The beauty of Sunrise today from my city
Hello hivers...
Hello hivers...
This morning I went to the market earlier than usual, yes, that's because today, February 14, is the day of the simultaneous elections in Indonesia. Automatically, many traders in the market had the day off because they were voting at the local polling station.
Pagi ini saya pergi ke pasar lebih awal dari biasanya, ya hal itu dikarenakan hari ini 14 februari adalah hari Pemilu serentak di Indonesia. Otomatis, pedagang di pasar banyak yang libur karena ikut memberikan suara di TPS setempat.
I myself don't care about the election, the most important thing is to stock up on groceries at home first. Next, things that are not too urgent to act on continue.
Saya sendiri tidak ambil pusing soal pemilu, yang terpenting stok belanjaan di rumah dulu harus beres. Selanjutnya, hal-hal yang tidak terlalu urgensi untuk ditindak lanjutkan.
When crossing the bridge in the city center, I stopped for a moment. Sunrise appears to be starting to appear on the eastern horizon. I tried to take some pictures for beautiful Sunrise memories today.
Ketika melewati jembatan di pusat kota, saya berhenti sejenak. Sunrise tampak mulai keluar di ufuk timur. Saya mencoba mengambil beberapa gambar untuk kenangan Sunrise yang indah hari ini.
Because this was an impromptu shot, there were no objects there, apart from the fisherman's net. The reflection of the sunrise from the river adds to the beauty of this morning's sunrise. Those are some of the pictures taken this morning, I hope #discover-it friends like them.
Karena ini jepretan dadakan, tidak ada objek disana, selain jaring milik nelayan. Pantulan Sunrise dari dalam sungai menambah keindahan Sunrise pagi ini. Itulah beberapa gambar hasil jepretan pagi ini, semoga teman-teman #discover-it menyukainya.

Erika Fridayani is my fullname, I am a teacher and just a wife with two children. On Hive just want to share of blog I have every day and hope get many new friend. You also could see my first post on hive here

Very beautiful light.
a lucky moments to capture.