Hive rewards July 2024


The new month has started, so it is time for a new report on my Hive rewards.

Author rewards

Below you can see the author rewards I received since the start of 2020. In July I earned 112.48 Hive in author rewards. This is not as high as last month, but still the second best month ever. This also increased the 12 month trailing average nicely.

Curation rewards

Below you can see the monthly curation rewards from the start of 2020. In July I earned 69.97 Hive in curation rewards. This is - once again an by far - the best month ever. The 1 year running average is looking pretty good here too, crossing the 60 Hive a month mark for the first time.

All in all very good progress again this month. Still Hive itself is not doing great, but it's still nice to get nice amounts of rewards in. Let's see whether I can keep increasing the rewards during the second half of 2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Have you made any changes to your cpntent or pattern, or why do you think you got a uptick? :)


No, I didn't. I think it's basically two things:
1: Over time, more people are regularly (auto-) upvoting my posts. Thanks to the second order effect (the upvotes getting bigger because these accounts grow) this is effect is also enhanced/enlarged.
2: Less overall activity on Hive, so the people who do stay active receive a larger share of the pie. In the long run, this is of course an unhealthy development, but in the short run it is/seems nice.
