I haven't enjoyed the sunrise for the last few days
Hello community...
February is a bright month, almost every morning the sun shines. This morning I tried to take some beautiful pictures at the beach. Sunrise was visible in the sky, there were several fishermen who were anchoring their nets.
Februari adalah bulan yang cerah,hampir setiap pagi matahari terlihat bersinar. Pagi ini saya mencoba mengambil beberapa gambar yang indah di pantai. Sunrise terlihat memerah di langit, ada beberapa nelayan yang sedang melabuhkan pukat.
I took several pictures as a souvenir, before taking advantage of the sun's rays for my body's health by sitting on the beach. I am very happy this morning to be able to see the fantastic natural beauty.
Saya mengambil beberapa gambar sebagi kenang-kenangan, sebelum selanjutnya memanfaatkan sinar matahari untuk kesehatan tubuh dengan duduk di tepi pantai. Saya senang sekali pagi ini bisa melihat keindahan alam yang sangat fantastis.
I haven't enjoyed the sunrise for the last few days, this morning I couldn't waste an opportunity. I dedicate some of the images below to CCH community friends, I hope you enjoy them.
Sudah beberapa hari terakhir saya tidak menikmati sunrise, pagi ini kesempatan yang tidak mungkin saya sia-siakan. Beberapa gambar dibawah ini saya persembahkan kepada teman-teman CCH community, semoga anda menikmatinya.

Erika Fridayani is my fullname, I am a teacher and just a wife with two children. On Hive just want to share of blog I have every day and hope get many new friend. You also could see my first post on hive here