Given "Frozen Tahu (Tofu) Walik" by Relatives | Tahu Walik with Sauce


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Tahu Walik (Tahu = Tofu) is a popular street food in my city. Many street outlets that sell this one food. Tahu walik, as the name implies, is food from tofu. Walik means to return. Yes, this food is made by turning the tofu so that the skin of the tofu is inside the tofu. At first, the tofu is cut into a triangular shape, then turned over like I said above, then the tofu is filled with something like meatball dough, or indeed the same with meatball dough, I don't know. Usually tahu walik is eaten with sauce. I love tahu walik which is sold in street outlets.

Tahu Walik adalah jajanan jalanan yang populer di kotaku. Banyak gerai jalanan yang menjual makanan satu ini. Tahu walik, sesuai namanya, adalah makanan dari tahu. Walik artinya adalah balik. Ya, makanan ini dibuat dengan membalik tahu sehingga kulit tahu berada di dalam tahu. Awalnya tahu dipotong menjadi bentuk segitiga, lalu dibalik seperti yang kubilang di atas, lalu tahu diisi dengan sesuatu adonan seperti bakso, atau memang sama dengan adonan bakso, aku tidak tahu. Biasanya tahu walik dimakan dengan saus. Aku suka tahu walik yang dijual di gerai-gerai jalanan.

A few days ago, my mother and father brought 5 packs of frozen tahu walik with 5 packs of sauce. The story is, my mother and my father went to our relatives' house, were given 5 packs of frozen tahu walik, which is the business of our relatives' family members. Very kind.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, ibu dan ayahku membawa 5 bungkus tahu walik frozen dengan 5 bungkus saus. Ceritanya, ibuku dan ayahku pergi ke rumah kerabat kami, diberi 5 bungkus tahu walik frozen, yang merupakan bisnis anggota keluarga kerabat kami. Baik sekali.



It was the first time I saw frozen tahu walik in person. Usually the frozen foods are risole, french fries, and others. One pack of the frozen tahu walik contains about 8/9 pieces of tahu walik.

Itu pertama kalinya aku melihat tahu walik frozen secara langsung. Biasanya makanan yang di-frozen-kan adalah risol, french fries, dan lain-lain. Satu bungkus tahu walik frozen tersebut berisi sekitar 8/9 buah tahu walik.



It's easy to prepare. First remove the frozen tahu walik and the sauce from the freezer (let sit at room temperature for some time). Then fry the tahu walik with cooking oil. Lift and drain.

Cara menyiapkannya mudah. Pertama-tama keluarkan tahu walik frozen dan saus dari freezer (biarkan berada di suhu ruang selama beberapa waktu). Lalu goreng tahu walik dengan minyak goreng. Angkat dan tiriskan.

For the sauce, put the sauce in a frying pan with cooking oil, stir.

Untuk sausnya, taruh saus di wajan dengan minyak goreng, aduk-aduk.





The taste of the tahu walik also the sauce were delicious.

Rasa tahu walik nya juga sausnya enak.

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About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

0.036 PAL


Here in my country we don't have this kind of food, but it looks interesting and delicious, especially accompanied with a sause.

0.000 PAL

It"s delicious.... Thank you for stopping by

0.000 PAL

It is pretty creepy the way everyone is ignoring what is happening to me and still going to Hivefest. Lay the dirty snatches out why dont ya. Fake it all you want creeps, its so obvious the blind eye you are turning. @fyrstikken told me what V2K and RNM was before they turned it on for me. Around that time he introduced me to @roelandp . I still have the emails between myself and @roelandp . This chain is centralized by design and @fyrstikken helped set it all up to fuck everyone, one by one, slowly into my situation. This is no joke you dumb mother fuckers, they shock you to your thoughts..... Hello????? It is in store for everyone you fools and your helping. Voices pulsed in your head and shocks to your thoughts??? Ignore me and help fuck innocent people for life? @roelandp and other top witnesses I know are involved with @fyrstikken.. Wait until people find out you conspired to enslave them with this shit. I am not crazy and you know it. they are doing this shit to me and told me what it mother fucking was BEFORE THEY TURNED IT ON! Your acting like naive children or maybe you are just part of the problem? You look like sociopaths. Everyone should unplug from HIVE until they are caught, .your. celebrating and ignoring my obvious, you look like fools. You know who is doing it....they are trying to kill me with it. The Havana Syndrome is real too you slave trading V2K, RNM enabling fuckers. Arrogantly play ignorant you Creeps, your setting the table for trafficking and total enslavement. I did not know I was circumvented until a year after I was..People here will be nice until it?s too late. There is no way to stop it once they have you. Grow the fuck up, this is not aliens, gods, celebrities or a medicate-able mental concern. It is 100% electronic and beast as fuck. You do not want this shit. .....

0.000 PAL