Human Responsability And AI
Last week I placed an order for some supplements I need for my eyes. It was during the winter holidays, after new year, everything was closed and I thought if we have the opportunity to order what we want and get it delivered, why not?
This convenient option comes at a price though, as your order needs to reach a certain limit, in order to be delivered for free. My supplement was cheaper than the limit, so I thought I would order two, but the store only had one. The most convenient option for me was to order another product as well and this way I could get them delivered for free. The two products were delivered by two different stores and from my point of view it was a clear option, but later it turned out that things are not always as easy as they look.
After a few days I got a text from the courier company, notifying me that my order is waiting for me in the easy box. I couldn't be happier because I really need this boost for my eyes, so in the shortest time possible, I went to pick up my order. Things started to get suspicious when I opened the door of the box and saw how slim the package sent to me was. I knew right away that one product was missing and it was my eye supplement, unfortunately.
The first thing you can do in such a case is to check the app, to see if you misunderstood something, or there's an update about your order, but what I got was a confirmation notice saying I picked up both of my orders and that I should enjoy them. This is the moment when you start panicking about losing your money, but I knew there has to be an option to contact the company and try to solve the problem, reach some kind of agreement.
After clicking on "assistance", I got a prompt reply from a lady called Diana. I must say, she knew all about my order in a split second, including the time (to the minute), when I picked it up, which was really impressive, but then again, this is the minimum you can expect from an AI agent. All the app has to do is read the information available. This is the easy part.
Anyway, after I told her I only got half of my order, she told me she's transferring me to a human agent. Me,the naive, was waiting for 10 minutes to talk to a human agent, but nothing happened. The day went by, so did the next one and no one contacted me. When I tried to get in touch with them again, there was no possibility because my order was marked as delivered and I already used my option to contact them about that specific order. Not a good feeling, I must admit, but there was no reason to panic still.
My plan was to try to contact them on another order I had, but I got busy and had no time to do it. Then yesterday I got a call from an unknown number. I'm not a fan of answering calls from unknown numbers, but these days it could be anyone, like your bank, doctor or who knows. In this case, it was a nice lady, letting me know that she opened her box and found my pack next to hers. I told her I'm missing one pack. So I went to meet her right away and turned out what she was holding in her hand was my missing pack.
The lady told me she was surprised to see another pack next to hers, so was I obviously, and started thinking about how did my pack end up in another person's box.
Most likely I will never know the truth, but what I think happened is the courier forgot to put both my packs in the box and when they realized it, it was too late as you can't open the box once the delivery is marked finalized, or if the client has picked up the pack already. They could have called me still, but why complicate your life and waste time waiting for someone to come pick up a pack you missed to drop in the right box, when you can just put the pack into another box and hope the person who gets it is decent enough to do the right thing. I'm being sarcastic here obviously.
This is my case and has never happened before, but I suppose I can expect this to happen in the future, because these couriers have so much work every day, but that doesn't mean what they did is right.
I'm not against AI because it's a huge help in so many areas, but there has to be some control over how AI is used and how complaints are handled because online shopping is winning over the old fashion shopping and losing packs will lead to losing clients.
What about you? Have you been in such situation?

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Honest people are in the majority. Good thing you got your package back. I hope customer service improves, it's very annoying to have to deal with machines on the other end of the phone.
Have a nice day. ;D
There's no way to know, but I truly hope so.
Here, there was a gap between AI services and human customer service and I hope they realize the shortcomings in this regard.
Thank you, you too have a nice day.
Erikah, I am very glad that you have recovered the missing product, even if it was through another customer. If we go a bit further... that gives me a lot of faith in people.
I hope that people, those same people for whom I still have faith, will be able to properly delimit the functions of AI and not fail to do their job as it should be.
Greetings and I hope you are well!
I'm glad too as that was the purpose of my order, not the other product.
These are small gestures, but make a lot of difference.
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice weekend!
AI now is all over the web..people who doesn't want to work hard uses AI. But we as a hardworker we need to keep on moving and show the world that AI is nothing to a real person.
Glad you had the medicine for your eyes friend.. stay always in good health and Be Blessed!
Yes, some people are using AI, to bypass the problem, to save them from doing the work, but as in this case, it can be used for a good cause. The problem comes when the process is not flawless and customers are left without the possibility of contacting a human agent.
All the best my friend.
AI is good to be a call center agent😁😁
I recently used my local atm to get some money out. It gave me the money but unfortunately, kept my debit card. I immediately froze my card and ordered a new one. It said I would receive an email saying my new card had definitely been ordered. A few hours later, I still hadn't received an email. I contacted my bank online and chatted to the lovely Cora the chatbot. All I wanted to know was, had my card been ordered? For some reason, she insisted on chatting about refunds, so I ended up terminating the chat as we were going around in circles.
I'm like you, I don’t mind Ai for certain things but in this instance, Cora wasn't speaking my language. Anyway, a few hours later, I finally received an email, so all is well. 😁
Oh God! Having your card swallowed by the ATM is a horrible experience. I've seen it, but thank God I've never been in that situation. I'm glad you got the confirmation email and didn't have to go through more torture.
I didn't have a good day yesterday. I was getting money out for my mechanic. My car's horn wouldn't switch off. It was in perminent beep mode lol. I won't bore you with the details but my mechanic slipped out and disconnected it before my neighbours killed me! Today has been a better day. 😁
Holy heaven, I don't envy you, I know what it means to have a series of these bad events 😅
We get deliveries at our home in the country. Sometimes they are left at the end of our driveway, sometimes on our porch, sometimes in front of the garage, sometimes stuffed in our mailbox. But often at the neighbors house 🙄 Our neighbors and us just sort it out. It happens often enough we just take it over to the right house and don't even say anything. Sounds like no big deal but you get notifications about delivers that don't happen and worry until you figure it out. And feel like you have to wait before putting in a complaint in case it shows up. So yeah I've been in such situations.
I don't like to get packs delivered to my address as then I have to be home almost all day as I never know when the courier comes. And leaving the pack at the door is not possible here, you need to give them the confirmation code. So the easiest is the easy box, which is 106m from my flat 😜
But I'm glad it's possible for you.
Luckily I have not been in a situation like that. I am sorry for the bad time you had and what a bad fact that they kept you waiting for so long to not solve anything , luckily there are still good people left in this world and they were able to deliver your lost package (I still have faith that there are more good people left in the world than bad :)
There are indeed good people and I'm glad my pack ended up in the hand of such good people. It feels good to help and I'd do the same.
What a nice surprise to find someone honest and taking the time to call you.
I find it very frustrating when companies use AI bots to chat. One website's online chat is so bad, that it never understands what I'm saying. Fortunately, one can still call and speak to a human, but unfortunately, that's not the case with all sites, trying to find a telephone number is like searching for a needle in a haystack!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday @erikah <3
Oh God! I thought I'm the only one in this situation but I see it's a worldwide issue.
I'm hoping we get better at chasing down human agents to solve our problems 😄
Have a lovely evening dear Lizelle 🤗
Thanks for sharing, learn something new from you.
I'm glad to hear that.