

Chicken is food that people like. Various kinds of preparations can be made from chicken. One of them is Chicken Katsu. This is a typical Japanese chicken dish. Chicken katsu can be eaten with sauce and mayonnaise, it can be with Japanese curry, and so on.

Ayam memanglah makanan yang disuka orang-orang. Berbagai macam olahan bisa dibuat dari ayam. Salah satunya adalah Ayam Katsu. Merupakan masakan ayam khas Jepang. Ayam katsu bisa dimakan dengan saus dan mayonais, bisa dengan kare Jepang, dan lain-lain.

A few days ago I made CHICKEN KATSU WITH JAPANESE CURRY. I share the recipe below. Using Nicchi - Bumbu Kare Jepang (Japanese Curry Seasoning) - Super Pedas (Super Spicy). It is instant Japanese curry seasoning. Halal.

Beberapa hari yang lalu aku membuat AYAM KATSU DENGAN KARE JEPANG. Aku share resepnya di bawah. Menggunakan Nicchi - Bumbu Kare Jepang - Super Pedas. Itu adalah bumbu kare Jepang instan. Halal.



Part I:
• Chicken breast fillet, slice thinly
• 6 cloves of garlic, puree
• About 1½ teaspoon of salt
• About 1 teaspoon of pepper powder
• Powdered broth
Part II:
• About 10 tablespoons of wheat flour
• About 1 teaspoon of salt
• About 1 teaspoon of powdered broth
Part III:
• 2 eggs, beat
Part IV:
• Breadcrumbs
Part V:
• Cooking oil
Part VI (Japanese Curry):
• 2 packs of Nicchi - Bumbu Kare Jepang (Japanese Curry Seasoning) - Super Pedas (Super Spicy)
• 1 onion, chop into pieces
• 2 carrots, chop into pieces
• About 310 grams of potatoes, chop into pieces
• About 6 cups of water
• 3 pieces of cayenne pepper, chop into pieces
• Sugar
• Salt
• Chili sauce
• Powdered broth
• Cooking oil
Bagian I:
• Dada ayam fillet, iris tipis-tipis
• 6 siung bawang putih, haluskan
• Sekitar 1½ sendok teh garam
• Sekitar 1 sendok teh lada bubuk
• Kaldu bubuk
Bagian II:
• Sekitar 10 sendok makan tepung terigu
• Sekitar 1 sendok teh garam
• Sekitar 1 sendok teh kaldu bubuk
Bagian III:
• 2 butir telur, kocok
Bagian IV:
• Tepung panir
Bagian V:
• Minyak goreng
Bagian VI (Kare Jepang):
• 2 bungkus Nicchi - Bumbu Kare Jepang - Super Pedas
• 1 buah bawang bombay, potong-potong
• 2 buah wortel, potong-potong
• Sekitar 310 gram kentang, potong-potong
• Sekitar 6 cangkir air
• 3 buah cabai rawit, potong-potong
• Gula
• Garam
• Saus sambal
• Kaldu bubuk
• Minyak goreng



● Chicken Katsu

Ayam Katsu

• Coat the sliced ​​chicken breast fillet with the other "Part 1" ingredients (pureed garlic, salt, pepper powder, powdered broth). Leave for 30-40 minutes.

Lumuri irisan dada ayam fillet dengan bahan "Bagian 1" lainnya (bawang putih yang dihaluskan, garam, lada bubuk, kaldu bubuk). Diamkan selama 30-40 menit.


• Coat with ingredients "Part II" (wheat flour, salt, powdered broth) then coat with ingredient "Part III" (beaten eggs) then coat with ingredient "Part IV" (breadcrumbs) then fry in cooking oil.

Lumuri dengan bahan "Bagian II" (tepung terigu, garam, kaldu bubuk) lalu lumuri dengan bahan "Bagian III" (kocokan telur) lalu lumuri dengan bahan "Bagian IV" (tepung panir) lalu goreng dengan minyak goreng.




● Japanese Curry

Kare Jepang

• Saute the chopped onion in cooking oil.

Tumis potongan bawang bombay dengan minyak goreng.


• Add potato pieces and carrot pieces. Stir.

Tambahkan potongan kentang dan potongan wortel. Aduk-aduk.


• Add chopped cayenne pepper. Stir.

Tambahkan potongan cabai rawit. Aduk.


• Add water. Stir.

Tambahkan air. Aduk.


• Add 2 packs of Nicchi - Bumbu Kare Jepang (Japanese Curry Seasoning) - Super Pedas (Super Spicy) when the vegetables are wilted but not too much.

Tambahkan 2 bungkus Nicchi - Bumbu Kare Jepang - Super Pedas ketika sayuran sudah layu tapi tidak terlalu.


• Stir. Add sugar, salt, chili sauce, and powdered broth until the taste is right.

Aduk-aduk. Tambahkan gula, garam, saus sambal, dan kaldu bubuk sampai rasa pas.








Very suitable to be eaten with rice.

Sangat cocok dimakan pakai nasi.

All photos were edited with Adobe Lightroom, then the top photo was created with Canva.

Semua foto diedit dengan Adobe Lightroom, lalu foto paling atas dibuat dengan Canva.

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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