My experience in Nature click with mirrorless camera
Mencoba motret pakai kamera DSLR atau Mirrorless tentunya sangat berbeda ketimbang motret pakai kamera handphone. Aku baru beberapa kali mencobanya, meski belum begitu maksimal, aku rasa hal ini menyenangkan.
Trying to take photos using a DSLR or Mirrorless camera; of course very different from taking photos using a cellphone camera. I've only tried it a few times, although it's not very optimal, I think it's fun.
Awalnya memang terlihat rumit, namun ketika sudah mulai mencoba, hasrat ingin memotret ingin terus dilakukan. Setelah dipelajari, ternyata tidak jauh berbeda dengan kamera handphone, mungkin di pengaturan nya sedikit rumit. Pun begitu kamera DSLR ataupun mirrorless ini juga dilengkapi mode automatik, jadi aku rasa sama saja seperti motret pakai handphone. Hanya detail gambar dan zooming nya bisa lebih bagus ketimbang menggunakan kamera handphone.
At first it seemed complicated, but once you started trying, you wanted to continue taking photos. After studying it, it turns out that it is not much different from a cellphone camera, maybe the settings are a little complicated. Likewise, this DSLR or mirrorless camera is also equipped with an automatic mode, so I think it's the same as taking photos using a cellphone. Only the image more details and zooming can be better than using a cellphone camera.
Aku mencoba kamera mirrorless Sony @6000 milik suamiku, mumpung hari libur, aku mencoba mengambil beberapa gambar disekitar rumah dan tidak sulit dijangkau. Jadi aku bisa fleksibel melakukannya.
I tried my husband's Sony @6000 mirrorless camera, while on holiday, I tried to take some pictures around the house and it wasn't difficult to reach. So I can be flexible in doing it.
Gambar diatas adalah salah satu contohnya; ya benar sekali, seekor burung sedang hinggap di kabel listrik di depan rumah ku. Tanpa ragu dengan mode otomatis, aku mencoba zoom dan mengarahkan kamera ke arah burung tersebut. cukup keren menurut aku.
The image above is one example; Yes, that's right, a bird was perched on the electric cable in front of my house. Without hesitation with automatic mode, I tried zooming and aiming the camera at the bird. results are pretty cool in my opinion.
Nah, kalau gambar ini; kebetulan seorang pesepeda sedang melintas di bukit belakang rumah. Dia tidak sedang mengayuh sepeda. Namun mendorongnya, aku hampir kehilangan moment, dan hanya 1 gambar yang aku dapatkan 😌 pun begitu, hasilnya cukup lumayan kok.
Well, if this picture; Coincidentally a cyclist was passing by on the hill behind the house. He wasn't pedaling a bicycle. But pushing it, I almost lost the moment, and I only got 1 picture 😌 even so, the results are quite good.
Aku suka warna hijau; menurut ku warna hijau dapat memberi nutrisi bagi mata. Jadi aku memotret beberapa tumbuhan liar dibelakang rumah. Hasilnya cukup lumayan bagi pemula seperti aku 😌
I like the color green; I think green can provide nutrition for the eyes. So I photographed some wild plants behind the house. The results are quite good for a beginner like me 😌
Nah, kalau gambar yang terakhir, kebetulan aku menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga berakhir pekan di waduk Lhokseumawe, ya disini adalah sarang burung bangau yang ketika sore tiba mereka mulai menghinggapi pohon bakau tepi waduk. Aku mencoba beberapa gambar dengan mode manual (walaupun ditutor oleh suami). Aku senang bisa belajar motret pakai kamera mirrorless, dan ini pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan. Dan harus sering dicoba, bisa menghilangkan kepenatan menurutku. Nah, sahabat cch community, itulah pengalaman saya mencoba photography menggunakan kamera mirrorless; sangat menyenangkan ☺
Here is the nest of storks which when evening comes they start to settle on the mangrove trees at the edge of the reservoir. I tried several pictures in manual mode (even though my husband tutored me). I'm happy to be able to learn to shoot using a mirrorless camera, and this is a very enjoyable experience. And if you try it often, it can relieve fatigue in my opinion. Well, friends of the cch community, that's my experience of trying photography using a mirrorless camera; so much fun at the weekend ☺

Erika Fridayani is my fullname, I am a teacher and just a wife with two children. On Hive just want to share of blog I have every day and hope get many new friend. You also could see my first post on hive here