
As someone rightly said: "Whatsoever we do today, it becomes history tomorrow" and such is life. The more reason we have to be deliberate about how we live and be cautious about how we treat people. No one is self sufficient or meant to live all by himself or herself alone, we will definitely need one another or keep relationships as this is part of humanity. One of the holy books mentioned the fact that: "A good name is to be chosen rather than riches" and this is still true till today even if the opposite is the order of the day now with its evident consequences.

Life has a fair share of good and bad experience which all depends on how each one lays the foundation for his/her posterity i.e. generations after. Some people because of power, wealth, fame, privileges has misused or abuse such opportunities which soiled their name, image, reputation and hence, haunts their posterity up till now. On the other hand, some maximised such opportunities and leveraged on it to build relationships that matters which their offsprings and generations after them are still grateful for. For example, if certain names are mentioned in some neighborhood, country, continent or world at large, people might be skeptical to have dealings with such descendants and vice versa on the other hands.


By the law of nature, whatsoever one does comes back to the person either good or bad which sometimes transcends to generations afterwards with those generations having no choice or say in it. The same way the generations after will enjoy the good deeds in return of the good things their progenitors did, the same way they will receive the evils of such unless there were amendments, forgiveness and mercy/pardon for the wrong deeds/mistakes of their progenitors. I stand to be corrected, but based on observation, people tend to remember evil deeds than good deeds done to them and that makes it abit complex.

In the nutshell, children will get both fair sides of goods and evils done by their parents naturally though some may be in the same degree or others in another degree either higher or lower. However, as good as it sounds that the evil deeds or bad choices made by the parents shouldn't be harvested by their offspring, that lies with the people involved who are the hurted to let go, forgive and show mercy/pardon for the wrongs and misdeeds done against them. But if not, the children may likely experience the fallouts of such evil deeds naturally even if not to the same degree of the evil done.


In all, i believe strongly that we can have more goods than evil if we allow love especially the agape (God kind of love) to lead us because this love is selfless, compassionate, sacrificial, giving/forgiving and bearing/forebearing. Also, i encourage everyone to be mindful and cautious of how we treat one another and especially, we parents about the choices and decisions we make because it is like a seed today sown which harvest is coming. Finally, "to err is human, to forgive is divine", we can forgive and let go of the past hurts, grieves and pains for us to have a better world. Thank you for reading even as comments/contributions are welcomed.

This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 147 edition 02 on "SINS OF THE FATHER" Thumbnail designed using Canva.


I also believe in your line of thought.
It will surely come back so, it's best we live well.


Exactly 💯
Thanks for aligning with this line of thought.
I appreciate


you have said it all.
children get the good and bad side of their parents actions.
