Remote Work and Crypto Salary


Since 2019, most of the people who worked in tech and the office with desk jobs are getting used to the remote work mindset. Now that we are set up for that mindset, getting the salary through electronic means is also becoming a norm as well.

People are no longer getting cash but they are getting the payout in their bank account as per the payout schedule. Salaries getting the digital nature and making it easier for people to accept it and also spend it.


Enter the Remote Salary

Currently a lot of companies prefer to hire locally. So the remote work yet the person from the same country is preferred. This is same approach as the remote work where people even from same city used to work from home.

Now a person from another city would work for you from the laptop. And you are going to pay him electronically. This type of remote salary may come from any part of the world. Which is what makes the salary "remote".

Where Crypto Plays the Role?

What if someone from china wants to work with the person in South America? Or say Africa or even Canada? How they are going to pay the user without going through the red tape of the various govt & bank organizations?

This is where crypto plays the role. You may find that companies like Exodus have crypto salary. So anyone who works for them remotely would get paid in cryptos. This can be a good option if they use floating value currency or even the stable coin.

Work from Anywhere, Get Paid in Crypto

Imagine working for anyone in the world. And at the end of the day making use of the escrow contract which can pay you in crypto. Something like say you have a contract that you use between two parties and if work done, you get paid.

This can be scary for the banks and the govt. They must be looking out for a way to avoid this and they may in near future find such companies and the system to control them for the payments and the fees.

What if Hive is used for digital writing jobs & salary?

I am being modest with my expectation and not expecting Hive to be one currency for all the web. Instead what if digital writing companies like say publishing or news reporting house start to pay people in Hive for reporting or sending the content?

What do you think? Do you think crypto can be helpful in the reporting, journalism and digital writing industry for getting paid? Do you think Hive dollars can become a good norm in writing industry to get paid?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think it would be a interesting case when hive model is used in place of real jobs in the future. BUt time will tell if this will be doable
