Economic Consequences Of The Ukrainian War In Romania And A Warning For The Hive Community
Last week I was posting about the best places to work from remotely, presented a list of 111 countries, on which Romania was third. I was happy to see it as usually my country is first on most of the lists for all the wrong reasons. There were a few Hiveans that must have envied me for living in such a country, especially after seeing their country at the end of the list.
Here we are today, after only 10 days, there's a war in the next country, there's a humanitarian crises in Europe as tens of thousands of refugees are coming in countries that have borders with Ukraine.
A huge part of Europe being dependent of Russian gas, it was obvious from the very beginning that this war is going to have long term economical consequences. Romania is not a wealthy country, there has been street protests this winter due to the overcharged gas and electricity bills and all this has happened before we knew there will be a war.
In one of my posts I have mentioned that the EURO rate has been kept at a certain level, while the price of food and services has been rising. It was obvious that at some point the EURO/RON rate is going to explode and yesterday instead of 4.999RON/EURO, the rate was 5.11 and 5.12. This is just the beginning as in a couple of weeks we're going to see new ATH's.
I went to the bakery to buy the usual, daily dose of bread and a surprise was waiting for me there too. These products were 0.2RON more expensive today, compared to yesterday, including any type of bread. What was 2RON yesterday is nor 2.2RON and 1.5RON became 1.7RON this morning. It is an interesting approach as the prices have not been increased applying the same percentage as usually happens. Instead each product's price has been increased with the same amount. At the end of the day what matters is that everything is more expensive than it was last week.
This is just the beginning as there's more to come. A part of the government resources has been allocated to hosting refugees and the defense budget has been expanded.
The real effects will be visible in a couple of months, if the war can be stopped. If not, then ...
France has announced that it will relocate a battalion of 500 troops to Romania, as part of NATO forces, following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the head of the French army staff, General Thierry Burkhard, announced on Friday evening. source
A part landed last night as you can see on the photo above.
Refugees are coming day and night, unfortunately the weather has turned cold again, down south, at the Isaccea border has been snowing and up north as well.
At the time of writing it is shelling in Kiev, which leaves me speechless. Knowing we have friends trying to stay alive for another day and there's nothing we can do is horrible.
Warning For The Hive Community
The whole world knows what's going on in Ukraine and because we have the most amazing community, we help those in need. There are quite a few users based in Ukraine, some right in Kiev and Kharkiv, the most dangerous points right now, literally fighting to stay alive. We're waiting every day to hear something from them, to know they are alive. You must have seen their posts are voted massively as that's the least we can do for them. When this madness is over, they will need support to rebuild their lives as it won't be easy.
Unfortunately not everyone is like the majority of us. There are users trying to exploit the situation, trying to convince others that they are in Ukraine, hoping people would vote their posts. We kind of know who is from Ukraine, if not, we know who to ask, so let's make sure we don't reward fraudsters.
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The latter usually use pictures which are not their own making it easier to spot the scam but good you put this heads up about Ukraine which obviously needs help - I'm hosting a family next days..
Very generous of you. We need to help anyway we can.
And yes, we need to keep an eye on these fraudstets.
What is happening in Europe right now is terrible. I think we are all with the Ukrainians and I hope it will end as soon as possible. There are peace protests going on in many countries right now, which is very good, but probably won't deter Putin. The fact that some people still want to make a profit from the crisis is shocking.
Protests are good but won't do anything. Putin has arrested more than 6000 people so far and they won't stop here. As about i other countries... shows support and that's all.
Scammers have no morals.
Whoever frauds the situation has no soul. The current situation is beyond horrendous. I pray for Priyan and all the others as they are going through hell right now.
You know some people have no morals and we know who they are.
Just woke up and checked, no news from them. Waiting anxiously. Must have been a rough night again.
Priy send me a message at 5.30 which I saw now. I saw the latest news. Not looking good :(.
Are they ok? As ok as they can be in this situation.
I don't know. I hope she is able to get back to me. She dm me on Twitter. All the others I don't know but I pray just as much. I stay awake as long as I can to be there for her. Feel bad that I slept when the dm came in :(
Zirochka is ok, she managed to get some sleep and starting her 24h volunteer shift today.
Don't feel bad as you can't be up 24/7.
Glad to hear that. What brave people! I can't be up 24/7 I know, but it is a too import matter to tune out and if moral support is what helps them through I try everything. Seeing the latest from Kharkiv I hope the world stops this madness soon!
Well, food and other stuff were bound to get more expensive as results of price rises since last year, Q4 of 2021. Flour is up 50 %, Fuel is up 100 %, Electricity is up 200 %, meanwhile the government assures you inflation will not go to double digits. Bread increasing 10 % is just an incremental step of it going to where it should go for your bread producers to survive. It's a bloody Red Ocean sector.
Hasonló helyzet van nálunk Magyarországon is. Nemrég még 340 forint volt egy euro, ma 383 forint volt és állítólag egyre rosszabb lesz. Mindennek emelkedik az ára folyamatosan. A napokban több ezer ember érkezett vonattal Ukrajnából. Rengetegen voltak tegnap Budapesten a Nyugati pályaudvarnál mikor munka után haza indultam vonattal. Szívszorító volt látni, sokuknak nem volt hova menni, az önkéntesek tömegszállásra irányították őket. A "szerencsésebbeknek" vannak itt rokonaik, így nekik legalább a szállás egy megoldott dolog. A 97 éves nagymamám attól fél, hogy bekövetkezik a harmadik világháború és nem egyszerű feladat megnyugtatni őt. Remélem hamarosan vége lesz ennek a rémálomnak és újra Béke lesz.
Itt is az van, sajnos. Jönnek, mert nincs hova menniük. Szállodákba szállásolják el őket, de sokan mennek tovább más országokba.
Nálunk is drágulás van, az üzemanyag már 8 lej, az Euró tegnap 5,12 volt, ma már 5,16, kenér, pékárú, minden drágul és lesz ez még rosszabb is.
Remélem nem les belőle harmadik világháború, mert a NATO beleszól, de jó vége nem lesz, az biztos.
Fizetünk mind érte.
Itt az üzemanyag még elfogadható, mert a kormány májusig 480.-Ft-ra korlátozta, de utána állítólag 680.-Ft-is lehet. A korlátozás miatt néhány kisebb benzinkút be is zárt, mert így olcsóbban kellett adnia a benzint, mint amennyiért vette és nem tudták a veszteséget kompenzálni. A vírusosdi után ez a háború még rosszabb. Ráadásul itt a Sberbank is csődöt jelentett ma, így többen, köztük az én munkahelyem is, most nem férnek hozzá a pénzekhez. Nem tudják a működéshez szükséges számlákat fizetni, a munkásoknak a fizetést kiutalni, állítólag két hét múlva ad az OBA egy bizonyos összegű kártérítést, de ez nem fedezi mindenkinek a veszteségét. Most várunk és mentjük, ami még menthető.
Sajnálattal hallom. Sajnos ez várható, ugyanis ez egy láncreakció, aminek még nincs vége. Lesz ez még rosszabb is, sajnos. Remélem a megszorítások, amik Oroszországra lettek és lesznek ezután mérve, használnak majd valamennyire. Sajnos ott is ártatlanok fognak szenvedni, ugyanis Putint nem támogatják sokan. Terrorral nem lehet szeretetet és támogatást kicsikarni.