Night lilies on the Vologda River

This year, the summer turned out to be dry and the Vologda River is so shallow that it can be forded. Well, the current on the river is so slow that the water becomes almost stagnant.


Water lilies are a common annual occurrence.

It's just that I'm capturing it for the first time at night.

I was attracted by their poisonous green color, which gives it such an effect of street lighting.

And since the water level in the river is very low, ancient artifacts in the form of wooden supports of old bridges were exposed because of this.

I really value such independent topics that do not fall under any project.

And the project (I don't like that word) I name what fascinates me and I have been devoting more than one year to a topic.

Magic happens not only among abandoned dugouts.

An inspired state enveloped me this time too.

I turned invisible again and felt like I was under a dome.

When I'm in this state, it's like people don't see me, don't pay attention. It's like they don't care about me at all.

And I was as cozy and comfortable as can only be at home.

I have an unusual relationship with water: I'm afraid of it, but it attracts me.

And I'm comfortable near the water, but not in the water itself.

At first, I wasn't at all sure about the implementation of this theme, but in the end I was doubly satisfied!
