Surround yourself with Success


You ever run into the kinds of people who seem to make a living out of tearing other people down? I call them 'Energy Vampires' as they never build anyone up, just endlessly chip away at others instead of doing something positive with their lives.

The glass is always half-empty with them, you know the type.

I have this woman that I have to deal with on a semi-regular basis, and she's always into everyone's business. The negativity that pours out of that pie-hole of hers is astonishing.

I don't even want to be around her lest I get caught up in it. So I wrap up whatever business I have with her quickly, and am on my way, ensuring that any responses that I make are neutral and noncommittal.

What stands out to me are those people engaging in what I call 'Building and Accumulating.' They're usually seen in the company of other smart people quietly learning from others while sharing what they know.

These people are like bright lights that illuminate those with the eyes to see.

You never see them around Energy Vampires, instead they surround themselves with interesting, positive, and knowledgeable individuals. These wise souls are the type that you can learn from and end up making yourself a better person in the process.

Being involved in the mental cross-pollination is an amazing process to behold. You're around folks that are either successful, or have taken that first step in life's journey in order to do so.

They don't have time for negativity, but seem to like sharing what they know with people both eager to learn, and have a willingness to take that knowledge and turn it into action.

Evaluate and Associate

There's a process of evaluating before associating. You can almost sense them sizing others up: "Is this person ready to receive what I have while sharing what they know as well?" If you can't find room for improvement for both side, it's better to move on.

What I've found is that through networking, you can find others of like mind in a crowded room. "I see this person isn't spending all of their time talking about the money they spend buying lottery tickets. They're building their library of financial knowledge, and making good use of their time."

That's what's happening here.

I met this wise student in one of my classes, and I recognized that he was proficient in one field of study while lacking in another. He knew what I didn't know, and I knew what he didn't know.

So we swapped information and made each other better.

How did I find him? He stood out in the way he carried himself in class. Taking notes, asking the right questions, the way he dressed and talked made him stand out from the other students who were playing mobile games instead of learning.

We became friends and formed an ad hoc group of other like-minded people who were interested in growing our knowledge-base instead of running in place.

If you're smart, these aren't the kinds of people that you dump one you've extracted what you thought you needed in that moment.

Since they tend to soak up knowledge like a sponge, they're always growing and moving forward. So we continue to maintain our associations with each other knowing the help and wise counsel is only a text away.

Have you found people like this in your life? I have, and the experience of growing and sharing with them has made me a better person, which affects both myself and others around me.

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I know exactly what you are talking about when you say Energy Vampires. I have met a few in my life. One or two are even in my family regretfully. I look to avoid them at all costs. Especially these days as I work on my own mental and physical health. Just don't need that crap.

There are many people I have met over the years that are those bright lights. Some I am still in contact with in some form or another. Some I am not and wish I was.


Right? Life is hard enough without those people weighing you down. Good people tend to attract other good people and leave a great example for others to follow, as we help to improve each other along the way.
