A Comedy Short Comic Series | ACTOR WANNABE ENDO KUN Vol. 1 and 2 (End) | Review



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In this post, I review a short comic series entitled Actor Wannabe Endo Kun. Only 2 volumes. This comic series is an unpopular comedy comic series but I think it's worth reading. Usually I read action comics, detective comics, but this comic series is a light comic series. This comic series originates from Japan. What I read is the Indonesian edition (translation).

Di postingan ini, aku mereview sebuah komik serial singkat berjudul Actor Wannabe Endo Kun. Hanya 2 volume saja. Komik serial ini adalah komik serial komedi yang tidak populer tapi menurutku layak dibaca. Biasanya aku membaca komik-komik action, detektif, tapi komik serial ini adalah komik serial yang ringan. Komik serial ini asal Jepang. Yang kubaca adalah edisi Indonesia (terjemahan).




Title: Actor Wannabe Endo Kun
Original Title: Engimon Endou Kun
Author: KUROTO
Publisher: PT Elex Media Komputindo
Original Publisher: SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
Translated by: Anindhita Raghia (Vol. 1), Anggi Virgianti (Vol. 2)
Editor: Nia Ikasary
Covers Design: Aji Y.

Judul: Actor Wannabe Endo Kun
Judul Asal: Engimon Endou Kun
Pengarang: KUROTO
Penerbit: PT Elex Media Komputindo
Penerbit Asal: SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD
Alih Bahasa: Anindhita Raghia
Editor: Nia Ikasary
Desain Sampul: Aji Y.

Volume 1

Endo is a boy who dreams of becoming a future Hollywood star β˜† No matter if he annoys others, he still practices acting every day! This is a light comedy story involving the whole school.

Endo anak cowok yang bercita-cita menjadi bintang Hollywood masa depan β˜† Tidak peduli meski mengganggu orang lain, dia tetap berlatih akting setiap hari! Inilah kisah komedi ringan yang melibatkan seisi sekolah.

Volume 2

Endo, the troublemaker, will drop out of school for his debut as an actor!? For the last memory, the friends who always bothered him will work together to make a drama!! This is the final of the comedy story "The (future) famous actor"!

Endo, si pembuat onar, akan berhenti sekolah demi debutnya sebagai aktor!? Untuk kenang-kenangan terakhir, teman-teman yang selalu dibuat repot olehnya akan bekerja sama membuat sebuah drama!! Inilah babak akhir kisah komedi "Sang (calon) aktor terkenal"!


Guys, the beginning of the story is very funny:
Endo greets Kawauchi, an ordinary high school student, Endo says "Today you look sleepy too, huh. You've always been weak in the morning, anyway". Kawauchi: ".......", then Kawauchi: "Who...?" 🀭

Guys, awal ceritanya saja lucu sekali:
Endo menyapa Kawauchi, seorang siswi SMA biasa, Endo berkata "Hari ini pun kamu kelihatan ngantuk, ya. Sejak dulu kamu memang lemah di pagi hari, sih". Kawauchi: ".......", lalu Kawauchi: "Siapa...?" 🀭

Then Endo: "What are you talking about? It's me, Endo! We've been friends since childhood, right?", then Kawauchi wants to report Endo to the police. Then Endo admits that earlier he was practicing acting, he tried to act as a 'friend since childhood', Kawauchi happened to pass by, so Endo chose her as opponent.

Lalu Endo: "Ngomong apa, sih? Ini aku, Endo! Kita sudah berteman sejak kecil, 'kan?", Kawauchi pun mau melaporkan Endo ke polisi. Lalu Endo mengakui bahwa tadi itu dia sedang latihan acting, dia mencoba berperan sebagai 'teman sejak kecil', kebetulan tadi Kawauchi lewat, makanya Endo memilih dia sebagai lawan main.

Endo's acting training continues with Kawauchi whom he calls 'director'... Over time they become very close and Endo gets in touch with many characters...

Latihan acting Endo pun terus berlanjut bersama Kawauchi yang ia panggil 'sutradara'... Lama-kelamaan mereka jadi sangat akrab dan Endo berhubungan dengan banyak karakter...

That's a glimpse of this comic series.

Itulah sekilas tentang komik serial ini.




πŸ“Ž This comic series is printed on bookpaper, the covers are glossy, there are 2 color pages in each volume.
πŸ“Ž On the front cover of volume 1, Misaki Endo, the main character, is prominently displayed. While volume 2, Etsuko Kawauchi, is prominently displayed.
πŸ“Ž Each volume contains 8 acts (act = chapter). The last act in volume 2 is called the Final Act.
πŸ“Ž There are many bonus comics, for example "Grup Teater Endo Sedang Bersiap-siap ('Endo Theater Group Getting Ready' in English) (1) to (5)".
πŸ“Ž At the end of volume 2, there are biodata of 5 important characters, namely Misaki Endo, Etsuko Kawauchi (Director), Akira Okui (Captain), Shiori Okui, and Haruo Tejima. Each biodata contains height, hobby/ies, favorite food/s, and others.
πŸ“Ž Endo makes other characters annoyed, even a teacher is made by him a role in acting, really outrageous 🀭.
πŸ“Ž Overall, the comedies in this comic series hit, though not all. I think the ending is good.

πŸ“Ž Komik serial ini dicetak dengan kertas bookpaper, covernya glossy (mengkilap), terdapat 2 halaman warna di setiap volume.
πŸ“Ž Di cover depan volume 1, Misaki Endo, sang pemeran utama, terpampang besar. Sedangkan volume 2, Etsuko Kawauchi, yang terpampang besar.
πŸ“Ž Tiap volume berisi 8 act (act = chapter). Act yang terakhir di volume 2 dinamakan Final Act.
πŸ“Ž Ada banyak komik bonus, misalnya "Grup Teater Endo Sedang Bersiap-siap (1) sampai (5)".
πŸ“Ž Di bagian penghujung volume 2, terdapat biodata 5 karakter penting, yaitu Misaki Endo, Etsuko Kawauchi (Sutradara), Akira Okui (Kapten), Shiori Okui, dan Haruo Tejima. Tiap biodata memuat tinggi badan, hobi, makanan favorit, dan lain-lain.
πŸ“Ž Endo membuat karakter-karakter lain sebal, bahkan seorang guru pun dijadikannya pemeran dalam acting, sungguh keterlaluan 🀭.
πŸ“Ž Overall, komik serial ini komedinya mengena, walau tidak semua. Endingnya pun menurutku bagus.





Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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