Stezičar z medom - Trailruner lager with honey


Sunday midday, everything important is done already. So, it's high time for a beer. This one...

A lager with honey. Excellent.

It's refreshing with a strong taste of honey. Really good.

The label tells the story about the beer.

In Slovenian:

Ljubitelji stezičenja se imenujejo stezičarji (s tujko trail runner ali hiker). Eni hodijo po stezicah počasi, drugi tečejo hitro, skupno pa jim je to, da pri tem uživajo. Ne stezičijo samo od zore do mraka. Ko STE pade noč, si nadenejo čelko in se tako prelevijo v čelkarje. Na stezicah se vedno nabere veliko višinskih metrov, ampak nikoli ni odveč še kakšen dodaten višinc.

Stezičarja, ultramaratonca Katka in Toni Vencelj si pivovarske izkušnje nabirata že 8 let. Sedaj vam nudita 6 vrst piva. Ljubitelji stezičenja se imenujejo stezičarji (s tujko trail runner ali hiker). Eni hodijo po stezicah počasi, drugi tečejo hitro, skupno pa jim je to, da pri tem uživajo. Ne stezičijo samo od zore do mraka. Ko STE pade noč, si nadenejo čelko in se tako prelevijo v čelkarje. Na stezicah se vedno nabere veliko višinskih metrov, ampak nikoli ni odveč še kakšen dodaten višinc.

Autotranslated to English:

Trail runners are called trail runners stezičar in Slovenian. Some walk slowly on the trails, others run fast, but what they have in common is that they enjoy it. They don't just run from dawn to dusk. When the night falls, they put on a turban and thus transform into turbans. There is always a lot of elevation gain on the trails, but some additional elevation is never superfluous.

Runners and ultramarathoners Katka and Toni Vencelj have been gathering brewing experience for 8 years. Now they offer you 6 types of beer.

Cheers and a great Sunday.

Better and better
:ervin :lemark

Published with @ecency




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"Trail runner beer"

That sentence alone is a winner 😄
