secukupnya (sekitar 900 ml air) |
• 5 siung bawang putih |
• 5 siung bawang merah |
• Sekitar 1 sendok teh garam |
• Cabai rawit, 3 buah atau sesuai selera |
• Kaldu bubuk |
• 2 batang serai |
• Lengkuas, sedikit saja |
• 2 lembar daun salam |
• Minyak goreng |
How to make:
Cara membuat:
● Slice the shallot, garlic, cayenne peppers, galangal, lime leaves and crush lemongrass.
Iris-iris bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai rawit, lengkuas, daun jeruk dan memarkan serai.
● Stir-fry garlic slices and shallot slices in cooking oil.
Tumis irisan bawang putih dan irisan bawang merah dengan minyak goreng.
● Add galangal slices, 2 bay leaves, and crushed lemongrass. Stir.
Tambahkan irisan lengkuas, 2 lembar daun salam, dan serai yang sudah dimemarkan. Aduk.
● Add lime leaf slices. Stir. Turn off the fire after some time.
Tambahkan irisan daun jeruk. Aduk. Matikan api setelah beberapa waktu.
● Put about 500 grams of washed rice and water into the inner pot of the rice cooker. Add salt, powdered broth, cayenne pepper slices, and stir-fry along with the oil (if there is a lot of oil for stir frying, then not all). Stir. Cook.
Masukkan sekitar 500 gram beras yang sudah dicuci dan air ke inner pot-nya rice cooker. Tambahkan garam, kaldu bubuk, irisan cabai rawit, dan tumisan beserta minyak tumisannya (kalau minyak untuk menumisnya agak banyak, maka jangan semua). Aduk. Masak.
For the side dish/es, up to each of you. At that time, my side dishes were cucumber slices and fried potato in sambal.
Untuk lauknya, terserah kepada kalian masing-masing. Waktu itu laukku adalah irisan timun dan kentang sambal.
The way to make the fried potato in sambal is to peel the potato/es skin, slice, wash, add salt, stir, fry in cooking oil, for the sambal: stir-fry chili paste, salt, sugar, and tamarind in cooking oil, leave for a few minutes after turning off the fire then add the fried potato, stir.
Cara buat kentang sambalnya adalah kupas kulit kentang, iris-iris, cuci, berikan garam, aduk-aduk, goreng dengan minyak goreng, untuk sambalnya: tumis pasta cabai, garam, gula, dan asam jawa dengan minyak goreng, diamkan selama beberapa menit setelah mematikan api lalu masukkan kentang gorengnya, aduk.
Thank you for seeing this post!
Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!
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The lime I know here isn't sweet in the mouth, it's actually sour and bitter sometimes... How does the leaves makes the rice delicious when prepared with it? 😬 I'm curious.
These steps seem really easy to follow, thanks for sharing and all the best in the contest ❤️
Thank you very much... lime leaves function to make food (in this case rice) fragrant, and the taste itself is not conspicuous i think... thank youuuu and congrats
Oh that's good to know, thanks