How do People Trust Other People


I always wanted to be an influencer, but there was a catch from my own side. I never wanted to become an influencer by showing my face and skin. More like I always wanted to be known for my views and the words instead of face. This way I wanted to stay timeless and not bound by my age.

I realize with time that people develop trust based on specific characteristics, and then that trust is converted into monetary terms. It could be help, support and various other things. So it requires a lot of time in order to build trust. So I decided to write about building trust to see if my observation on this is on point.


Image Credit: unsplash

So how do people build trust?

Facial and Physical Attraction

People who follow women on Instagram and other flashy places tend to go for their physical appearance rather than their brain. So the trust factor is based on the attraction that makes it.

So some people make use of the face and the biological advantage they have got in order to build trust in the life. I personally can't have this as I am not the most attractive person, so this is not how I build trust.

Vocal Source

You can't be the most beautiful person and also not the most attractive person but you can be pretty good with the vocal means. And that could be one way to attract other people. I have seen many people who are not attractive but good with vocal.

If you have a good voice or want to build some vocal quality, you can use that and work on your vocal source and improve your trust. Again this may not work on everyone, but this helps in social skills context.

Word Source

You can't have a good voice and you can't have the right face & figure. But you could have a good set of written text that impacts the people. And that is another way to build trust.

I want to build on this as it does not require my voice training nor require face to be the most attractive either. So I make sure to learn to write better. Who knows I could have some influence developed through that :)


What do you think, how do you build your trust on the people with your influence source? Do you prefer voice, face or text?


Trust can be a trait but can also be trained, like trusting someone after getting to know what they're like, If you are good at reading people, trusting them can be valid or invalid.


I trust people based in their actions more than their words and definitely not on their face.

The people I trust from hive are the ones who I have seen backing up their words with the right actions and doing good things over a long period of time.

That is what matters.
