Judging you...

Professionally I was point-blank strict about every single relevancy.
Time management, professionalism, responsibility, skill...you name it.
I had been the ideal monument of a refined employee. A true ideal one and I promise you will not be able to accuse me of a flaw.

And I had once a line manager whom I disliked very much because of his ideals!
So imagine on which level he pertains that I did not like him even being like that!

I mean even if I was inclined toward professionalism, I was smiley, cheerful, and gave a friendly vibe so that the subordinates would not be weary of me or stiff around.
But he never cared about anyone, anything whatsoever, like a solid programmed cyborg.
Perhaps he too would understand that.
So cannot say we let our guard down around each other, at least I did not.
And neither he was a friendly one at all.

On my farewell, when he was requested to say some words he said that he learned something from me over this short time.
To be a non-judgmental person.
And that he has never met anyone in his long career, someone to be so spontaneously, without any conscious effort, a non-judgmental person.

I was shocked.
For someone to notice me with such scrutiny!

  • The action of not being judgmental is so subtle and rare that it often goes unnoticed by people.
  • And the majority of people love to pass judgment on any actions they find fit.

Because I assume it is very tasty and feels good to do that.
So not noticing the empathetic actions, and not being appreciated is rather a usual occurrence.

I remember his voice, his eyes touched by the smile, even now and always will.
That did not make me prideful. Rather made me thrive more to be one of what he has said about.
One can not perfectly, be empathetic, or non-judgmental but as long as they are conscious they can surely be one to uphold.

And your actions will always differ from others' points of view. They might never praise you but criticize you for the sheer given possibility of not knowing the intention or source of it.
They will not make an effort to understand you but must assert their problems are far more attending than you.

So my lovely good summer child, do not be sad when people call you arrogant, inconsiderate, or selfish. Because you know what you are, one or two or some other on this earth knows.
That should be enough.

All the contents are mine, until mentioned otherwise.
