[ENG/ESP] A failed weekend 😵 🌩 // Un fin de semana fallido 😵🌩


Blanco Negro Marrón Cita Motivacional Lluvia Foto Miniatura YouTube.png

Hello once again, my dear community! I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Mine started a little crazy 😅

Hola una vez más, mi querida comunidad! espero que todos hayan pasado un excelente fin de semana.
El mío empezó un poco loco 😅

I was working all week very hard, to the point that the weekend came and I couldn't decide whether to do something or not.
The weather in Buenos Aires was also indecisive, we went from extreme heat to a week of short rains and high humidity.
But I decided to do something on Saturday, in a place where there are many outdoor activities. One of my favorite singers played there: Marilina Bertoldi!!❤️ Soloist singer and composer of Argentine rock.

Estuve trabajando toda la semana muy duro, a tal punto que llegó el fin de semana y no podía decidir si hacer algo o no.
El tiempo en Buenos Aires también estuvo indeciso, pasamos del calor extremo a una semana de lluvias cortas y con mucha humedad.
Pero bueno, decidí hacer algo el sábado, en un predio en donde hay muchísimas actividades al aire libre. Ahí tocaba una de mis cantantes favoritas: Marilina bertoldi!!❤️ Cantante solista y compositora del rock argentino.

Source - Fuente

I was so excited that I tried to convince my girlfriend and my best friend to go. Although the forecast gave thunderstorms, after insisting so much they agreed. 💪

Estaba tan emocionada que intenté convencer a mi novia y a mi mejor amiga de ir. Si bien el pronostico daba tormentas eléctricas, de tanto insistirles accedieron. 💪


We have approximately an hour and a half to travel by bus, and from where we got off, we had to walk about 10 blocks.
As I said, the weather was crazy: it was cloudy, the sun came out, like that all day without rain, but there came a time when we went down, we saw that the sky was black and there was a lot of wind. As soon as they saw that they already wanted to go back to what I stood up and said no. big mistake 🤣
Arriving almost at the gate of the property, it began to rain torrentially. The worst of all is that we were next to an avenue where cars were passing by very fast and they were soaking us on purpose 😖 It was also a very funny moment but at the same time terrifying.

Tenemos aproximadamente hora y media de viaje en colectivo, y desde donde bajamos, teníamos que caminar unas 10 cuadras.
Como dije, el tiempo estaba loco: se nublaba, salía el sol, así todo el día sin llover pero llegó un momento que cuando bajamos, vimos que el cielo estaba negro y había mucho viento. Ellas apenas vieron eso ya querían volverse a lo que me puse firme y dije que no. Gran error 🤣
Al llegar casi a la puerta del predio se largó a llover torrencialmente. Lo peor de todo es que estábamos al lado de una avenida por la que pasaban autos muy rápido y nos empapaban a propósito 😖 Igualmente fue un momento muy divertido pero al mismo tiempo aterrador.


We had to go back to the bus stop, cold and all soaked to wait for the bus back home. The girls wanted to kill me because a lot of wind had picked up and that was going to hurt us. To all this when we went up it turns out that the transport had the air conditioning on. Luckily Micol was able to cover herself with a blanket that we had brought to put on the floor.

Tuvimos que volver a la parada, muertas de frio y todas empapadas a esperar el colectivo de regreso a casa. Las chicas me querían matar porque se había levantado mucho viento y eso nos iba a hacer mal. A todo esto cuando subimos resulta que el trasporte tenia el aire acondicionado prendido. Por suerte Micol se pudo tapar con una manta que habíamos llevado para poner el piso.



After the walk through the rain, arriving home while they were taking a shower. I prepared the snack, and we enjoyed mate with lemon, ginger and honey while the three of us watched Eternals in bed.

Después del paseo por la lluvia, al llegar a casa mientras ellas se tomaban una ducha. preparé la merienda, y disfrutamos de mate con limón, jengibre y miel mientras las tres vimos Eternals en la cama.


It was a failed Saturday. Now I know that if the forecast says there are going to be thunderstorms, clearly I have to stay home. 🤣

Thank you very much for reading once again 🤗

Fue un sábado fallido. Ahora sé que si el pronóstico dice que van a haber tormentas eléctricas, claramente me tengo que quedar en casa. 🤣

Muchísimas gracias por leer una vez más 🤗

 - The images are my property except the ones I clarified the source and the first one, which I made in Canva.📷

- Las imágenes son de mi propiedad excepto las que aclaré la fuente y la primera, que la hice en Canva. 📷

0.000 PAL


Lol, sorry for laughing tho, but what you said at the ending really got me. Even for me, I don't really trust forecasts, I must times ignore it, or should I say I always ignore it, I feel like they don't actually know what they are saying, so I imagine myself to do exactly the same thing you did if I had plans to head out. It doesn't really sound like it was a boring weekend tho, to some extent, being in the rain is an avenue to have some fun, haha...

0.000 PAL