RE: When Hobbies Become Jobs


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One of the weirdest things I've ever seen is the ability to monetize watching other people play video games.

When it comes to video game player monetization, one of the comparisons I give to others is traditional sports. "Did you know there are people who sit in front of their TVs to watch other people play football/baseball/basketball?"

The fact is we could all do our own version of these sports in the real world. We may not be as skilled at the game as professionals, but for the most part these are activities we could do, yet we choose not to. We would rather watch others who are very good at playing those sports.

This is very similar to how livestream video game play works. E-sports is a pretty big deal these days. Years ago people would have laughed at the idea that video game play could be considered a sport and yet here we are in a world where you can get an E-sports scholarship and college degree.

We certainly do live in interesting times. Cheers!


here's the weird thing about even sports though, we now are watching robots do sports events lol So what i think everyone truly wants is a meritocracy system, which is actually going to become a time based system that rewards you for attention. Now at the most simple rudimentary level that only means you focus your attention. if a person focuses less attention then i believe they should receive less in a meritocracy.. so my issue always with hive was that the people with the most money got more rewards.. i want a system where it's purely meritocratis that attention value. it's ridiculous to say well it should be based on work when a machine can do the work better that's inefficient @edicted. it's also inefficient if people are playing sports or games with cybernetics.. even now we have smart devices on our hips with all human knowledge so the dumbest person in the world can pull the info up. jeopardy a mind game of entertainment once may have been something useful but now it's just entertainment. your brain storage is now sitting next to you in a storage device expanding the cranium.

So bottomline any economy based on get up go to work and work hard is an outdated 20th century model that's not going to work anymore. We have to be smarter and more efficiency now and human beings are all but obsolete now. Even writing these blogs are obsolete in truth because it's ai systems writing articles much better and indistinguishable from human beings lol. So ubi is necessary whether i'm watching a human play a game or a game play itself .. doesn't matter anymore. i will get the same entertainment value from watching that game only people that suffer is the most important people which are the humans who don't need that's why ubi is necessary. are you guys wasting your time trying to create businesses on the blockchain and games.. the short answer is yes.. you are.. you should be trying to create ubi distribution systems and ubi distribution systems only!

the problem with hive is the reward system only further centralizes the system. which means in the future it's going to be a less efficient system not a better system. Especially in a world of robotic labor and advances in moving solar energy up to 80% efficiency when now it's only at about 10-15% @taskmaster4450

so you guys good at spinning your wheels and i'd imagine you all are wiling to do that forever.. that's why visionaries like me come in and set your course right when you can't. That's precisely what i'm going to do.

ignoring me not going to stop it.. hoping is not going to stop it.. it's going to happen like this anyway. so take the time to try to boost yourselves a little bit ahead but the future we're moving into it won't much matter.

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