Fun Adventure In The Garden


These few days are allocated to a very different type of activity. It's nice to take a break from charting and studying and do something else for a change. Gardening means spending time in open air and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

Fun Adventure In The Garden.jpg

Tomorrow (possibly) I'm going to show you how the garden looks like, but today I'd like to show you what we did yesterday and today.


This is the cucumber. We only have one row this year, which is around 10m long. Usually we have two or three rows of 10m long each, but this year we still have pickles left from the previous years, so no need for so many.


The stems are growing fast and at this point, if we don't do something, all of them will be on the ground. Some like to grow cucumbers on the ground, but we don't. Having them grow on a net is way healthier. You can then easily get rid of the side stems that are not needed as only taking nutrients away from the cucumbers. In case of excessive rain, having the cucumbers lay in water can be avoided easily, not to mention they get more sunlight as well. So this is why we use a net and help them grow upwards.


This is the net. It's not new as it can be reused for a few years.



The two poles are tied together with this plastic thing, that in some countries the police is using as handcuffs 😂



Do you recognize the end of the cable? I do. It was my internet cable once, a hundred years ago and as I don't use it anymore, we can use it to tie the net to the poles. This is a form of reusing or recycling, if you like. Here, pretty much everything is about improvising. You don't have to have fancy things that look amazing. You can use everything you want, as long as it serves the purpose. So, cables can be used as well.



Make a loop to fasten the net to the pole.


The net is ready.


All you have to do is help the cucumber find its way to the net.



And the job is done.

Yesterday in my post I told you and showed you, how the currants look, due to lack of rain.


The ugly truth is, some of them look like raisins as they are dry. This is a sign for concern, because if it continues like this, we're going to have nothing to harvest.


The truth is, we have an irrigation system, that is working well, but only for the vegetables. Fruits have never needed irrigation, what usually comes from above has been enough, but times are changing, the climate is changing and this is the result. Today we deviated the irrigation system, to be able to water the currants, gooseberries and grapes too. The well is midway, so we had to pull the hose in the other direction.


I've never used the irrigation system till today, my dad is the one doing it all the time, but today I wanted to do it at all costs. I thought it would be cool. Yeah right! 😂😂😂

First of all, the hose was too short for the distance the water had to reach. As I said it above, here, everything is about improvising. So my dad turned the water on and I faced a real challenge. I had to find a solution quickly.

Without knowing too much, I thought if I raise the end of the hose, maybe I can direct the water further. This seemed like a good idea, but I also needed to disperse the water as I did not have that watering head that watering cans have. Using my finger seemed like the perfect solution in these conditions.

In the end, I was able to figure out how to use what I have, to do do the job. But, as there's always a but, no job is as easy as it looks from outside. Me, the naive city girl, I thought it is though 😂😂😂.

Turns out, the hose is not exactly brand new, or top quality and had some holes at the end. Which means at first, till I was able to figure out what's wrong, I got water all over my hands and face. I needed to cover the hole to be able to continue.

Second problem, the water doesn't listen to you. Physics is a funny science, so depending on where you put your finger, the water deviates accordingly. This mean I was able to water myself too, successfully 😂😂😂.


At the end of my marvelous operation, my shoes were wet and my jeans were dirty. Those are hiking shoes, which means they should be waterproof. Yeah right! Don't believe everything they say. Anyway, not a big deal as they are dry already. Should have used my rubber boots, but I didn't as I was not thinking, but now I know and next time I'll be smarter.


Then we had to put the hose back where it was before, to be able to water the vegetables, but as the ground was muddy, I got my hands dirty 😂. And not only that, but my hands were also hurting. The hose is pretty heavy and I had to hold it tight, to be able to achieve the result I wanted. I was thinking of firefighters honestly. Their hose is much heavier and the water they are using is coming with a higher speed.

Well, regardless of the inconveniences, for me it was a lot of fun and knowing I did something good, makes me feel good. I would do it again, even if I get wet as it's helping the garden.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


0.161 PAL


Wow! You have a very wide garden there. Your hands speak about how hardworking you are. Thanks for sharing this wonderful garden you have there. Stay safe and God bless.

0.000 PAL

Thanks for stopping by, blessings to you too and have a nice day.

0.000 PAL

You're welcome.

0.000 PAL

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Did you at least check it out?

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How about you? Did you check out my post or your only purpose was to drop your unsolicited link?

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I actually didn't check out your post man, if I'm being honest. I was really just trying to spread awarness of my post.

0.000 PAL

You've really water tirelessly in your garden. The cucumber plants look healthy and fresh and i think soon they would grow. It's important to give them water at this young stage as I have seen you've done. Thanks and keep the good work. My greetings.

0.000 PAL

Watering is a must, otherwise we get nothing. With the climate change that is going on, this is the only way of gardening. Those days when nature took care of everything, are long gone. Have a nice day @jude9.

0.000 PAL

That's a looong LAN cable or something... I have a plan to make a rope web over my yard, too...

0.000 PAL

I think you're right. Good luck with the rope web 😀

0.000 PAL

It's very clever to use the cables that way. Sustainability✌🏼

0.000 PAL

Yes, in a way it is.

0.000 PAL

You're always working and that is one thing I love about you
Good one!!!

0.000 PAL

Haha, the police handcuff thing is a cable tie - one of the most useful things in the universe!

Cucumbers are so much better up a trellis. Now for some reason, I have a hankering for pickles and cheese on crackers...

0.000 PAL

in my village many farmers failed to harvest cucumbers due to a rather long drought, so they had to wait for the rainy season to continue sowing the seeds.. I saw you using a net to help the cucumbers grow upwards this is a great idea.

0.000 PAL

We have four seasons, so for us summer is the only season to grow them. If we don't water them, we have nothing. There's no other chance. Yes, the net is a good idea.

0.000 PAL

Yes, it's different from where I live, which only has two seasons...

0.000 PAL

You can get a hose coupler and an extra hose, maybe :) Hopefully it rains soon!

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0.000 PAL

So far this is enough, but if the drought continues, most likely that's what we're going to do. Yes, rain would be better though.

0.000 PAL

It can't hurt to have it on hand anyway?


0.000 PAL

That's true, but the thing is, these hoses are made of rubber, which deteriorates pretty quickly, even if you don't use it.

0.000 PAL

You could get some PVC pipe, maybe? Run the water through your hose as far as possible, and let the pipe carry it the rest of the way? Or just fill buckets as close to the plants as possible, and use them as watering cans?


0.000 PAL

It looks good to work in the garden when it's a fine weather. Thanks for the guide that you gave on the last part of your post. Have a great day ahead.

0.000 PAL