Cindelaras × Bakso Urat ADS (Asli dari Solo) | 2 New Restaurants in the Same Place | 20% OFF | I Ate Penyet Chicken
There are new restaurants in my village, 2 restaurants in the same place. Namely Cindelaras and Bakso Urat ADS (Asli dari Solo). Previously, before the two restaurants existed, the place was a cafe/restaurant called D'Johor Coffee & Seafood. Indeed, the cafe/restaurant can be said to had few visitors when compared to other large cafes. Maybe that's why the cafe/restaurant is no longer there, and 2 new restaurants are there.
Ada restoran baru di kelurahanku, 2 restoran di satu tempat yang sama. Yaitu Cindelaras dan Bakso Urat ADS (Asli dari Solo). Dulunya, sebelum kedua restoran itu ada, tempat itu adalah sebuah kafe/resto bernama D'Johor Coffee & Seafood. Memang sih, kafe/resto tersebut bisa dibilang sepi kalau dibandingkan kafe-kafe besar lain. Mungkin itulah sebabnya kafe/resto tersebut tiada lagi, dan 2 restoran baru berada di situ.
I was there a few nights ago with my mother, my father, and my brother. We sat in the restaurant "Cindelaras". That time was opening day (1 August). August 1-7, all customers get 20% discount. If you want to come, preferably before the 8th, guys...
Aku ke sana beberapa malam yang lalu bersama ibuku, ayahku, dan abangku. Kami duduk di restoran "Cindelaras". Waktu itu adalah hari pembukaan (1 Agustus). Tanggal 1-7 Agustus, semua pelanggan mendapat diskon 20%. Kalau kalian mau datang, sebaiknya sebelum tanggal 8, guys...
The dining area of the 2 restaurants is spacious. Lots of tables. The parking lot is wide. There's a Kidzone in Cindelaras, well, although there was no game yet at that time. Even if we sit in one restaurant, we can order foods/drinks of another restaurant. Address: Jl. Karya Jaya &, Jl. Eka Sama, Gedung Johor, Medan Johor Subdistrict, Medan City, North Sumatra.
Area makan dari 2 restoran tersebut luas. Banyak meja. Parkirnya luas. Ada Kidzone di Cindelaras, yah, walaupun belum ada permainannya waktu itu. Walaupun kita duduk di salah satu restoran, kita bisa memesan makanan/minuman restoran yang satu lagi. Alamat: Jl. Karya Jaya &, Jl. Eka Sama, Gedung Johor, Kecamatan Medan Johor, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara.
The menu was a lot, but not too much, maybe because they just opened.
Menunya banyak, tapi tidak terlalu, mungkin karena baru buka.
From the "Cindelaras" restaurant, there were: Rice with Penyet Chicken, Rice with Penyet Catfish, Rice with Penyet Gourami, Rice with Penyet Tilapia, Rice with Penyet Duck, Sweet and Sour Gourami, Sweet and Sour Tilapia, Seafood Fried Rice, Mushroom Chicken Fried Rice, Grilled Fish Cake, Fried Tempeh, French Fries, Grilled Chicken, Grilled Tilapia, Grilled Duck, Grilled Gourami, Stir-fried Water Spinach, Chicken Soup, Duck Soup, Bangladeshi Noodles, Orange Juice, Avocado Juice, Mango Juice, Soursop Juice, Pineapple Juice, Cucumber Juice, Ice Cream Chocolate/ Vanilla, Banana Ice Cream, Avocado Float, Orange Float, Hot Coffee, Cold Coffee, Hot Sweet Tea, Cold Sweet Tea, Hot Milk Coffee, Cold Milk Coffee, Coconut Mango Ice Cream, and others.
Dari restoran "Cindelaras", ada: Nasi Ayam Penyet, Nasi Lele Penyet, Nasi Gurami Penyet, Nasi Nila Penyet, Nasi Bebek Penyet, Gurami Asam Manis, Nila Asam Manis, Nasi Goreng Seafood, Nasi Goreng Ayam Jamur, Otak-otak, Tempe Goreng, French Fries, Ayam Bakar, Nila Bakar, Bebek Bakar, Gurami Bakar, Tumis Kangkung, Sop Ayam, Sop Bebek, Mie Bangladesh, Jus Jeruk, Jus Pokat, Jus Mangga, Jus Sirsak, Jus Nenas, Jus Timun, Ice Cream Chocolate/Vanilla, Banana Ice Cream, Avocado Float, Orange Float, Kopi Panas, Kopi Dingin, Teh Manis Panas, Teh Manis Dingin, Kopi Susu Panas, Kopi Susu Dingin, Coconut Mango Ice Cream, dan lain-lain.
From the "Bakso Urat ADS (Asli dari Solo)" restaurant, there were: Bakso Urat, Bakso Super, Chicken Noodles, Chicken Noodles with Bakso, Hot Sweet Tea, Cold Sweet Tea, Hot Bitter Tea, Cold Bitter Tea, and others.
Dari restoran "Bakso Urat ADS (Asli dari Solo)", ada: Bakso Urat, Bakso Super, Mie Ayam, Mie Ayam Bakso, Teh Manis Panas, Teh Manis Dingin, Teh Pahit Panas, Teh Pahit Dingin, dan lain-lain.
What I ordered at the time were:
• 1 portion of Rice with Penyet Chicken (Price: IDR 21,818) (Note: breast)
• 1 serving of Ice Cream Chocolate (Price: IDR 6,364)
• 1 portion of Rice (Price: IDR 7,273)
Yang kupesan waktu itu adalah:
• 1 porsi Nasi Ayam Penyet (Harga: Rp21.818) (Catatan: bagian dada)
• 1 porsi Ice Cream Chocolate (Harga: Rp6.364)
• 1 porsi Nasi Putih (Harga: Rp7.273)
What were in "Rice with Penyet Chicken":
1 portion of rice, 1 portion of penyet chicken, tofu, eggplant, tempeh in sambal, vermicelli, basil leaves, sambal.
Yang ada di "Nasi Ayam Penyet":
1 porsi nasi, 1 porsi ayam penyet, tahu, terong, sambal tempe, bihun, daun kemangi, sambal.
Taste: Delicious 👍🏻
Rasa: Enak 👍🏻
What were in "Ice Cream Chocolate":
Chocolate ice cream, chocolate sweetened condensed milk, and chocolate sprinkles.
Yang ada di "Ice Cream Chocolate":
Es krim cokelat, susu kental manis cokelat, dan meses.
Taste: Delicious 👍🏻
Rasa: Enak 👍🏻
The total price of our foods/drinks at that time was around IDR 119,000 as I recall (already discounted 20%).
Total harga makanan/minuman kami kala itu adalah sekitar Rp119.000 seingatku (sudah didiskon 20%).
Thank you for seeing this post!
Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!
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I have never tried this brand but maybe if I go to Medan, I will try this restaurant for sure especially if any discount :)
Hehe... these restaurants are good, I don't think it will disappoint you... thank you for stopping by 👍🏻👍🏻