Chocolate-Flavored Sponge Cake with Toppings of Crushed Chocolate Biscuits, Chocolate Sweetened Condensed Milk, and Grated Cheddar



A few nights ago, I made a delicious cake. I made Chocolate-Flavored Sponge Cake with Toppings of Crushed Chocolate Biscuits, Chocolate Sweetened Condensed Milk, and Grated Cheddar.

Beberapa malam yang lalu, aku membat sebuah kue yang enak. Aku membuat Kue Sponge (Sponge Cake) Rasa Coklat dengan Topping Biskuit Cokelat Halus, Susu Kental Manis Cokelat, dan Cheddar Parut.

I used Pondan - Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix. Is the premix for chocolate-flavored sponge cake. 1 pack. That is with a net weight of 200 grams. Pondan is a brand provider of food ingredient products.

Aku menggunakan Pondan - Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix. Adalah premiks untuk kue sponge rasa cokelat. 1 bungkus. Yaitu dengan berat bersih 200 gram. Pondan ini adalah brand penyedia produk-produk bahan makanan.

I used 3 types of toppings, namely chocolate sweetened condensed milk, grated cheddar, and crushed chocolate biscuits.

Aku menggunakan 3 jenis topping, yaitu susu kental manis cokelat, cheddar parut, dan biskuit cokelat halus.


• Pondan - Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix1 pack
• MargarineAbout 75 grams
• Egg3 pcs
• Margarine for the baking panEnough
• Cheddar (grate!)Optional
• Biskuat Coklat or similar chocolate biscuits (crush with blender!)Optional
• Chocolate sweetened condensed milkOptional
• Pondan - Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix1 bungkus
• MargarinSekitar 75 gram
• Telur3 butir
• Margarin untuk loyangSecukupnya
• Cheddar (parut!)Opsional
• Biskuat Coklat atau biskuit cokelat sejenis (haluskan dengan blender!)Opsional
• Susu kental manis cokelatOpsional

How to Make:

Cara Membuat:

● Melt about 75 grams of margarine.

Lelehkan sekitar 75 gram margarin.


● While melting, whisk with a mixer 3 eggs for about 2 minutes.

Selagi melelehkan, kocok dengan mixer 3 butir telur selama sekitar 2 menit.



● Add 1 pack of Pondan - Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix. Whisk with the mixer for about 6 minutes.

Tambahkan 1 bungkus Pondan - Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix. Kocok dengan mixer selama sekitar 6 menit.



● Add melted margarine. Stir.

Tambahkan margarin leleh. Aduk.


● Put the batter into a baking pan that has been smeared with margarine.

Masukkan adonan ke loyang yang sudah diolesi dengan margarin.


● Bake in the oven.

Panggang di oven.


● Add toppings on result.

Tambahkan topping pada hasil.





Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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