When Your Life Gets Rugged
Today I was planning to write about happy things, wait for the CPI data to come in and was planning to ride the waves. A normal day I would say. Then three hours ago, out of the blue, my office chair started to move back and forth, again, just like it did yesterday. It was like when someone wass pushing and pulling your chair, you just could not see who it was or where the person was standing. You look around to see what's happening and see there's no one around to play pranks on you.
This happened yesterday in my country. An earthquake of 5.2 magnitude, categorized as intensity 5.
This is where it happened.
Then this happened 3 hours or so ago, at 15:16 EET. Another earthquake at the same place, but this time the magnitude was 5.7, which means intensity 6. Two small aftershocks followed, one of 3.4 magnitude and the last one was of 3.5 and then there was on of 4.1 at 17:24:29 EET .
I don't live in the vicinity of the events, but I was still able to feel both bigger ones, yesterday and today as well. It was only for a few seconds, like 10 seconds maybe, but trust me, you don't want to know how it feels like, or what can cause an earthquake like that.
According to the latest news, in Targu Jiu, the closest city to where the epicenter of the earthquake was, the chimneys of the city hall collapsed, damaged a few cars, shops in that area will need to rearrange shelves and clean up the floor, but so far no other major damage or casualty has been reported.
When the earthquake started, I knew exactly what it was. I'm not used to it (thank God), but I knew what was going on. Yet, I did nothing as I knew it can't be that bad as the seismic zone of the country is far from where I live. However, my first thought was what would I pack in 1 or 2 minutes. I know, in these cases you don't have 1 or 2 minutes, but still, this is how the human mind works I suppose.
After the scare was gone, I started thinking of how unpredictable life is. Last year I had the same thoughts, when the Russian - Ukrainian war started. I was thinking what would I take with me if I would be forced to leave home in a rush. That was when I started to seriously put my affairs in order.
This time I had my backpack in my room, by chance, but in case of an earthquake, you don't have much time though. If you're lucky, you can gather your savings, if you have any, your papers and a few things, but quite many don't have that luxury, if the first one is of a high magnitude. I'm not an expert, but I think the first one is the strongest, so if that does not kill you ... There's a possibility more is coming and if your building gets damaged by the first one, you may be safer outside, if you can make it.
I'm not the faint-hearted type, to be afraid of my own shadow and these events did not scare me, but made me think though. We live in constant uncertainty, one bad thing comes after another, you never know what's going to happen next. This is life, maybe it's been always like this, but somehow I feel like bad things are happening more often lately.
This makes me change the way I think and live. There's always something you can do to make your life better or to enjoy what life is offering you. Cut out the bad, focus on what is important, while you can.
Some of those who live in Turkey and Syria had no second chance. Some were lucky to be rescued, even after days, while others are still buried under heavy concrete. How many have died in the Russian - Ukrainian war and how many are displaced all over the world, without any hope for a normal life. And I haven't even mention covid yet.
What is normal? I think normal is redefined every day and if you can't see that, you have a problem, a big one. What's going to happen tomorrow? Will there be another earthquake? Will it be stronger than the one we had today? Can anyone answer these questions? I don't think so.

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Even though we have so many of them here in Greece it's one of the things that's hard (if not impossible) to get used to. The lower you live the better but when your most stable thing shakes (your home) then everything feels questionable.
I am more zen about them than I used to though. Fortunately. Good luck!
You're right, you can never get used to it and you shouldn't. I was thinking, instead of running out the door as quickly as I can, I waited for it to be over as I knew it can't be so bad. This attitude is that gets you killed.
There was one last night, of 4.2, but I was sleeping.
Who knows what the future brings ...
No one knows, not even the scientists. This science is mainly based on statistic data which says a lot whether they can do any predictions you can trust.
In case of doubt ask me - seismic is a Greek word 😁
Nothing is more true than what you say. The earth is getting more and more shaken and worse, but we have to be better, don't follow the bad shaking too.
You can't stop these earthquakes but there are things we can do. Architecture is evolving, scientists are searching for solutions to make buildings more resistant.
That sounds horrible. I've only experienced a few small quakes and even those were horrible. It's a scary prospect to think what can I gather in 1 to 2 minutes, because that's not much time at all to grab anything at all. First prize is to get out with your own life and get to a safe zone. Waiting 1 to 2 minutes in the event of a big one could be the difference between life and death.
You're right unfortunately 😔 it's a terrible situation, that can even kill you instantly. I just hope these quakes stop now. I don't want to live in fear and don't want anyone to get hurt. Life is hard already as it is.
I've written many posts about being prepared for various things, and have many more I could write.
There's many reasons a person may want to leave their house in a hurry and in all cases it makes sense to have a go-bag somewhere handy that is ready to go. This means it contains all the items all the time and only needs to be picked up and one can immediately leave.
What's in the go-bag is up to the individual but there's some good examples on the interwebs if you're interested.
The point is, being able to pick up and leave very quickly in an emergency is sometimes critical to wellbeing and survival. You mention the earthquake and war but there's other reasons too. Having the basic stuff packed at all times and ready to go is prudent. I suggest a backpack not a case as having one's hands free can be advantageous.
Unfortunately bad things happen, natural disasters and man made ones also. Some preparation in the good times will make things easier in the bad times.
Hopefully there's no more quakes.
I know very well what a go-bag is, I have one for medical emergencies, in case something happens to me. However, that is different from what I would take with me if I would leave my house for good or for an undetermined period.
There were quite a few after yesterday, but none of them significant enough to be felt where I live.
Oh sorry, some don't know what it is. I should have known you'd be all over it.
We are continuously advancing in science but still we cannot escape uncertainties. They may come from nowhere in no time.
Whilst it is wise to be ready for getting a go to bag ready, it is wiser to live the moments available to us fully. I mean how often do we waste our time in fears of future and anxieties of past without making any effort to appreciate the present.
There will be decades, till new buildings will be built using the latest technology. The old building won't be demolished, so ...
And you're right, we waste a lot of time with things we shouldn't, we tend to see the half empty part of the glass.
Erika, I hug you tight, and I have no way of predicting what will happen later, in the face of the unexpected someone has to take care of you, and sometimes that someone is yourself, as much as possible prioritize what you should have in your backpack, take into account your capabilities and available resources in the face of difficult and unexpected situations...first is life, it is instinctive. The planet is shaking. God be with you.
Thank you for the hug my friend. I'm organizing things the best way I can and hoping no major problems occur. Not here, not anywhere. There were small ones though, even last night, but not of a magnitude to cause concern. We need to live life to the fullest as we never know what's coming.
Take care my friend and God bless you!
We must live it today and now life Erika we are an instant, Thank God you are well.
A hug back for you.💜🦋
This is really touching. Just focus on what you know is write and do it as there may be no second chance... May God guide each and everyone of you over there❤️❤️❤️
Yo vivo en Argentina Buenos Aires y por aqui no hay terremotos lo maximo fue sentirun poco un templor de gran magniud de chile u otraprovincia pero por suerte no tuve que experimentar eso, claramente me da curiosidad pero con lo que cuentas creo que ya es suficiente para mi.
Sorry to hear you just had such a close experience with earthquake. The tragedy that happened in Turkey and Syria was in our media 24/7 for several days and "your" earthquake was mentioned there too. Oh and today, there was another one in Croatia. I´m no expert on these things but it seems like way too many earthquakes in different places in a very short period of time. Feels like something is bubbling out down there deep inside the planet. Angry Mother Nature I guess. Hopefully, there won´t be any more casualties... Stay strong and safe guys.
Ouch.... Sorry about that.
May God give you guys the heart to bear your loss
This is sad😢
Thank you.
Been pounding over this for a while now and still can’t figure out anything reasonable. Life can be so unpredictable. It doesn’t actually take much to shatter all our so called plans. Tomorrow remains the greatest misery!
Life is always unpredictable, which is good, except when sh*t like this happens.
My country have seen almost all disasters since 2020,
Pandemic, Earthquake, Wildfire, Floods, Economic Crisis, War..
Which country are you in?
I see
Turkey was hit hard, unfortunately and will take time to recover. Turkey needs help on every front, starting with the biggest obstacle you're facing.
You are such a fool. Shame on your Christianity.
If Christ was like you, everyone would have died because they made a mistake.
You think you are the only person to get fat on hive, don't worry, days of Reckoning are coming.
How many minnows the post on the right communities, commenting and replying comments have you upvoted to encourage and support?
All you are drunken with, is to oppress the minnows.
Instead of using love to correct wrongs, you're using your little power to oppress the minnows.
There you are parading as a Christian, a big shame on your Christianity. Hypocrite and Pharisees are better off to relate with than you idiot.
Let me remind you, You are nothing, but a privileged dust of the earth. And to that dust you shall return soon! Nonsense!