I Met the Famous Indonesian Fiction Writer, Tere Liye, at Manhattan Times Square, Medan, Indonesia
A few days ago I met the person who I think is the most popular fiction writer in Indonesia, namely Tere Liye. I met him in my city (Medan, Indonesia), at an event at a mall called Manhattan Times Square (on Jalan Gatot Subroto). Precisely in the mall atrium (outside Gramedia Manhattan). I went there alone, by motorbike. Lots of attendees. I didn't get a seat 😆. The event started before 3pm.
Beberapa hari yang lalu aku bertemu orang yang kurasa adalah penulis fiksi paling populer di Indonesia, yaitu Tere Liye. Aku bertemu dia di kotaku (Medan, Indonesia), pada acara di sebuah mall bernama Manhattan Times Square (di Jalan Gatot Subroto). Tepatnya di atrium mall (di luar Gramedia Manhattan). Aku pergi sendirian ke sana, dengan menaiki sepeda motor. Ramai sekali hadirinnya. Aku tak kebagian tempat duduk 😆. Acaranya dimulai sebelum jam 3 sore.
About Tere Liye:
Tentang Tere Liye:
Tere Liye is the pen name of Darwis, a man born in Langkat. High school in Bandar Lampung. He had been a political writer before becoming a novelist. He has produced over 50 books . His first novel was "The Gogons". Some of his works have been adapted into films. His books are not the same genre, but are varied. Fantasy, family, romance, and more.
Tere Liye adalah nama pena dari Darwis, seorang pria kelahiran Langkat. SMA di Bandar Lampung. Ia pernah menjadi penulis tulisan politik sebelum menjadi penulis novel. Dia telah menghasilkan 50 buku lebih 👏🏻. Novel pertama karangannya adalah "The Gogons". Beberapa karangannya telah diadaptasi menjadi film. Buku-bukunya bukan 1 genre yang sama, melainkan bervariasi. Fantasi, keluarga, roman, dan lain-lain.
My Tere Liye Collection:
Koleksi Tere Liye-ku:
Yes, I'm a Tere Liye fan. I currently have 11 of his books. Namely: "Si Anak Pemberani", "Si Anak Pintar", "Si Anak Spesial", "Si Anak Kuat", "Si Anak Cahaya", "Si Anak Badai", "Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong", "Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin", "Bumi", "Toki si Kelinci Bertopi", and "Suku Penunggang Layang-layang". I haven't read all of the eleven, though. Most memorable to me so far are "Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong" and "Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin".
Ya, aku penggemar Tere Liye. Aku saat ini punya 11 bukunya. Yaitu: "Si Anak Pemberani", "Si Anak Pintar", "Si Anak Spesial", "Si Anak Kuat", "Si Anak Cahaya", "Si Anak Badai", "Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong", "Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin", "Bumi", "Toki si Kelinci Bertopi", dan "Suku Penunggang Layang-layang". Aku belum membaca semua dari kesebelas itu, sih. Paling berkesan bagiku sejauh ini adalah "Ayahku (Bukan) Pembohong" dan "Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin".
Di Sana:
There, Tere Liye talked a lot. He said that "Hafalan Shalat Delisa", his popular book which has been adapted into a famous film, did not initially sell well in bookstores. Tere Liye gave tip/s (I forget 1 or more) on writing books, the most important tip is to like reading books.
Di sana, Tere Liye banyak bercerita. Dia ada membicarakan bahwa "Hafalan Shalat Delisa", bukunya yang populer yang sudah diadaptasi menjadi film terkenal, awalnya tidak laris di toko buku. Tere Liye memberikan tips (aku lupa 1 atau lebih) menulis buku, tips yang paling penting adalah suka baca buku.
The next book to be published is "Matahari Minor", a continuation of the "Bumi" series. Among the most difficult to write were "Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu", "Tentang Kamu". Among the easiest to write were "Negeri Para Bedebah", "Bumi" series.
Buku yang akan terbit selanjutnya adalah "Matahari Minor", lanjutan serial "Bumi". Di antara yang paling sulit ditulis adalah "Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu", "Tentang Kamu". Di antara yang paling mudah ditulis adalah "Negeri Para Bedebah", serial "Bumi".
Book signing session. The audience can get Tere Liye's signature/s regardless of the book. Unfortunately I didn't bring my Tere Liye books. I wanted to buy at Gramedia, but I didn't have enough cash.
Sesi book signing. Hadirin bisa mendapatkan tanda tangan Tere Liye berapapun bukunya. Sayangnya aku tidak membawa buku-buku Tere Liye-ku. Ingin membeli di Gramedia, tetapi uang cash-ku tidak cukup.
Alright, that's it this time.
Baiklah, itu saja kali ini.
Thank you for seeing this post!
Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!
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Ikut senang kak bisa melihat kakak bertemu dengan penulis idola nya :)
Halo kak, postinganmu telah dikurasi secara manual oleh tim Indonesianhiver sebagai postingan kelompok temuan kurator. Saat ini kami sedang membangun proyek kurasi lintas komunitas utk membantu berkembangnya blogger Indonesia.
Kami harap kakak mau bergabung agar nilai kurasi untuk kakak dan blogger indonesia lainnya semakin besar :)
Terima Kasih dan tetap semangat blogging :)
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Thank youu
very happy to see Tere Liye in this post where of course he is one of the greatest writers in Indonesia even when I was in college. Of course, I once invited them to be one of the speakers at seminars and book reviews and now I just saw it again on your post
this is a very extraordinary moment, moreover you can meet one of the famous writers namely "Tere Liye" I am also one of his fans and I have read some of his very good written books
is it a book fair? welcome to you here?
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